THE DEMOCRACY DEFINED not-for-profit Campaign
Campaign philosophy endorsed by academics, attorneys, doctors and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
(Standard English Spelling)
People who are recipients of the information dispersed by the owned and controlled mass media will be aware of Milton Friedman’s intellectually persuasive advocation of monetarism and free market economics in preference to state interventions. However, this is but one side of his beliefs.
There are those who say Milton was merely the mouthpiece of the unseen plutocrats who, for their own power and richesse, finance and run the political parties. This viewpoint asserts that the few wealthiest people and institutions have behind-the-scenes control over all politicians, policies, programs and agenda, which are, however, paid for by the ordinary taxpayers. Milton Friedman was against such illegal and antidemocratic abuse of power.
The proof that Milton stood aloof in opposition to this government-corporate corruption is in the fact that Milton endorsed THE REPORT. To his critics and admirers alike we say, you are in for a surprise when you ponder on the facts and information which follow. Milton sought the good of all and strived for the creation of a more compassionate society.
If you have read THE REPORT, you know that it reveals the Illegality of the Status Quo and confronts this plutocratic criminal intervention. That is to say, THE REPORT exposes, as never before, that government and corporate monetary interests are causing U.S. and Western régimes today to adopt a felonious modus operandi, the result of ulterior (i.e. concealed; illegal) money-motive.
THE REPORT is an evidentially based thesis and indictment of government. It is comprised of Seven Parts (or chapters). It is also endorsed by a Professor of Physiology Fellow of The Royal Society, eminent academics, doctors (of a variety of disciplines) and judges (U.S. & U.K.). Obviously, one cannot replicate here the evidence presented in THEREPORT’s 254 pages and The Solution to Global Warming, but there follows a short description.
Compromise and Complicity.
When people do come to an understanding of the realities surrounding modern politics and global macro-economics, these government-corporate ‘vested interests’ weigh heavily upon them. Mainstream media, editors and reporters, men and women of frail or negative character cannot bring themselves to articulate publicly and honestly, the facts and philosophy which expose particular political interventions to be venal, and hence criminal.
Principles are compromised. Truth, the universal natural law is fractured; and ultimately, innocent people in their millions become victims of government injustice, corporate avarice and Global Warming. In the teeth of these government-corporate interests, Milton resisted; where others succumb and adopt a mendacious position either of unconscionable tacit acquiesence to, or active abetment and support of, the Illegality of the Status Quo. It is fitting as our tribute to Milton as an endorser of THE REPORT and a foe of tyranny that the following be brought to people’s attention. Milton would have wished that, even in his passing, his influence would work to the beneficial illumination and liberation of the people.
“Whereas there is a plethora of publications and programmes about theproblem of Global Warming, this book provides the solution.”
As time passes, the urgency, the relevance and the importance of the solution embodied in THE REPORT, increase. Amongst other revelations, see the following.
It is of primary importance that people understand why fossilised hydro-carbons, coal, oil and natural gas, should not be regarded, nor any longer be allowed to be misused, as ‘fuel’.
Combustion of fossils releases their carbon as carbon dioxide gas (CO2), increasing the total quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide has an especial capacity to retain heat. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the hotter it becomes, this being called the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. Not less than 80 per cent of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere comes directly from the burning of natural gas, and coal and oil products.
The current planetary atmospheric temperature increase, i.e. Global Warming, is a man-made, not a natural, phenomenon. Since 1850, at which time accurate records were commenced, CO2 has increased in the atmosphere from 265 parts per million (ppm) to 378 ppm, to date. Emitted in an historically short period, or, relative to geological time-scales, in the blink of an eye, this represents a colossal 42 % increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A single small power station’s annual fossil combustion to generate energy for only 4,000 households (at a lower average consumption rate than the U.S.) releases pollutants, as follows:
88 tons of sulphur dioxide;
66 tons of nitrous oxide;
10 tons of flying ash; and
13,750 tons (thirteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty tons) of carbon dioxide.
Statistiken; Bundesregierung Deutschland.
