Lesson Summary: Students identify the parts of speech that are included in prepositional phrases. Advanced learners will receive expanded instruction that includes identifying the adjectives and adverbs used in prepositional phrases. Struggling learners will add prepositional phrases to short, simple sentences.
Lesson Objectives:
The students will know…
- the parts of speech that are included in prepositional phrases.
- identify prepositions.
- identify prepositional phrases in sentences.
- identify the parts of a prepositional phrase.
- use prepositional phrases in writing.
Learning Styles Targeted:
Visual / Auditory / Kinesthetic/Tactile
1)Write a “What Am I?” riddle that describes an object in your classroom on chart paper. For example, “I hang above the board in the center of the room. Students glance at me throughout class. My hands move in a circle. What am I?”
2)Ask students to guess the answer to the riddle (clock). Then, have students take turns creating similar riddles for the rest of the class to answer.
3)Note students who are reluctant to contribute to the discussion.
Whole-Class Instruction
Materials Needed:paper and pencils
1)Display or distribute the sentences below that contain prepositions used in phrases.
[I stepped on the rug on the floor. The sweet potatoes are in the vegetable bin. Freddy is sore from yesterday’s football practice.]
2)Read each sentence aloud. Then, circle the prepositions in each sentence.
3)Lead the class in identifying the other parts of the prepositional phrase (e.g., object of the preposition and any modifiers).
Guided Practice
4)Display the following sentences:
- Josh begged his friends for a pencil before class.
- The puppy slept under the warm blanket.
- I received my gift from my grandmother.
6)Note students who are reluctant to contribute to the discussion.
Independent Practice
7)Have students choose two prepositions from their charts and write sentences using the prepositions in prepositional phrases.
8)Invite students to exchange papers with a partner, circle the prepositions in their partner’s sentences, and then label the parts of the prepositional phrase.
Closing Activity
9)Have any reluctant speakers from the Pre-Assessment activity use what they have learned about prepositional phrases to create a riddle about an object in the classroom.
Advanced Learner
Materials Needed:paper and pencils
1)Display the following sentences:
- Josh begged his friends for a red pencil before science class.
- The puppy slept under the warm, soft blanket.
- I received my gift from my Italian grandmother.
Struggling Learner
Materials Needed:paper and pencils
1)On separate index cards, write the simple sentences provided below (without the words in parentheses).
[1. Come with me. (into the garden)
2. She wanted to go. (to the movies)
3. I hung the picture. (on the wall)]
2)Have students add prepositional phrases to the simple sentences (sample phrases are provided in parentheses).
3)Invite the students to complete the activity by working in groups to create sentences similar to ones provided.
4)Then, have groups trade sentences with another group and add to the simple sentences with prepositional phrases.
5)Encourage volunteers to share their completed sentences with the rest of the class.
*see supplemental resources
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