Community Recreation 11 Course Outline

Claremont Secondary School


PE 11 provides students with an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of recreational activities at the school and in the community. The course content includes PE activities, classroom work, personal recreation, course certifications and journal entries. Student responsibility and accountability is paramount in a course of this nature. Students who do not uphold individual responsibilities may be excluded from certain activities. In situations where a student is excluded from an activity, appropriate make-up work will be assigned and must be completed.


A variety of traditional PE activities will be explored, based on the availability of facilities. The emphasis moves away from skills and drills and towards full participation. Typically the class will make one community trip per week. This requires cooperation between the students and the teacher to ensure that all students have rides and meet at the required times. Community outings may include archery, bowling, curling, laser tag, beach volleyball, golf (driving range and mini), climbing, billiards, aquatics, squash, gymnastics, fitness classes, ice skating, roller blading, etc.

Your Responsibilities:

  • To show up on time and in appropriate strip for every daily activity.
  • To have and keep a positive attitude about every activity.
  • To participate in all activities, even if they are not your favourite.
  • To support your classmates during activities.
  • To treat each other, the teacher, the equipment and the facilities with respect.

Course Certification:

The students may (depending on funding) participate and obtain their “Safety Oriented First Aid” (CPR- level “C”) certificate through CR 11. The certificate is a definite assets when applying for employment

Classroom Work:

At least ½ hour per week will be devoted to classroom work, discussions or demonstrations. Such topics may include active health, leadership, journal writing/information, upcoming events, etc.


All students will be required to keep an activity journal that will be collected periodically (dates determined by teacher). There is one journal assignment per term (600 words each). Entries are strictly the students own thoughts and opinions towards their activities, experiences, involvement, problems, concerns, etc. (See Journal Writing Hand-out for more specific information).


Category / Explanation / %
Participation / Attitude towards physical activity and behaviour as indicated by daily participation (refer to “5 Point Responsibility Scale”). / 60%
Certification / 1-2, four period courses taught by experts from the community. / 10%
Leadership / Designing and leading a minor game to your peers. / 15%
Journals / 2 journal entries submissions that meet the criteria (see Journal Entry Hand-Out). / 15%

Physical Education Program Policies & Guidelines

Daily evaluation is based on the following "5 Point Responsibility Scale":

5EXCELLENTOutstanding attitude, participation and effort, encouraging and issupportive

of others, demonstrates positive leadership skills and is volunteering.

4GOODPositive attitude, cooperative, respectful and demonstrates good sportsmanship.

3AVERAGEAdequate participation, effort and attitude.

2POORInattentive, disruptive, not on task, poor sportsmanship.

1VERY POORUnsportsmanlike behaviour, unprepared for activity, off task.

0Unexcused absence, no strip or removed from class.

Attendance Policy:

As participation is a critical component of daily evaluation in P.E., regular attendance is compulsory and is an important factor in determining a student's overall evaluation.

1.Missed Learning Time Policy: If a student is absent, an appropriate note from a parent (or doctor) is requiredwithin two days of returning to school. Participation marks for an "excused absence" is "2.5" out of "5". Students are encouraged to improve this daily mark by completing an additional assignment or performing an equivalent activity to be graded and recorded. Opportunities for students to make up missed time are provided at lunch during supervised periods in the gym or weight room, or on occasion, after school. The student is to discuss and agree upon a suitable make-up activity, length of time and date for completion with the teacher.

2.It is the student's responsibility to make up any tests or assignments missed as a result of being absent. In order to receive credit for absences the student must make up missed learning time. Failure to complete missed learning time will result in a "0" score.

3.If the student is at school and needs to be excused from P.E., a note from a parent with an explanation for the request is required for the teacher prior to the beginning of the class.

4.“3/5/8": Unexcused absences will not be tolerated.

Three Unexcused Absences:A phone call home from the teacher or an administrator.

Five unxexcused Absences:Meeting with parents, an administrator and the student, as well as two Friday school detentions (theory and physical).

Eight Unexcused Absences:May be withdrawn from the course.

Medical Excuses: Students with medical issues are encouraged and expected to participate to the best of their ability. It may be necessary to adapt the P.E. curriculum to meet their learning needs. The P.E. teacher will use professional judgement and consider the following steps when adapting a program to meet the learning needs of a student:

A.)Student and teacher will discuss the nature of the injury or illness and agree to a level of participation during the period of instruction (ie. written assignment, referee &/or score keeper, take notes, moderate/limited participation...). (2-3 missed periods)

B.)Communication from parent(s), student's physician and /or health specialist to determine the level of student participation. (more than 5 missed periods)

C.)For those injuries or illnesses that require extended absences from daily participation, the "Adaptation/Modification Policy" regarding medical conditions and student safety will be adopted. (more than 10 missed periods)

Excessive Excused Absences:

A student with excessive excused absences will most likely receive an “I” on their report card. The student will be expected to make-up the missed learning and class time in order to receive credit for the course.

P.E. Strip Requirements:

Appropriate P.E. strip is compulsory for all P.E. activities. "Appropriate strip" is as follows:

SHORTSNo jeans , no zippers.

SHIRTFull-size, no inappropriate words or graphics.

SHOESTwo pairs: one for outside activities, one for inside (clean, non-marking).


SWEATSHIRT Or equivalent type jacket for outdoor activities (we go out rain or shine!).

SUGGESTIONSSweat/track suit, cleats, clean socks, water proof jacket, change of clothes.

Gymnasium Rules:

1.)No students are permitted in the gym unless directly supervised by a teacher, approved P.E. assistant or supervisor.

2.)Absolutely no food or beverages in the gym.

3.)Proper gym strip is required for all gym activities.

4.)Respect for all P.E. facilities and equipment is required (and expected) at all times.

5.)Lunch time activity is encouraged. Proper strip is required.


We encourage students to leave their valuables in their lockers (due to theft). There are many P.E. lockers available for daily use in the change rooms. Students must supply their own lock and remove it at the end of the each period everyday. Locks that remain on the change room lockers may be cut off at the end of the day.

Cut here ______

Should you have any questions/concerns regarding the course outline pleases do not hesitate to contact your son's/daughter's teacher at the P.E. Department at 658-6681.

Please sign to verify that you and your son/daughter are aware of the requirements of this course and return this section to their teacher A.S.A.P.

Thank you for your support.


The Claremont PE Department

Course: ______Teacher: ______Date:______

Student's Name: ______Student's Signature: ______

Parent's/Guardian's Signature: ______Parent’s email ______