The meeting commenced at 8.10pm. The Barwon Zone President, Mr. Glen Drake, chaired the meeting, and welcomed everyone in attendance. Glen extended a special welcome to the PCAV State President, Mrs. Jan Faulkner.
APOLLO BAY - Jenny Laird, Fiona Waddington
BACCHUS MARSH - Tracey Patterson
BALLAN - Apology
BALLARAT - Yvonne McDonald, Sherryn Smith
BARWON HEADS - Tony Armstrong,
BARWON VALLEY - Jan Calaby, Lee McFarlane
COLAC - Graham Payne, Donna Moloney, Barb Griffiths
CORIO/MOORABOOL - Lynn Evans, Carolyn Ayers
DRYSDALE/LEOPOLD - Nikki Hartney, Deb Irving
LEIGHDALE - Kim & Tony Field
LITTLE RIVER - Sharon O’Halloran, Maxene Warren, Amanda Payne, Vicki Ladhams
LOCHARD - 2 representatives present
PORTARLINGTON - Rod Vallance, Tracy Bold
SMYTHESDALE - Brett Almond, Ros Lonie
EXECUTIVE : Glen Drake (ZP), Judy Beasley (ZS), Deirdre Davey (ZR), Phillip Cobbledick (Z Treas. & State VP), Coral Byrne (ZVP), Maxene Argento (ZCI), Caroline Shirra & family(ZES)
OTHERS : Joe Argento, Judy Winter, Ian Box), Jan Faulkner ( PCAV State President)
APOLOGIES : Beryl Gamble (Colac), Di Wion ( Ballan), Maragret Battye, Heather Anderson (Colac),Fiona Conroy(D/L), Cheryl Morgan, Karen Woodhart(Portarlington)
Minutes of the previous Meeting were - moved for acceptance by Yvonne McDonald
Seconded by Sharon O’Halloran Carried
Business arising from the previous Meeting- Nil
1. Club Newsletters for September & October – Colac, Ballarat, Leighdale, Rokewood, Barwon Valley, Drysdale/Leopold.
2. Mailout from PCAV – Annual Report, MAD Magazine & Council meeting minutes & AGM minutes.
3. Northern Zone AGM & General Meeting minutes for September 2010.
4. BZ ZA & ZCI Meeting Minutes – 17/8/10.
5. All but 4 clubs’ competition dates for 2011.
6. Flyer from Colac PC re: 50th Birthday Celebrations – read out to meeting.
1. August B/Z meeting minutes, B/Z AGM minutes, updated B/Z Calendar of Events – 2010, updated BZ club address list, updated Certificate Circular for DCs.
Correspondence In and Out moved by Jan Calaby. Seconded by Coral Byrne. Carried
TREASURER –Philip Cobbledick
Total Balance as per Bank Statement 28th August 2010 $6610.36
Total Income for May to August 2010 $2033.00
Total Expenses for May to August 2010 $1830.00
Bank Balance as per Bank Statement 30th September 2010 $6524.16
Investment Account $7073.54
Treasurer’s report was moved for acceptance by Philip Cobbledick. Seconded by Coral Byrne Carried
I would like to thank the members of the Panel for your help throughout the year. I know that time is limited but we got the job done without many problems.
Club visits are nearly completed. If a member of the panel has not contacted you would you please let me know.
Course Building Clinic: postponed as it is the same weekend as Equitana. New date is 29th January 2011 – to be confirmed by Ian Box re: the availability of Course Builder Coach.
3 candidates for the B certificate from Ballarat & 1 K candidate from Little River have applied to sit their written paper in the first weekend in December.
Margaret Battye and I will meet clubs on Tuesday 23rd November 2010 at Corio/Moorabool Pony Club grounds at 8pm to discuss the requirements and steps to be taken for C,K, C* & B for next year. This is mainly for the Geelong clubs but all club DCs, Co-ordinators & Coaches for these certificates are welcome. A flyer is available tonight – please advise attendance as soon as possible.
