Ducklings Pre-School,

18 Welford road,




Continence and Nappy Changing Policy

July 2015
Ducklings Pre-School is committed to supporting children's continence and toileting needs in line with the EYFS and the development of their Personal, Social and Emotional needs.
We recognize that children develop at different rates and that some will be toilet trained when they start and some may take some time to develop these skills. Our keyworkers aim to work closely with parents to support the child's individual needs and develop a plan of changing and toilet training that suits the child. Children who wear nappies or pull ups to Pre-School will be changed when they have soiled, and always at lunchtime if attending a full day.
In line with our Safeguarding Policy, only staff with a full DBS clearance will be allowed to provide intimate care. Staff also use safe practices to ensure the safety of the child, these include logging all toilet changes and notifying colleagues when providing such care and wearing protective clothing e.g. gloves.
We ask parents to ensure that their child arrives in a fresh nappy, to provide all items needed including nappies/pull-ups and wet wipes and changes of clothes in a named bag. If barrier cream is needed for medical reasons, parents will need to complete an additional form giving consent for staff to apply.
Procedure for Changing a Nappy on a Young Child
The Pre-School has a purpose-built nappy changing table situated in the first child’s toilet cubicle, we respect the child’s privacy no other children or adults other than staff will be present. Children will not be changed elsewhere, unless a
specific plan is in place.
1. Let another member of staff know that you are going to change a nappy
2. Put on a pair of disposable gloves; wipe the table with antibacterial spray.
3. Get all the equipment you will need out ready, constantly talking your actions through with the child and asking the child to help where possible
4. Help the child onto the changing mat allowing the child as much independence as possible – Use correct lifting procedures following manual handling guide lines.
5. Undo or take off necessary clothing.
6. Remove dirty nappy and:
For boys – use wipes to clean around nappy area including groin, lift up and clean bottom area.
For girls – use wipes to clean nappy area front to back, lift up and clean bottom area.
7. Place wipes in dirty nappy, fold up nappy and place in nappy sack, put in a carrier bag and tie firm knot. Double bag if necessary.
8. Put new clean nappy onto child and redress or use clean clothing as appropriate
9. Help child down from changing table.
10. Clean around the table with antibacterial spray and a paper towel.
11. Remove and throw away disposable gloves.
12. Thoroughly wash hands with soap and ask the child to wash their hands too.
13. Complete toileting form with details.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of______name of setting

Held on______(date)

Date to be reviewed______(date)

Signed on behalf of management committee______

Name of signatory______

Role of signatory (e.g. chair/owner)______