Masaki and Ito: Guide for Contributors


Acoustical Science and Technology: Guide for contributors

Shinobu Masaki1* and Akinori Ito1†

1 The Acoustical Society of Japan
Nakaura 5th Bldg., 2-18-20 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0021 Japan

(Received April 1 2010, Accepted for publication April 1, 2011)

Abstract:Acoustical Science and Technology is a bimonthly open-access journal edited by theAcoustical Society of Japan, established in 1980 as the Journal of Acoustical Society of Japan (E).The title of the journal was changed to the current title in 2001. AST publishes about 100 high-levelarticles (including papers, technical reports and acoustical letters) each year.

Keywords: Acoustical Science and Technology, author’s guide

PACS number: 00.00Aa


Masaki and Ito: Guide for Contributors


1.1. Scope

Acoustical Science and Technology [1] is a bimonthlyEnglish journal edited by the Acoustical Society ofJapan. The journal scope covers all fields of acoustics- both scientific and technological. Submitted papersshould contain or describe something new that has neitherbeen published previously nor is under current submissionfor publication elsewhere.

1.2. Paper Categories

Contributions should be of one of the following six categories:

PAPERS: These should be based on original researchor report findings regarding basic or appliedproblems which are considered to make asignificant contribution to any field of acousticsor acoustic engineering.

TECHNICAL REPORTS: Useful test reports andtechnical data.

ACOUSTICAL LETTERS: Recent research resultsfor rapid review and early publication. Thesame results may be included in a new manuscriptsubmitted later to this journal as an original PAPER.

REVIEWS: Overviews and surveys about a specificresearch field or a technology of acoustics.

SHORT NOTES: Brief reports on scientific researchas well as discussion or comment on papersthat have been published previously in thisjournal.

TRANSLATED PAPERS: Translated manuscriptpublished in the Journal of Acoustical Society ofJapan in Japanese. This publication must be approvedby the editorial board of the AcousticalScience and Technology beforehand. Manuscriptshould be a complete translation of the originalJapanese version. Note that this TRANSLATEDPAPER is not recognized as an original peer reviewedpaper.

1.3. Copyright

Copyrights to all articles accepted for publication are held by the Acoustical Society of Japan.

1.4. Membership

Membership in the Acoustical Society of Japan is NOT a prerequisite for contributing to the journal.

1.5. Language

Only papers written in English are acceptable forpublication.

1.6. Limitation on the Number of Pages

Twolimitations pertain to the number of pages in print forcontributed manuscripts to each category. One is thestandard length, and the other is the maximum length.They are abbreviated respectively as SL and ML, respectively.They are given as shown in Table 1.

An extra charge will be levied if a printedmanuscript, including illustrations, is longer than theSL. Manuscripts that are longer than the ML will berejected and returned to the author(s) without review.

1.7. Publication Charges

Contributors are requested to paythe publication charge shown in Table 2 to support thepublication cost.

Table 1 Page limitations

Category / SL (pages) / ML (pages)
8 / 12

Table 2 Page charge

Category / Charge (JPY)

This charge includes 50 offprint copies. This chargeis discounted 20% if the manuscript is prepared usingLaTeX. Additional copies of offprints are available bythe unit of 50 copies. The fee is 2,500 JPY times thenumber of pages for 50 copies.

1.8. Extra Charges

Contributors must pay the extracharges if the number of pages exceeds SL. The costdepends on the number of excess pages as follows:

10,000 JPY for one excess page

25,000 JPY for two excess pages

40,000 JPY for three excess pages,

60,000 JPY for four excess pages.

This extra charge cannot be reduced even if LaTeX isused. Mailing Addresses: Manuscripts should be sent tothe Editorial Board of Acoustical Science and Technologyby e-mail.

E-mail address:

Note that the manuscript must be sent as an attachedfile in PDF format.

1.9 Subsidy for Contributors

Authors who have severe economic difficulty in payingthe publication charge may apply for full or partial exemptionof that charge. Please note that the additionalexcess-page charges may not be exempted. Authors whowish to receive this subsidy are requested to apply byletter to the Editorial Board. Application in any form isacceptable, but should contain a brief explanation aboutthe reason for the application. Its adoption or rejectionis left to the Editorial Board. The decision will be takenby considering the claimed situation as well as the scientificand technological merits of the manuscript. Thepublication of the manuscript may be delayed to balancethe number of pages, and thus the cost of the ASTissues, if the exemption is accepted. Fifty offprint copieswill be sent to the authors who have applied to this program.


Manuscripts must be prepared by observing one thefollowing two styles: (1) formatted papers using LaTeX,(2) Plainly typed papers.

2.1. Submission as a Formatted Paper Using Latex

Use of this style is recommended by the EditorialBoard. Please refer to the style file andthe sample file of the Journal for the preparation.These files are linked from the following URL:

Please note, however, that no technical support for thisfile can be provided by the Editorial Board.

2.2. Submission as a Plainly Typed Paper

Please adhere to the following requirements if yousubmit your manuscript under this option.

(1)Manuscripts must be typed 1.5-spaced in blackletter with wide margins (approx. 3 cm) on the top, bottom, and each side of A4 size paper (2129.7 cm).