Heat is the generator by which our weather systems are activated. In addition to raised sea levels (from polar ice-cap and glacial meltdown) the danger and damage to life, property, agricultural production and civilised order, arise from:
floods; temperature increase enables prevailing currents of air to carry more moisture, precipitating as increased rainfall upon the land. Warming of only a small fraction of 1°C can result in many more inches of rain - trillions of tons of catastrophic floodwater; viz. uncharacteristic recent floods in England, France, Germany, Vietnam, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Florida, Northern Italy, New South Wales, Cambodia, South Africa, Siberia, Chile, Bangladesh, Taiwan and Mozambique; and,
from turbulent airstreams, storms, gales, hurricanes, cyclones and tornadoes, viz. increasing intensity and frequency of life-destroying, devastating hurricanes in numerous parts of the world.
Multiple-thousands of recent human fatalities, destruction of animals, crops and property are attributable to Global Warming’s floods, hurricanes and drought. Based on death and destruction already perpetrated, Global Warming represents no less a threat to the people of the world than World War.
THE REPORT shows that the threat and damage from Global Warming by emissions from the combustion of fossils, are totally needless and inexcusable. The unprecedented (new) formulation in this book proves not only that the energy alternative to nuclear power, natural gas and the fossils (oil and coal) already exists, but also that it is nonpolluting, and that it comprises the cheapest fuel-energy known to mankind.
Following Hurricanes Mitch, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, and others, THE REPORT also contains the effective method and technical remedy by which the complete stabilisation, or reversal of Global Warming is achieved, if reversal becomes or has become advisable – or imperative.
Increase in atmospheric temperature is sometimes nonchalantly dismissed as “normal intermittent fluctuations.” These conspiratorial statements are not backed by the indications, nor by impartial scientific studies. This verbal shrug by representatives of the coal and oil interests, is the money-motivated, predictable attempted obscuration of the fact that government and corporate Owners of coal and oil, would prefer the industrial world, ruinously and homicidally, to continue to consume their fossil material.
‘Fluctuations’ do not satisfy these data. While the incaution of foolishness is to be regretted, the dissemination of falsehoods for short-term monetary gain and political hegemony is to be condemned. Serious change in composition of the atmosphere, notably the CO2 increase, renders Global Warming to have resulted from the misuse of fossils as ‘fuel’. Unless immediate responsible legislation emplaces The Solution, the indications are that Global Warming will continue.
Politicians remain recalcitrant: none are so blind as those who will not see. THE REPORT explains how magnates of corporations, and governments, comprised of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, amongst whom some persons are more culpable than others, succumb to an ulterior corrupt money-motive to wage this World War of Global Warming upon the people of the planet by choice.
When the danger from combustion of fossils remained unrealised, their misuse as ‘fuel’ was purblind and unfortunate. However, since the danger was recognised, and since The Scientific Solution to Global Warming has been published, the protracted misuse of fossils as ‘fuel’ by the failure of governments to implement The Solution has been the wilful premeditated committing of a political act in which large-scale homicide is implicated; an act for which individuals of government and corporate institutions are accountable.
Global Warming is a catastrophe for which politicians have made themselves accountable. Allowing continued build-up of atmospheric CO2 by emissions from consumption of coal and oil is the indictable act of: Crime Against Humanity; Crime Against Peace; Betrayal; Criminal Dereliction; and Conspiracy (Racket; U.S.).
By not adopting The Solution, politicians endanger All.
NO further increases in atmospheric CO2 from fuel-combustion are acceptable: human lives continue to be taken and the world population remains at risk.
The Kyoto Treaty with its proposed ‘reductions’ of increases in CO2 emissions is a destructive elaborate diversion.
All misuse of fossils as ‘fuel’ must be stopped at once.
