Integrity, Respect, Compassion and Commitment
NOTE: This handbook contains important information regarding school policies, rules and procedures, and graduation requirements. While school administrators, counsellors and teachers review this information, it is the responsibility of all students to be familiar with those aspects of the handbook that pertain to them.
Some policies are under review and might be subject to change during the year.
Mr. Alan StelE-Mail:
Ms. Andrea DeVitoE-Mail:
Mr. Jeff GuyE-Mail:
Ms. Donna MorozE-Mail:
Ms. Kersten GrantE-Mail:
Ms. Michelle GlibberyE-Mail:
Mr. David NackoneyE-Mail:
Ms. Robyn RichterE-Mail:
158 Eckhardt Avenue East
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 1Z3
Telephone: (250) 770-7750
Fax: (250) 770-7766
Warning Bell: / 8:30 a.m.Period 1: / 8:38 a.m. – 9:59 a.m.
81 minutes (including 5 minute homeroom)
7 minute break / 9:59 a.m. – 10:06 a.m.
Period 2: / 10:06 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. (79 minutes)
7 minute break / 11:25 a.m. – 11:32 a.m.
Period 3: / 11:32 a.m. – 12:51 p.m. (79 minutes)
LUNCH BREAK / 12:51 p.m. – 1:41 p.m. (50 minutes)
(warning bell 1:34 p.m.)
Period 4: / 1:41 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (79 minutes)
Collaborative Planning Dates
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Warning Bell: / 9:38 a.m.Period 1: / 9:43 a.m. – 10:48 a.m.
(65 minutes)
8 minute break / 10:48 a.m. – 10:56 a.m.
Period 2: / 10:56 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. (64 minutes)
6 minute break / 12:00 p.m. – 12:06 p.m.
Period 3: / 12:06 p.m. – 1:10 p.m. (64 minutes)
LUNCH BREAK / 1:10 p.m. – 1:55 p.m. (45 minutes)
(warning bell 1:50 p.m.)
Period 4: / 1:55 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (65 minutes)
Schools Open / Tuesday, September2, 2014Thanksgiving Day – schools closed / Monday, October 13, 2014
Provincial Pro D Day
– schools closed / Friday, October 24, 2014
Remembrance Day observance
– schools closed / Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Professional Development Day
- schools closed / Friday, November 28, 2014
Schools close for Winter Vacation / Friday, December 19, 2014
(last day of school)
Schools Reopen / Monday, January 5, 2015
Family Day
- schools closed / Monday, February 9, 2015
Professional Development Day
- schools closed / Friday, February 20, 2015
Schools close for Spring Break / Friday, March 13, 2015
(last day of school)
Schools Reopen / Monday, March 30, 2015
Good Friday – schools closed / Friday, April 3, 2015
Easter Monday – schools closed / Monday, April 6, 2015
Professional Development Day
- schools closed / Friday, May 1, 2015
Victoria Day- schools closed / Monday, May 18, 2015
Administrative Day
(students not in attendance) / Friday, June 26, 2015
Welcome to Pen High,
If you are opening this agenda for the first time because you are entering grade nine this fall or because you are coming to us from another school you should know that you hit the jackpot. This agenda booklet is a bit like a winning lottery ticket. There is no recipe that can guarantee that you will be successful, but Pen High has many of the ingredients that will support you on your journey toward graduation and well into your life. In addition to integrity, commitment, respect, and compassion two other key factors contributing to your success are initiative and motivation. Ask questions, be prepared, work hard and never hesitate to be your own advocate. Teachers and employers value these traits above many others. The secret to your success lies quite simply in pursuing these qualities.
Start today by using this planner. Take note of your homework. Plan your week. Stay organized. Studies indicate that once your brain acknowledges the physical action of writing down a notation it typically becomes imbedded in your memory, which in turn makes the notation or written reminder unnecessary. The actual act of writing yourself a note is crucial, but once it is written consider yourself reminded. Looking at your calendar in the end only serves to remind you how organized and efficient you are.
Pen High is a fabulous school with excellent teachers and amazing opportunities. You are now a thread in the purple and gold tapestry, and a full-fledged member of this proud community. Take ownership of your future by implementing these attitudes and strategies. We will expect no less from you at Pen High.
Have a great year!
Mr. Stel
This information has been prepared for the benefit of both students and their parents. A major purpose of its use will be to help students become better aware of school procedures and activities at Pen High.
Penticton Secondary School enrolls approximately 1,250 students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.
To create the very best learning environment, members of our learning community will consistently strive to act with integrity, respect, compassion, and commitment.
- practice exemplary behaviour and take responsibility for what we say and do
- respect all others no matter their differences
- demonstrate kindness and patience with others and gratitude when receiving assistance
- engage in meaningful learning and teaching that contributes to the development of self and others
Learning best occurs in a positive environment that is free of violence, intimidation, harassment, and possession and use of illegal substances. Such a positive learning environment is best fostered by a system that generates mutual respect in the school community.
