ARC Financial Management Meeting

Roadmap to Success

May 20, 2015

I-clicker Session Feedback

Your role in the organization is best described as:

A.  Financial – 24

B.  Budget – 6

C.  Other Administrative – 2

D.  Program – 2

What is the most important aspect of the financial management and accounting services ARC provides your agency?

A.  Cost savings – 4

B.  Reporting Timeliness and Accuracy – 20

C.  Specialized Knowledge and Technical Skills – 13

Which additional service would be most beneficial to your business?

A.  Customer Self-Service Password Resets – 10

B.  Customer Self-Service Help Desk System – 9

C.  More Robust Personal and Real Property Management System – 18

How do you prefer to receive reconciliations and audit deliverables?

A.  Email – 17

B.  Web Based Data Sharing Environment –19

C.  I Don’t Need Anything. ARC Handles Everything for Me – 2

What area of financial management does ARC need the most improvement in?

A.  Audit Support & Financial Reporting (Financial Statements, GTAS, etc.) – 4

B.  Transaction (Document) Processing – 12

C.  Budget Reporting – 5

D.  Reconciliation and Customer Communication – 13

What’s the most important benefit of a business intelligence tool?

A.  Presentation-ready reports and Dashboards – 22

B.  Automatic Report Distribution on a Schedule – 8

C.  Forecasting and Budgeting – 7

D.  Performance Measures – 2

How often does your organization review its Status of Funds workbook?

A.  Daily – 11

B.  Weekly – 10

C.  Monthly – 6

D.  Less Frequent Than Monthly – 2

How do you feel about your organization's budget status and detailed spending data (via the DATA Act) being made available to the public on a monthly basis?

A.  I Feel Very Confident in the Integrity of my Agency’s Data - 19

B.  I am Concerned About the Questions That May Come up by Having This Data Available – 8

C.  I am Concerned About Our Ability to Produce the Information Required – 10

D.  I am Not Sure What You are Talking About – 3

How does your organization currently manage its property accounting (both accountable and fixed assets) program?

A.  We have our own property system – 10

B.  We use ARC’s Fixed Asset Module – 9

C.  We rely on spreadsheets to track accountable and fixed assets – 13

D.  We rely on a contractor's service/system other than ARC – 5

How satisfied are you with your current approach to managing accountable property and fixed assets?

A.  Our agency has a strong program with good internal controls that have a proven track record in audits – 11

B.  Our agency's program is okay but could be improved – 16

C.  Our agency's program is weak but has not been a focus of past audits – 5

D.  Our agency's program is weak and it is a concern for our current audits – 5

In the Personal and Real Property Management arena, is there a good government need for a shared service approach to this area?

A.  Yes – 18

B.  No – 3

C.  Undecided – 12

How do auditors influence your processes and procedures?

A.  We only change processes and procedures due to audit findings when we agree it improves internal controls. – 20

B.  We change processes and procedures due to audit findings even when we do not agree it provides value. – 9

C.  We challenge auditor recommendations that all new internal controls must meet a cost/benefit test. – 7

D.  We do not change. – 0

Where do you feel ARC should focus more attention?

A.  Improving systems and business processes. – 22

B.  Providing more customer outreach/relationship building with customers. – 11

C.  Developing personnel in financial management topics. – 3

D.  Standardizing practices across all customers – 1

How often do you use the ARC Customer Access Page?

A.  Daily – 18

B.  Occasionally – 12

C.  Never – 6

My agency currently uses financial management data from ARC's platform by:

A.  Relying on Discoverer to meet its management reporting needs. – 29

B.  Maintaining a separate data warehouse from ARC to meet its management reporting needs. – 0

C.  Maintaining Spreadsheets – 6

D.  Other – 1

How helpful would you find an integrated budget formulation - financial management offering?

A.  Very Helpful – 22

B.  Somewhat Helpful – 5

C.  Not Needed – 2

D.  I am not in a position to answer – 8

How often do you see your key ARC contacts in Accounting in person?

A.  Not often enough would like to have more face-time by current Parkersburg contacts. – 14

B.  Too Much! – 0

C.  We do not need face time as remote tools such as phone and email work fine We would prefer a DC-based contact – 19

D.  We would prefer a DC-based contact – 4