Child Care Consultants, Inc. Mid-State Regional Key

Request for Proposals for Professional Development and Technical Assistance

Individual Contractor

Services for Fiscal Year 2017-2018

In 2017-2018 the Mid-State Regional Key (MSRK) will administer the Keystone STARS program on behalf of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Adams, Centre, Clinton, Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lycoming, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Tioga, Union, and York counties. Child Care Consultants, Inc. (CCC) manages the MSRK and contracts issued as a result of this Request for Proposal (RFP) are between CCC and responding entities.

The Keystone STARS program is designed to support and encourage quality in early childhood education and SACC settings by providing the following incentives and supports to participating certified child care family, group, center, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, and other provider types.

§  Grants to facilities for quality improvements

§  Financial awards to facility staff who increase their qualifications

§  Increases in subsidy rates for high performing facilities

§  Support from STARS Specialists

§  Targeted site-specific Technical Assistance

§  School Age Care Technical Assistance

§  Wide range of college credit bearing and Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS) Professional Development

§  Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

§  Child Care Health Consultation

§  Regulatory Referral Technical Assistance

§  Infant Toddler Specialists Services

§  Career Advising Services

The MSRK provides these resources via internal staff as well as through contracts with organizations in the community. The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to identify expert organizations to provide professional development and technical assistance services in Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018).

All professional development and technical assistance services are designed to meet the following goals:

§  Engage child care practitioners in a Continuous Quality Improvement Process

§  Increase practitioner qualifications

§  Improve skills and abilities of practitioners to meet Keystone STARS Performance Standards.

§  Improve child care environments.

§  Support child care facilities in achieving higher STAR levels in the STARS quality rating system.

§  Professional Development and/or TA as mandated by DHS Certification Regulatory Referral.

Professional development and technical assistance are essential to Early Childhood and School Age providers’ success in Pennsylvania’s continuous quality improvement system. The goals are based on research-based practices that increase the quality of child care services and contribute to positive outcomes for children and youth.

In this Request for Proposals, CCC is seeking responses in: Core, Support, Needs Based, Credit Bearing, Credential Professional Development, and Technical Assistance.

All funding contracts that result from this RFP are contingent upon CCC’s receipt of funding from OCDEL. All award amounts are subject to change based on CCC’s final budget from OCDEL.


§  Organizations and/or individuals that are PQAS certified and hold specified skills and capacity to deliver professional development to early childhood and school age providers in Adams, Centre, Clinton, Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lycoming, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Tioga, Union and York counties.

§  Current and past contractors of CCC must be in good standing to be eligible for continued services. Respondents must be in good standing with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government.

Timeline: There are no exceptions to the proposal deadline for the bidder; however, CCC reserves the right to revise the dates.

Event / Date
Bidder Proposals Due By / April 14, 2017
5:00 p.m.
CCC Announces Successful Bidder/Notice of Intent to Award / May 12, 2017
Mandatory Meeting / TBD: June 2017
Start of Provision of Services (based on signed contract and available funds from OCDEL) / July 1, 2017


§  All Bidders must complete

o  Part 1 (Organization/Individual Profile),

o  Part 2 (For Core, Support, Needs Based, Credit, Credential and TA),

o  Part 3 (Required Narrative Response for Needs Based, Credit or Credential, and TA Services)

o  Part 4 (Acknowledgement and Attestation Form) for consideration of funding.

o  Attachment A-Work Plan

o  Attachment B-Staffing Plan

o  Attachment C-Budget.

§  Responses must be submitted as Word (or PDF) and Excel documents. The page limits given are based on single spacing, a font size of 11 and one inch margins.

§  Bidders proposing to offer multiple services will need to complete Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4 once and Part 3 for each category proposed. (Core, Support, Needs-Based, Credit, Credential, and/or TA)

§  Bidders can submit proposals by email () mail or hand delivery to CCC, 29 North Duke St., York, PA 17401.

§  Please submit all questions regarding the RFP in writing to Lorrie Hall at

Part 1: Individual Profile

Please include the following information:

□  Name

□  Address

□  Phone number and email address

□  Social Security number (if a new applicant)

□  A brief history of your experience if any, as a contractor for the Keystone STARS program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (only for new applicants)

Please include the following attachments:

□  Resume including Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS) certification information.

□  List of current contracts with other Regional Keys and/or the PA Key and details of contracts, including Regional Key name, contracted services and rates.