Code of Conduct
1.(a)Students are expected to:
(i)Maintain courteous relationships with fellow students, teachers and other people involved in the school system;
(ii)Respect public and personal property;
(iii)Actively promote the general welfare of the school and the student body;
(iv)Be honest and straightforward in their dealings with others;
(v)Adhere to all classroom, school and district rules and policies;
(vi)Attend school daily and promptly at the appointed hours;
(vii)Work diligently at their studies without disrupting the work of others;
(viii)Maintain appropriate standards of hygiene, dress and language;
(ix)Maintain a healthy lifestyle and attitude.
(x)Conduct themselves with academic integrity and honesty.
(b)Penticton Secondary School regards the following as examples of serious offences that are not acceptable in our school: bullying (including cyber-bullying), harassment, disrespect, theft, intimidation (including verbal or physical harassment/intimidation), physical violence, emotional abuse, discrimination; the possession, use and/or trafficking of illegal or restricted drugs, alcohol, or substances; possession and/or use of weapons.
(a)While 1(a) establishes and encourages a preferred conduct for students, provision must be made for those occasions when behavior, conduct or effort fails to meet expected standards. The Student Conduct section of this handbook sets out specific disciplinary measures to deal with such cases.
(b)In dealing with such cases, certain principles of fair process are important and shall be followed:
(i)Cases will be dealt with as expeditiously as is possible;
(ii)Principals, staff members, and/or outside agencies involved shall use discretion and sound judgment;
(iii)Students and/or parents/guardians will be informed in writing in cases of code violations which involve a significant period of suspension;
(iv)Students with identifiable special needs may require special consideration in the selection of appropriate forms of intervention;
(v)Consequences will take into account a student’s age and maturity level.
3.Penticton Secondary School will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of this Code of Conduct.
4.Every student shall be subject to the Code of Conduct established for the school and district while on the school premises; to and from school and at all school approved extra-curricular and co-curricular activities whenever and wherever held.
The learning process encompasses a variety of important activities that require students to be present. These include direct instruction, hands-on learning, student discussions, presentations and guest lecturers, debates, demonstrations and guided practice.
For the above reasons, all students are expected to attend all assigned classes.
Each evening, the school’s Automated Student Call-Back Program automatically phones the parent/guardian of students who were absent from one or more classes that day. Parents are requested to please call the school the day of the absence to verify and/or excuse the absence – 250-770-7750.
If the parent is unable to call the school, we ask that on the day of return to school, students bring a note to the office to excuse their absence. The excused absence will then be recorded on the computerized attendance. If a student is to be absent for several days, parents should request homework for this time period.
Senior (Grade 11/12) Attendance Policy
Students who accumulate several unexcused absences from a course will be referred to the office by their teacher. Excessiveunexcused absences will result in a parent/student/administrator meeting that may result in the student being withdrawn from the course. Students who are withdrawn from more than one course may have their entire schedule affected.
Junior (Grade 9/10) Attendance Policy
Junior students’ attendance may be monitored on a daily basis by the administration. Phone calls home will be made on unexcused absences; students who are truant from school will be required to make up truancies at lunchtime in the ISC (In-School Completion) room. Parent meetings, in-school suspensions and detentions will be used before out-of-school suspensions are assigned for excessive truancies.
Students who arrive at school after the beginning of the first class are expected to sign in at the office. Lates to class or to school are not expected to occur with frequency and abuses will be dealt with firmly through detentions and/or in-school suspensions.
Early Dismissal - Inter-School Activities
Early dismissal for co-curricular activities is arranged through your coach and sponsor. Your coach or sponsor will submit your name to each of your subject teachers stating the date and time to be dismissed. If your subject teacher does not give his/her approval you will not be allowed to attend the activity in question.
Early Dismissal - Personal Appointments
Requests for early dismissal must be made at the office. Present your appointment card or note to the secretary who will give you an administration slip for the appropriate subject teacher. Please return the administration slip to the main office. Upon your return to school, check in at the main office.
Planned Absences
From time to time, students will be absent from school for extra-curricular activities, family holidays or other planned events. Four school days prior to leaving school, students are required to fill out a Planned Absence Form and have it signed by all classroom teachers. This form is available from the main office.
Students absent with a valid reason will be required to submit work and complete missing tests or assignments on the day of return to schoolor on a date set by the teacher.
Students are expected to complete all assignments to the best of their abilities. At this school, it is not acceptable to “take a zero”.
Students are required to participate fully in all aspects of instruction (e.g. discussions, group projects, presentations and demonstrations).
Students who fail to complete work may be directed to complete the assignment in a supported classroom at lunch, after school with a teacher or in consultation with an administrator.
