Information Form for Biblical Counseling at Christ Chapel

In order for us to best serve you, this form needs to be completed in its entirety, unless otherwise directed or the question does not pertain to you in any way. Please do not alter the format of this document.

Date: ______

Personal Information:

Name: ______Age: ______Sex: ______Birth Date: ___/____/_____

Mailing Address______Phone (h): (___) ______

City, State, Zip ______Phone (w): (___) ______

Email: ______Phone (c): (___) ______

Is it ok to send mail to your address if necessary? ( ) Yes ( ) No

For Confidentiality, when and where do you prefer to be reached? ______

Emergency Contact: Name: ______Phone: (___) ______Relationship: ______

Who referred you or how did you hear about us? ______

(Website, Church bulletin, Soul Care Group, CCBC Pastor, Friend, Other,) Please name person above

Family Information:

Martial Status: Never Married ______Married ____ Separated ____ Divorced ____ Widowed ____

Wedding Date of Current Marriage: ___/____/_____ Number of Marriages: ______

Spouse’s Name (if married): ______Date of Birth: ___/____/_____

Have you ever been separated? ______If so, when? From ___/____/_____to ___/____/_____

Has either of you filed for divorce? ____ If so, when? ______

Number of Children/ages: ______

Any other information about your family that would be helpful to know: ______


Scheduling Information:

Do you have a spiritual friend that that would be willing to come in with you? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If so, what is their name? ______

Please list specific days/times for your appointment availability:

Monday  morning Tuesday morning Wednesday  morning Thursday  morning Friday  morning

 afternoon  afternoon  afternoon  afternoon  afternoon

 evening  evening  evening  evening  evening

Any other information about scheduling that would be helpful: ______



Health/Medical Information:

Rate your health (Check one): Excellent ___ Good ___ Average/Fair ___ Poor ___Other ____

Have there been any significant weight changes in the past year? ______

List any major present or past illnesses, injuries, or handicaps: ______


Are you presently taking any medications? ______

If so, please list the medications and their purpose:






Date of last medical examination: ___/____/_____ Your physician:______Most recently hospitalized for medical reasons: Date:______Reason ______

Have you ever had any psychotherapy or counseling before? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, list the counselor/therapist and time period: ______


Were you satisfied with the results from previous counseling? ______

If applicable, is your spouse willing to come in for counseling? ______

Occupational/Educational Information

Occupation: ______

Level of Education: ______Date(s): ______

If currently a student: Field of study: ______Part-time  Full-time 

Institution, University or College: ______

Religious Information:

Do you attend church? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, where? ______

If Christ Chapel, what is your affiliation? (Check one) Member__ Regular Attendee __New Attendee__ Other__

Where did you attend church growing up? ______Are you a Christian? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Please describe how your relationship with Christ began: ______


Please describe how your relationship with Christ has progressed: ______


Explain recent changes in your religious/spiritual life, if any: ______



Personality Information:

Have you ever experienced a severe emotional upset experience that negatively effected your daily functioning? ( ) Yes ( ) No

If yes, please explain______


Please list any addictions: ______

Have you ever had hallucinations? _____ How many hours of sleep do you get a night? ______

Do you ever feel suicidal? _____ If so, please explain? ______


Do you feel depressed? No _____ Mildly _____ Moderately _____ Severely _____

Do you feel overwhelmed? ______If so, explain: ______




Please check how often the following thoughts occur to you?

1. Life is hopeless. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

2. I am lonely. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

3. No one cares about me. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

4. I am a failure. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

5. Most people don’t like me. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

6. I want to die. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

7. I want to hurt someone. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

8. I am stupid. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

9. I am going crazy. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

10. I can’t concentrate. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

11. I am depressed. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

12. God is disappointed in me. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

13. I can’t be forgiven. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

14. Why am I so different? ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

15. I can’t do anything right. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

16. People hear my thoughts. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

17. I have emotional numbness.. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

18. Someone is watching me. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

19. I hear voices in my head. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

20. I am out of control. ___Never ___Rarely ___Sometimes ___Frequently

Please comment about each of the above thoughts that occurred frequently or are a concern to you: ______







1. What is the main problem as you see it? (What is your reason for coming to Soul Care?)

A. . Please rate the severity of your present concerns on the following scale. Check one:

 Mild  Moderate  Severe  Totally Incapacitating

B. What areas of your life are being most affected by this problem? (Check all that apply):

 Home  Work  Marriage  Other Relationships  God  Church/ministry

 Other ______

Please Explain:

C. How long has this problem existed?

D. How have you attempted to resolve it before seeking help through CCBC?

E. How would things be different for you if this issue was remedied?

2. What I desire more than anything else in life is:

3. What I fear most in life is:

4. What results/expectations do you have in coming here for counseling?

5. Is there any other information that we should know (if you need more room, use the reverse side)?


3740 Birchman Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76107. phone: (817) 546-0827 fax: (817)-731-4662.
