
Chapter 6 Study Guide


solution—two types of matter mixed or stirred together that would not easily

separate ex. Sugar & water water & salt

solid—matter that has a definite shape, hardness, and size

mixture—adding two types of matter together that can be easily separated

ex. A bowl of fruit milk & cereal

melts—when a solid changes to a liquid ex. Ice melting

matter—all things that take up space ex. People, books, air

mass—the weight of an object ex. A bowling ball has more mass than baseball

liquid—matter that is not a solid or gas. It can be poured and takes the shape

of its container. ex. water, juice

heat—energy that moves from warmer objects to cooler objects

gas—form of matter that has no definite shape or volume

conductor—a material that heat moves through easily ex. Metals, copper

volume—how much space an object takes up ex. A beach ball has more

volume than a baseball

Be able to tell and draw 3 of the following ways (or you can come up with your own) that matter can go through physical changes.

1)  Cutting a piece of paper

2)  Melt an ice cube

3)  Mixing salt & water

4)  Breaking glass

Be able to explain what happens when you heat salt water on the stove.

The water will evaporate and probably boil. It will change into a gas. The salt

will be left behind.

Tell what is happening to water at each of the following Fahrenheit degrees.

32 degrees F-----ice (solid)

80 degrees F-----water (liquid)

215 degrees F---water vapor (gas)

Name a good conductor and tell why it’s a good conductor.

Copper—heat can easily move through metals including copper

Be able to tell some similarities & differences of melting & freezing.

Both are physical changes. When a solid is heated, it melts and becomes a liquid. When a liquid is cooled, it freezes and becomes a solid.

If you are going to pick up something hot like a pot off the stove, you should use something made out of an insulator so you will not get burned.

Ex. Rubber, plastic, fabric, cloth, wood

Be able to list objects that may sink or float if dropped into water.

Sink float

Magnet feather

Coin leaf

Rock balloon