Committee on Undergraduate Programs

Minutes of September 27, 2005

Members Present: Lesley Putman, Marilyn Robbert, Laura Reissner, Mike Burgmeier, Brent Graves, Steve Grugin, Chet Defonso, Sheila Burns, Michael Davis (ASNMU rep), Dave Rayome.

1. Approval of/alterations to the agenda: no changes

2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of September 16, 2005:

Additions to minutes of 9/16/05: Dr. Putman was unanimously elected as Committee Chair for the 2005-2006 (this is Lesley’s final year as Chair) and there has been some discussion from the administration that Lesley’s commitments to CUP have interfered with teaching requirements. The committee strongly supports the need for an effective chair with release time sufficient to execute the duties of the committee.

Amended minutes were approved

3. Report of the Chair

Lesley has been asked to present report to Senate.Suggestions for inclusion in presentation: Review the details of CUP proposals with the Senate. Make sure basic procedures are followed when submitting proposal to CUP. Supporting documents need to be included. Bulletin language needs to be reviewed.

Future Meetings: 10/7 Friday 11-1

10/18 Tuesday 9-11

10/28 Friday 11-1

11/4 Friday 11-1

11/11 Friday 11-1

11/15 Tuesday 9-11

4. Unfinished Business

a.Dept. of Philosophy: New course- PL 190. December 14, 2004

Robbert, motion-, Defonso, second: Motion to approve: Denied

b.Dept. of English: New course- EN 410. March 9, 2005


c.Length of time a course can be in bulletin without being taught

Robbert: Over 100 courses in bulletin that haven’t been taught in 3 years. Will have proposal next time. Will start with courses that haven’t been taught in 5 years.Tabled

d.Credit for study abroad courses

Discussion: As the Internationalization movement continues to emerge for CLEAS there are curriculum procedures in place and people proposing trips need to go through those. People proposing trip must specify what types of activities will be completed. Additional hours following trips to reflect on experiences. Should we consider creation of a form to look at content, pedagogy, contact hours, activities, guidance? How do you justify the contact hours? Faculty proposing these trips need to be saying this is what I’m doing and why. If they go and take class they get X number of credits. If they go and take tours, they get Y number of credits. Museum trips counts as lab time.

Action: Lesley will talk to Louise Bourgault about the need to go through the established procedures for CLEAS

Lesley will include in Senate report the need to look at International courses by looking at credit hours, contact hours, and activities.

e.Dept. of Sociology: Sociology Curriculum Revisions. August 24, 2005

Received e-mail update from sociology.

Action:Items 1-4 Grugin motion, Rayome, second: Approved

Item 5. Lesley will request from Sociology justification for what features are present in this course to justify new level (i.e. work expectations, readings, types of readings) that make this a 300 level course.

f.Dept. of Communications Disorders: Major Curriculum Revision. September 2, 2005

Lesley will invite Helen Kahn to next meeting to discuss. Tabled

  1. New Business: Tabled
  2. Dept. of Economics: New course - EC 311 Economics of Sports. September 6, 2005
  3. Requiring a capstone course for ICP proposals.
  4. Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures: New courses – IP 199A, IP 199B. September 16, 2005 (enclosed)
  5. Dept. of Economics: Prerequisite changes. September 16, 2005 (enclosed)

Meeting Adjourned 10:55

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Reissner

Secretary of the day