Tuesday 18th March 2014

President Richard Barwick opened the meeting at 6.30pm

Attendance: Tim Youngberry, Matt Sheridan, Rose Hopper, Kathy Newman, Vicki Green, Richard Barwick, Brett Torcetti, Tina Torcetti, Wendy Noller

Apologies: Nil

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 18th February 2014 were perused.

Items to discuss in general business: All Fundraising

Correspondence: As presented by Vicki Green

In:Parent Talk magazine

Bank Statement

Numerous fundraising promotions

Official invoice (uniforms)

Reckon invoice – Quick books back up support / upgrades for the P&C accounting system $300 – after discussions it was decided that this expense was not beneficial.

Australian Charities – to update P&C details

Treasurer’s Report: See attached

-As per the statement dated 28/2/14 bank balance is $9,910.34

-Balance to current date stands at $9,889.14

-Accounts to be paid include bookclub (Feb & Mar), poloshirts, P&C Qlds – affiliation & insurance

Principals Report: Tim Youngberry presented his report – for a detailed list of items covered please see attachment.

-Great Results Guarantee submitted

-Multi-lit: up & running – all support staff trained

-Maths / Spelling take place daily

-A great response for the Twenties Club reading challenge

-Awesome results are being achieved for end of year benchmarks in the senior room

-Playgroup – starting term 2

-Senior camp – Currimundi – end Oct

-The Junior room would benefit from concertina doors – Tim will organise solid quotes and enquire with facilities to see if they will contribute funds.

-Tuckshop: Kathy Newman has offered to take on the tuckshop coordinating to enable Terri to go about her work

General Business:

Bunnings BBQ – Sunday 18th May 2014

Matt Sheridan & Wendy Noller will co-ordinate this fundraiser.

A certificate of currency from Marshall Insurance needs to be signed and sent for confirmation – Vicki will post this.


A roster will be drawn up for Term 2 onwards


Cricket event – Rose sent an email to enquire if we can tie this in with an “all sports” night, no reply as yet. To be followed upon.

Raffle– general consensus is that a car / tinny is too much of a risk if all tickets aren’t sold.

Richard will look into quotes for TV & DVD / Sound System / ipod and docking station.

We need to look into limitations of a substantial raffle and whether permits are needed.

It was thought $5/ ticket is ample to charge people.

Raceday – to request more information

Shave for Cure:

-Tina has access to Security Guards for no charge if required due to possibility of high profile players in attendance

-A gold coin donation on entry will boost funds raised

-Entertainment confirmed: Local Police Officer Greg Burton; Chappy Matt & friends Martial Arts demo

-To be confirmed: Local Fire Truck, Petero, Katsidis and football net

-Commendations to all the brave people for putting their heads / limbs on the line for this fantastic charity AND congratulations to chief organisers Rose Hopper, Brett & Tina Torcetti!

NEXT MEETING: 29th April 2014 – AGM and General Meeting