I will be taking the agenda item to the CIP meeting that we make the 40km ride an option and not compulsory for the K certificate, as it is becoming harder to find 40km to ride safely and riders are not riding out like we did but ride in arenas or at camps.
We have 7 C* candidates who have applied to sit their written paper in December. We are entering a new direction here and we wish them well.
It has come to our notice that very young riders are wearing spurs at rallies which are hard to manage with unsteady legs. I can remember Miss Kay saying it was better for a young rider to carry a whip than turn their knees and legs off the pony to try to use the spurs.
Report read by Maxene Argento
Firstly I would like to congratulate Barwon Zone and all the clubs – this year we have had 66 ‘C’ candidates and 5 ‘K’ candidates achieve their certificates – a credit to all concerned.
We also have another group of ‘K’ candidates doing their practical part on Saturday. Good luck to them all.
And a big thanks to the panel and examiners who give up their time willingly and are always there to support the clubs and members.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
The Barwon Zone Dressage & Show Jumping Qualifying Championships are to be held at Colac Pony Club Grounds on Sunday December 12th 2010. Entries for this event will be emailed out shortly. A Grade 4 dressage competition has been added to the program this year. They won’t be going to the States but it will be a good practice for riders who will be moving up into Grade 3 next year and it will be a good experience to compete at zone level. As Barwon Zone is hosting the State Dressage & Show Jumping Championships in February 2011 at Elcho Park it would be great for as many BZ riders to compete at the zone qualifier as it won’t be as far to travel to compete.
Philip C. would like to encourage riders to participate at zone and state level Champs in readiness to put in expression of interest forms for the Nationals Victorian Team as the Nationals are being hosted by PCAV in 2011.
BEDS : Thanks again to Coral and Caroline for the time they have put into organizing and running the BEDS.
Each year the support by riders competing in the series continues to increase – so does the riders’ experience.
A great fundraiser for clubs hosting a BEDS day – winners all round.
Hope to see the Grade 1,2 & 3 riders all competing at the BZ Qualifying Championships in December, with riders going onto the State Championships in February and even the Nationals next September.
BARWON VALLEY : Thanks to Barwon Valley PC for the invitation to an Afternoon Tea on their October Rally, for the presentation of the “PCAV Distinguished Service Award” to Pam Whitten. From Pam’s reaction, she was both surprised and thrilled.
BALLAN: Ballan’s Horse Trials were cancelled again, due to the wet weather and grounds being under water in parts. RE-scheduled for 28th November. This date clashes with a Ballan adult riders camp. The Adult riders provide the club with at least 15 helpers on the day. Being a smaller club, Ballan will need support/help from the clubs to cover the cross country jumps, could be a few other jobs. Please contact Di Wion to offer your help.
GAMES : A few people from the organization (PCAV) would like to change the format of the State Games – PCAV will be sending out some sort of questionnaire to all clubs for feed back. State Games in 2011 – Tent Pegging has been replaced with the Stepping Stones.
WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS : are now mandatory. See PCAV Website for details.
BARWON ZONE – EXTREME WEATHER POLICY: See attached Draft copy plus Checklist for Pony Club Safety (for Competitions) Feedback required for next Zone Meeting in January 2011.
The 2011 State Dressage & Showjumping Championships are to be held at Elcho Park Equestrian Centre on the weekend of 26th & 27th February and hosted by Barwon Zone.
· Information/Program is now on the PCAV Website.
· We are looking for Sponsorship. If clubs know of any business who might interested please contact Judy.
· Job list for the Weekend – clubs that haven’t volunteered for a job will be allocated one.
· Raffle- each club is asked to donate 2 Raffle prizes – value per item to be above $15.00.
· Show Jumping- Ian has this are under control –if any clubs have any sets of break away cups could they let Ian know as we will need them for the weekend. Clubs who have offered their help in the Show Jumping are – PA – Ballarat & Colac
PB – Bacchus Marsh & ?