In delaying implementation of The CBEE Solution, governments become culpable for homicide. Individuals who comprise these governments represent legitimate targets of public wrath and just retribution. Global CO2 emissions are attributed as follows:
North America...... 28%
East European countries...... 25%
Western European countries. . . 15%
China...... 15%
There is now no serious dissent to the postulation that it is as certain as it is possible to be that continued misuse of fossils as ‘fuels’, of coal, natural gas and oil, threatens great and continually increasing detriment to the planetary environment. Only the degree of the damage and the speed at which it can occur are in debate.
Taking the most conservative consensual estimate of 2½°C average Global Warming with attendant Mean Sea Level increase of approximately 12 inches in 30 years and 40 inches by 2100, large areas of land, productive coastal and low-lying plains, scores of major cities and densely populated regions will be invaded by the sea.
Unless this Solution is implemented forthwith, to give but a very few examples, significant portions of Holland, Germany, Florida, the Great Chinese River Basin, Bangladesh, East Anglia, New York, London, Tokyo and Venice, can expect inundative obliteration within decades.
Misuse of uranium and the finite, diminishing quantity of astronomically-priced fossils as ‘fuel’, benefits only the government-corporate Owners of these poisoning underground minerals; absolutely nobody else…
Modern Uses of Cannabis.
Quotation from THE REPORT:
“For Mankind’s macroeconomic requirements, energy derived from cannabis is cheaper than energy from coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, wind and wave-power, geo-thermal, pressed-seed vegetable oils, hydrogen-from-water electrical separation, etc. Cannabis is the most economical resource to fuel and energy known to Mankind. Cannabis-Methanol provides fuel which is pollution-free.”
These statements are demonstrated as fact, for the first time on record, by the analysis given which comprises The Cannabis Biomass Energy Equation (CBEE), in THE REPORT.
To the question, “Scientific Solution — why cannabis ?” the answer follows:
Firstly, Cannabis Sativa is the most prolific and quick-growing bulk-producing wood-plant species.
Secondly, the best explanation of how cannabis can replace Mankind’s misuse of fossils and uranium as ‘fuel’, is contained in the following axiom:
Everything which is derived from hydrocarbons can also be derived from carbohydrates.
The Pyrolytic Reactor A Fractionating Column for the Destructive Distillation of Biomass to Obtain Fuel & Products.
‘THC-rich’ Cannabis Sativa grows up to and over 15 feet (c. 5 metres) in height without fertiliser in a single season (4 months), yielding delectable protein-rich staple seed food (no relaxant in seed), cellulose-rich bulk wood-hurds for pyrolytic fuel and lubricants, paper and plastics and fibre for textiles.
The U.S. National “Soil Bank’s” registered fallow land (c. 89 million acres) can be planted with soil-enriching, non-depletive cannabis as a fallow rotation crop, producing enough Cannabis-Methanol, oil and BTU-gas to enable the United States to become not only self-sufficient, but also a net fuel-energy exporter. This is achievable without planting up a single new acre or subtracting land area from current food production.
Carbohydrates are the basis of biomass; that is, organic material, plants and organisms. Oil and coal are fossilised biomass. All are carbon-based matter. Commercial goods (plastics, man-made fibres, products, paints, chemicals, etc.) fuel, and energy now extracted from oil and coal can equally be produced from fresh, recently grown biomass. The technical viability of biomass as a resource to fuel and energy is well established and demonstrated.
[See techno-scientific bibliography in THE REPORT.]
Quotations from THE REPORT:
“Hegemony, in the physical rather than moral sense, that is, politico-military power and leadership, derives from ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of wealth. Appropriation, or misappropriation, of the sources of fuel-energy became crucial to those with commercial interest and/or political ambition.”
“Acquisition of Ownership of subterranean minerals was facilitated by the expedient of government legislation and by monopoly: the licensing of preferred (state or private) corporations to exclusive trade in the invaluable energy resources. Thus, the People are forced to pay two ‘Owners’ for fuel.”
“Governments’ fiscal intervention (exorbitant duties, taxation) has led to fuel-energy becoming the principal component in the industrial production of wealth, today accounting for not less than four-fifths (4/5) of the Cost of Production of Gross World Product: all extracted resources, commercial goods, food and services.”