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(This Syllabus is for Summer Semester Only - Diana Walsh, Esq.)
(Diana Walsh, J.D (N J Bar)
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the practicing engineer to the ethical, legal and intellectual property issues relevant to engineering decision-making.
2. To impart the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical and legal concepts to engineering decisions.
3. To identify the ethical, legal and intellectual property issues involved in the management of specific engineering problem areas.
4. To provide an understanding of the ethical, legal and regulatory environments within which these issues arise.
5. To facilitate an understanding of the law and its implications with respect to the practice of engineering by analyzing court decisions and statutes.
Required: Mrtin/Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, 4th Edition.
Halbert/Ingulli, Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 4th Edition.
Final grades for this course are determined as follows:
<TBODY>Virtual Conference Participation / 25%One Final Exam / 75%
<DIV align=center>
<TBODY>Week / Subject1 / Introduction: What happened to “Common Sense”? What is Law? What is Justice?
What makes an act good or legal? The Speluncean Explorers. / Martini & Handout
2 & 3 / What constitutes our Legal System? And are there alternate tools to resolve disputes?
/ Martin & Handout
4 / When is there a duty? Carvalho v. Toll Bros. & Develop., 278 N.J. Super 451 (1995) Zeran v. American Online, Inc. (1997) / Martin Halbert 1 Handout
5 & 6 / Is there a conflict between an employer/engineer’s obligations & his or her rights? Can we have privacy with the advances of technology? / Martin, Halbert 2 & 3
7 / Should the nature of the workplace be changed by law? / Halbert 4
8 / How safe must the workplace be? Is the engineer responsible for society’s safety? Quaker Oats Company v. Ciha (1996) / Halbert 5 Martin Handout
9 / Should our ethical instincts in preserving the natural world trump the freedom of free enterprise? Where is the line? / Halbert 6 Martin
10 / Does advertisement mold or reflect the values of our today’s society? / Halbert 7 Martin
11 / When is a product “defective”? Can an “Unread” warning be inadequate? Liebeck v. McDonald (Ouch! Coffee’s too hot) / Halbert 8 Martin
12 / What constitutes Intellectual Property? And is digital information “property”? Dendrite International, Inc. v. John Doe (2001) / Halbert 9
Final Exam Project: Four or Five contemporary hypothetical cases in which, as a legal team, you will carefully analyze the facts, consider the legal principles with which you will be familiar, arrive to a decision as to the ethical and legal principles that should be used to resolve the issues in question.