Grade 8 Social Studies Grading Policy

Your Social Studies Grade will be based on your performance in the following areas:

~ Class work ~ Homework

~ Tests and Quizzes~ Class Preparation

~ Class Participation~ Projects

Class Work

Symbol / Grade / Criteria
++ / 100 / All examples complete. Proper heading is used. All answers are correct and in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified). All grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct. Neat.
+ / 95 / All examples complete. Proper heading is used. All answers are correct and in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified). All grammar, punctuation, and spelling are mostly correct. Neat
 / 85 / All examples complete. All answers are mostly correct and in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified). All grammar, punctuation, and spelling are mostly correct.
- / 70 / All examples complete. Few answers are correct. Answers not in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified). Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are poor. May not have the proper heading. Sloppy.
INC / N/A / Assignment is incomplete at of due date and must be completed by the next day and returned to earn partial credit.


Grade / Criteria
Full Credit- All examples complete. All answers are mostly correct and in complete sentences (unless otherwise specified).
Partial Credit- Examples are not totally complete. Answers are in incomplete sentences (unless otherwise specified).
INC / Assignment is incomplete as of due date and must be completed and returned to earn partial credit.

Grade 8 Late Work Policy

● 1 Day Late= Work is accepted minus 10 percent

● 2 Days Late= Work must be handed in but will count as a zero

● The policy for make up work due to absences can be found in the Horace W. Porter Student Handbook.

Proper Heading for all Assignments

All assignments must have the proper heading when handed in. Any assignment that does not include the proper heading will be subjected to a penalty.

Name: Date:
Assignment: Class:

Test and Quizzes

Grades are based on the number of points earned divided by the number of total points on each quiz or test.

Class Preparation

You must come to Social Studies class prepared everyday, this includes having the following:

~ Pen or pencil

~ Social Studies Notebook

~Social Studies Textbook

~ Agenda Book

~Independent Reading Book

~iPad with an adequate charge

~ Homework ready to hand in (if applicable)

You will be subjected to random class preparation checks without prior notice. This will count towards a class preparation grade.

Class Participation

Participation is an important part of social studies! I encourage you to ask and answer questions, make general comments, and share your opinions, thoughts, and feelings on what ever we discuss. Be sure to raise your hand first!The more involved you are in class the better your Class Participation grade.