□  List of current child care facilities you operate, including name, locations, Master Provider Index (MPI) numbers and STAR Levels of facilities. (Note: ELS Memo ELS/KS-09 #11.

Part 2: Proposed Offerings Checklist (all applicants complete)

Indicate which courses and/or Credit, Credential, TA you will be offering (check all that apply):


□  Core

o  STARS Orientation

o  Big Idea Framework/CKC/IPDP

o  CQI

o  Early Learning Standards (ELS)

o  STARS Orientation II

o  Links to Learning Foundations

o  SACC Portfolio

o  Family Child Care Orientation

□  Support

o  Digital Media

o  I am Moving, I am Learning

o  Keystone Kids Go-Color Me Healthy

o  Keystone Kids Go-Go Healthy

o  PA Healthy & Green Initiative

o  Strengthening Families

o  Supervision

o  Transition Across the Continuum of Early Learning Professional Development

o  Fiscal Management

o  ASQ Modules

o  ASQ SE Modules

□  Cultural, Linguistic and Diversity (CLAD)

o  Race Matters


o  Poverty Simulation

o  Other

□  Social Emotional Development



o  Strengthening Relationships with Children, Families, Colleagues

o  Second Step SE Learning Curriculum

o  Developing a Healthy Self-Image

o  Are you a Bucket Filler?

o  Other

□  Health and Safety

□  CCDBG Required Six Hour Health & Safety Course

□  Pediatric First Aid

□  Needs Based (not identified above)

□  Special Populations

o  Infant Toddler


o  Family

□  Credential (Non-Credit Bearing)

o  CDA

o  CDA Renewal


o  SAPC Renewal

o  Director’s Credential

o  Director’s Credential Renewal

□  Workshop to Credit

□  Credit Bearing CDA

□  Credit Bearing SAPC

□  Credit Bearing Director’s Credential

□  Credit Bearing Director’s Credential Renewal

□  Technical Assistance


Part 3: Required Narrative Questions for Core, Support, Needs Based, Credit or Credential, or TA Services (all applicants complete for each type of service you are proposing to provide)

For Needs Based, Credit or Credential, and/or TA respond to the following questions: (four page maximum per type)

1.  Indicate which areas/specific needs based PD topics, credit and credential and/or TA services you are interested in providing.

2.  Indicate in which county (ies) you propose to provide this service.

3.  Describe your experience and success providing the proposed services. Include a description of the early childhood education providers and communities you serve.

4.  Describe your proposed PD Work Plan including workshop titles and descriptions, instructor names, dates and locations. CCC will only fund approved sessions and/or courses from the work plan.(Attachment A –Work Plan FY18)

5.  Provide the names and PQAS numbers for PD instructors and/or TA Consultants. Indicate if the instructors are employees or subcontractors. Include evidence of participation in PDII, degree and major course of study, where applicable. (Attachment B –Staff Plan FY18)

6.  MSRK will not pay for PDO instructors and/or TA consultants who are staff and/or consultants at the PA Key, OCDEL and/or any Regional Key. If a PDO wants to hire and/or contract with a PA Key, OCDEL and/or any Regional Key employee or consultant they must utilize funds from their parent organization for compensation.

7.  What is the per hour rate of the services you are proposing to deliver? How many hours of service are you proposing to deliver? What is the total amount of funds you are requesting? (Attachment C-Budget Plan FY 18)

Part 4: ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ATTESTATION FORM (all applicants complete once)

The Bidder must complete and sign this Acknowledgement and Attestation Form.

The Bidder does hereby affirm and expressly declare confirmation, certification, and assurance of the following:

1)  The information detailed in the proposal submitted herewith in response to the subject RFP is accurate.

2)  This proposal constitutes a commitment to provide all services as defined in the RFP for the total contract period and confirmation that the Bidder shall comply with all of the provisions in this RFP and shall accept all terms and conditions set out in the RFP and that this RFP response shall be incorporated and become a part of any subsequent contract awarded as a result of the RFP process.

3)  If Bidder is an operator of a child care facility, the facility is a STAR 3 level or above and will remain at a STAR 3 level during the duration of any subsequent contract awarded as a result of the RFP process. If the child care center falls below a STAR 3 level, the Bidder is banned from contracting with CCC for a minimum one-year period and until said child care center regains STAR 3 status.

Bidder Legal Entity Name:______

Name of Authorized Signatory for Bidder:______

Signature & Date: ______