PC – Lochard & Corio/Moorabool
· Dressage – Maxene is coordinating. Clubs who have offered their help in the Dressage are –
Grade 1 – Drysdale/Leopold
Grade 2 – Barwon Valley
Grade 3 – Ballan
If your club would like to help in one of these areas please contact Judy Beasley.
· Catering – Corio/Moorabool and Little River are organising all the catering for the weekend.
· Zone Uniform – Lynne Evans is organising some samples for us to look at and discuss.
· The next Organising Committee Meeting is on Wednesday 24th November at Corio/Moorabool Clubrooms. We would like a representative from each club to attend.
NATIONALS – 26TH September – 1st October 2011.
Junior Riders under 17years, Senior riders 17- 25 years.
Selection Performance Record – for all disciplines on the PCAV Web Site.
See PCAV Web Site for information and updates.
CERTIFICATES - A Reminder for DCs: Closing Dates for A,B,K, C* & C are set out in the circular sent out to all Barwon Zone DCs. Paperwork with candidates’ details, must be sent to the Zone Examining Secretary, Margaret Battye by the due date.
B.E.D.S. – Caroline Shirra
BEDS has had a great year. We had a fabulous Final yesterday at Drysdale/Leopold with great weather.
This year we had approximately 1144 riders compete with a total of $36,000 earned by clubs. It has been the biggest year to date. Thanks to the BZ Executive, Club DCs and the clubs for their support.
We introduced the BEDS Brownlow this year for presentation and sportsmanship – worked well.
President Jan commented that she called into D/L yesterday. There was a happy and peaceful atmosphere at the event. Congratulations to BZ on the BEDS series. It has raised the standard of dressage. Other zones are envious and don’t know how to go about running a competition like the BEDS.
President Glen commented on the comradeship – the series has brought riders from all clubs closer together. There was even a BEDS Breakup Party in the carpark after the event, which many of the riders and their families attended. 6 riders from different clubs presented Coral and Caroline with gifts of appreciation. It was wonderful to see.
Clubs hosting BEDS in 2011 – Little River, Rokewood, Corio/Moorabool, Mt. Duneed, Leighdale, Ballan, & Drysdale/ Leopold.
Some clubs still need to pay for their BEDS affiliation for this year.
Reports were moved for acceptance by Tony Armstrong and Seconded by Deb Irving Carried
1. BARWON ZONE UNIFORM – Lynne Evans showed the meeting a jacket and a vest that could be used at states.
A suggestion was made that a t shirt be used for the show jumping teams. A long sleeved white shirt and tie and vest be used for the dressage teams – would need to check with PCAV first re: the vest.
It was suggested that we look at having something casual for 2011 such as a spray jacket with Barwon Zone State Team written on the back, and look into vests or something more formal for the following year.
Sharon O’Halloran (Little River) moved that a waterproof spray jacket be used as a Barwon Zone social jacket for 2011 State Championships, with Barwon Zone State Team printed on the back.
Seconded by Tony Armstrong (Barwon Heads). Carried
2. BZ GAMES, FLAT & MUSICAL RIDE QUALIFYING CHAMPIONSHIPS : falls on Sunday 24th April 2011, which is Easter Sunday. Corio/ Moorabool are down to host. How do clubs feel about having it on this day? There are really no other weekends to hold it as clubs have booked up their events.
Action: leave it to the host club to decide what day to run it on.
3. Barwon Zone Showjumping Squad – Ian Box has been approached by a number of clubs enquiring about starting up the Barwon Zone S/J Squad again. Are clubs interested? Lochard are very interested.
Probably thinking of running clinics in the April and September school holidays on a Friday & Saturday.
Could we please have some response from clubs at the State DR & S/J Championships Orgainising Committee Meeting to be held on 24th November 2010 at Corio/ Moorabool.
Apollo Bay – We have 8 members. We finance ourselves by fundraising and grants. We have 2 qualified NCAS instructors. Our grounds have suffered from the wet. They are not permanent grounds – it is a year to year proposition. We have applied for 28acres of public space.
Lochard – The new kitchen is finished. We are planning for our annual instructional camp in January.