Announcements from the Pen High Daily Bulletin are read by teachers in the morning during the first class of the day and are also available on the school website. Items for student announcements require a sponsor/coach signature; forms are available in the office. P.A. announcements are kept to an absolute minimum.
Fire Drill Procedure
Teachers will advise classes of the appropriate exit from each room at the beginning of the year. When the fire bell rings:
1.Teacher will lead the class out of the appropriate exit, having designated one student to close the windows and doors.
2.Students leaving the room are expected to act in a quiet and orderly manner.
3.Upon exiting the building students are expected to remain with their classroom teacher at a safe distance from the building until they are dismissed or asked to return back to the building.
Home Contact
Home contact is essential for student success at school. The Automated Student Call-Back Program will contact the homes of students absent from school to verify reasons for absence. Usually the program calls the majority, but not all of the students who were absent. In addition, teachers, counsellors and administrators will contact parents regarding concerns about student progress by using telephone calls, interim reports, interviews and letters. Please send us your e-mail address so that we can contact you more efficiently.
The library is open all school days from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. A full orientation is offered to new students in September, including instruction on computer searching on the on-line public access catalogue, searching on the Internet, use of periodical indexes, policies and procedure, and a knowledge hunt. This orientation program is conducted through students' English classes, and library skills are reinforced throughout the year. Standard loan period is three weeks.
Locker number and combinations are distributed by homeroom teachers during the first week of school. Following the first week, lockers are distributed at the office.
While the locker to which the student is assigned remains the property of the school, the student is expected to maintain the locker in a neat and tidy condition and to keep it locked with a school authorized lock, at all times. If a student wishes to decorate the inside of their locker, decorating material must be appropriate for the school setting. Removal of the decorating material must be
relatively easy. Although locked, these lockers are not always secure; therefore students are asked not to leave valuables in them. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students should not share their locker combination with others.
Lost and Found
Please see the office staff for the location of stored Lost and Found items.
Medical Room
Should a student need to go to the Medical Room, he/she should ask the teacher for permission to report to the office secretary. Arrangements will be made to have parents pick up the student, if necessary.
At times, it is important that a parent be able to contact their child at school. If this happens to you, have your parents contact the school office and explain the problem. In an emergency, you will be located to be given the message.
Student Activity, Textbook Deposit, Grad and Yearbook Costs
Our local Board of School Trustees has approved the following student charges for the 2014/2015 school year at Pen High.
- $50.00student activity
- $50.00school yearbook (optional)
- $50.00textbook deposit fee
- $80.00graduation (only for grade 12’s)
When a student returns all his/her texts and library books and has no other outstanding school fee, his/her textbook deposit fee will be carried forward to the next school year. If the student is in grade 12 or not returning the next year, the textbook deposit fee will be mailed home during the first week of July.
Physical Education Fee
This year we have instituted an athletic fee for both Junior and Senior students; $20.00 for Juniors and $40.00 for Seniors. The fee is an optional fee. This fee is designed to offset expenses associated with the community components of our physical education program at Penticton Secondary School. Students enrolled in these programs can expect to participate in some of the following activities: Bowling, Curling, Racquetball, Squash, Golf, Kickboxing, Yoga, and First Aid. Some other incidental costs relate to transportation and equipment replacement.
For students who choose not to participate in the community component option there is always a no cost school based option available. Please advise the school if you son or daughter is opting out of this component so a credit can be applied to their financial account as an automatic $40.00 (Senior) and a $20.00 (Junior) charge has already been applied. The contact person for the school is Ms. Lee-Anne Boothman at 250-770-7750 Ext. 6622.
In instances where the athletic fee represents a financial hardship and your daughter or son is interested in participating in the community component of the Physical Education program, requests for assistance can be made through the Penticton Secondary School PE Department or through an administrator in the PSS office.
Textbook Procedure
Books will be issued during the first week of classes. During the school year, texts can be signed out or returned in the accounting office. If a book is lost during the year, a second one must be purchased through the grade administrator. At the end of each year, lost and abused books will be deducted from the student's textbook deposit fee. If these costs exceed the amount of the deposit, the student will be billed the balance.
Each Pen High counsellor is assigned specific students and grade levels for academic counselling purposes (i.e. course changes, course planning, work experience, etc.). Counselling assignments are posted in the counselling area located down the hall from the main office. Although students must meet with their assigned counsellor for academic reasons, they may go to see any of the counsellors for personal reasons.
If you wish to see a counsellor, contact them directly, outside of class time. If you cannot locate a counsellor please make an appointment in thecounselling area.
Withdrawal From School
Before a student withdraws from school, he/she must meet with his/her counsellor to discuss this decision. Parents and teachers will normally be consulted in this discussion. If it is decided that withdrawal from school is in the best interest of the student, the counsellor will provide them with information on job search strategies as well as the various tasks to be completed prior to leaving school.