(2)The first page (page one) of the manuscript shouldinclude only the following items:

  1. Title of paper.
  2. Full name(s) of author(s).
  3. Affiliation(s).
  4. Approximately five keywords.
  5. Subject classification number(s) based on theAppendix for Acoustics, Physics and AstronomyClassification Scheme (PACS)- latest of theAmerican Institute of Physics.
  6. A short running title of not more than 50keystrokes (characters, spaces and punctuation).
  7. Paper Category (Paper, Technical Report,Acoustical Letter, Short Note, Review, orTranslated Paper,).
  8. The complete mailing address of one author towhom referees’ comments and galley proofs areto be sent.
  9. List of the numbers of sheets of each material,i.e., the number of pages in the text, the numberof figures, and the number of tables.
  10. Classification as specified from the following:Psychological and Physiological Acoustics,Speech, Ultrasonics, Underwater acoustics,Noise and Vibration, Electro-acoustics, MusicalAcoustics, Architectural Acoustics.

(3)The second page should include only an abstractof 200 words or fewer. Abbreviations and specialsymbols should not be used in the abstract. Citationsof figures and tables in the main part of themanuscript should be avoided. Reference citationsshould also be avoided.

(4)Symbols, formulas and equations must be writtenwith great care to avoid confusion, capitals andlower case letters being distinguished where necessary.Also clearly specify the distinction between1 (one) and the lower case letter l (ell) as well asbetween zero and o (oh) of the alphabet. Greekletters and unusual symbols should be defined bytheir names in the margin in red letter where theyare employed for the first time in the paper.

(5)References must be numbered consecutively intheir order of appearance in the text. They shouldbe identified by numbers enclosed by brackets attachedto appropriate words in the text. Theyshould be typewritten on a separate sheet of paperat the end of the manuscript. Citations froma periodical should give initials and name(s) ofauthor(s), title of article, name of periodical, volumenumber (underlined), beginning page number- final page number, and year of publication. Citationsfrom a book should give initials and name(s)of author(s), book title (underlined), editors if any,publisher, location of publisher, year of publication,and page(s) cited.
[1] H. J. Sabine, “A review of the absorptioncoefficient problem,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 22,387-392 (1950).
[2] L. L. Beranek, Acoustics (McGraw-Hill, NewYork, 1954), pp. 180-185.
Unpublished materials or personal communicationsmay be mentioned briefly in the text, buttheir sources should be listed in the references.The use of footnotes should be avoided.

(6)Illustrations including lettering should be of suitablesize for reproduction such that they are easilylegible after reduction of their size. The width of afigure on a printed page should be below 12.5 cmif the full page width is to be occupied or below6.5 cm if the half page width is to be occupied.The author should indicate, for each figure, whichof the two widths they desire for the particularfigure. Each figure should be labeled clearly withthe name of (the first) author and the title of paperat the bottom of the sheet. Figure captionsmust be typed with double-spacing on a separatesheet of paper at the end of the manuscript withthe numbering in the order of appearance in thetext. Figure 1 shows an example of a figure.

(7)Each table should be typewritten double-spacedon a separate sheet of paper at the end of the manuscript. Each must be associated with its owncaption. The tables must be numbered consecutivelyin order of appearance.

(8)The approximate location of each figure or tableshould not be indicated in the text.

(9)Biographical notes and a (recent) photograph ofthe author can appear in PAPERS, TECHNICALREPORTS, REVIEWS, and TRANSLATED PAPERS.They should be sent to the Editorial Boardof Acoustical Science and Technology with theoriginal manuscript upon notification of acceptance.

(10)One printed page consists of around 910 wordsfor Papers, Translated Papers, Technical Reports,and Reviews. A page is around 1050 words forAcoustical Letters and Short Notes. Please note,however, that the first page requires space for thetitle, author name(s) and affiliation, which are collectivelyequivalent to approximately 300 words.Moreover, the biographical note and a photographfor each author require a space allocation of about150 words.

(11)Unacceptable English language grammar and usagein the manuscript will be corrected by nativeEnglish speakers. The authors will bear part of thecost of corrections. The charge will be up to 5,000JPY per printed page, depending on the time requiredfor the correction. An invoice will be sentto authors as a part of publication charge whenthe paper is published.The authors can identify on the first page of themanuscript not to use the English correction processonly when the manuscript is reviewed by thenative English speakers.


The Acoustical Society of Japan was founded in 1936.Any person or corporation interested in acoustics is eligiblefor membership in this society.

Annual Dues: Members: 9,000 JPY; Sustaining Members:30,000 JPY. Major credit cards may be accepted.

If paying by BANK TRANSFER, remittance should bemade to: The Acoustical Society of Japan, A/C No.469-3935498, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Shinjuku-Chuo Branch. Transfer to Postal Giro (Jpn. Postal Giro:00120-9-136290) may also be accepted.

Further information concerning membership may beobtained by addressing the Secretariat of the Society.

The Acoustical Society of Japan URL:

Nakaura 5thBldg., 2-18-20 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0021 Japan

Tel.: 81-3-5256-1020, Fax: 81-3-5256-1022,



Subscription orders should beaddressed to:

MARUZEN CO., LTD. P. O. BOX 5050,Tokyo International, 100-3191 JAPAN

Tel.: 81-3-3273-3234, Fax: 81-3-3278-9256

Subscription rate (for nonmembers,surface mail postage is included)

Annual . . .65.00 USD

A part of the publication cost is supportedin part by Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific ResearchResults from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


All contents of the Acoustical Science and Technologycan be accessed through J-STAGE (Japan Science andTechnology Information Aggregator, Electronic) of theInternet for free. URL of the J-STAGE is as follows (Freeaccess):


[1]H. Tachibana and Y. Suzuki, “Acoustical Science andTechnology – An Improved Version of the Journal ofAcoustical Society of Japan (E)–,” Acoustical Scienceand Technology, 22(1), 1-1(2001).