JULY 12, 2017
Supervisor James ArmstrongCouncilman Nathanael Putney
Town Clerk Donna McBathCouncilman Robert McNeil
Absent:CouncilmanSusan Duffy,Councilman Gary Jarvis, Highway Superintendent Timothy Dow
Guest: Lisbon Central School Board President Larry Doyle, Lisbon Central School Business Manager Wendy White, Heather Goldie, Legislator David Forsythe, Assessor Stephen Teele
1.Meeting Called to Order for the Town Board Meeting
Supervisor James Armstrong called the meeting to order at1:04 PM
- Pledge Allegiance
- Heather Goldie, owner of the General Store Building
Mrs. Goldie informed the Town Board Members that the General Store had closed.She was selling everything, including fixtures, within the building. She asked the board members if the Town of Lisbon would be interested in purchasing the building. The building was 23 years old with the building size of 45’ x 70’. The furnace was approximately 15 years and used natural gas. It had a new roof and new siding,
along with being insulated.She just asked the board members to think about it.
- Lisbon Central School Communication
Mr. Doyleshowed pictures of the Lisbon School library and boiler room as it was being renovated.
Mr. Doyle asked if the Town Clerk would be interested in collecting the school taxes for the year of 2017 as the school tax collector had retired. Mr. Doyle offered to pay the town $3,000 - $3,500 for the Town Clerk to collect the school taxes. Discussion was held concerning how it could be done. Councilman McNeil asked for $4500.00. Supervisor Armstrong informed Mr. Doyle and Mrs. White that board members would decide later in the meeting and would let Mr. Doyle know the results.
- Thomas Manley – IT person for the maintenance of the computer
Mr. Manley informed the board members that the Town Clerk’s computer was1½ years old, and had been in the shop 4 times for major repairs. He informed them that the last time he worked on it he brought an electrician with him to check out the power in the Town Clerk’s office. The electrician gave a quote of $545.00 to put in a larger dedicated circuit for the computer. It was also discussed that National Grid come in and meter test the power that was coming into the Town Hall.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve the hiring of an electrician to install a larger dedicated circuit for the Town Clerk’s office for the computers, and also ask for National Grid to meter test the power that wascoming into the Town Hall. Ayes – 3 Nays - 0
Town Board Minutes / July 12, 2017 / Page 2Con’t Thomas Manley
Mr. Manley informed the board members that the Verizon phones should be installed before the next meeting.
Mr. Manley informed the board members that the State of New York will, in the future, be backing up the computer server to a cloud. There was a company that does supply this and the cost would be $249.00 yearly. The billing can be done through Mr. Manley or direct to the Town through a credit card.
Mr. Manley informed the board members that internet service will be able to be installed at the campground through Spectrum. It was planned that Spectrum would be installing the wiring sometime this summer. The cost would be free as the Town was are a municipality. There will be 2 option for payment. First options would be for the town to pay 2 mega bites for free and if the campers want more mega bites, they would order directly through Spectrum. Or thetown would pay for the high mega bites. No decision
was made at this time.
- Minutes Approvals –April 12, 2017
- Approval of Town Clerks Report forApril 2017
- Approval of Justice Reports forApril 2017
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve the Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2017, Town Clerk’s Report for June 2017 and Justice Reports for June
2017.Ayes – 3Nays - 0
9.Highway Superintendent Report
Deputy Highway Superintendent Dashnaw informed the board members that would not be returning due to illness, but will be assisting Mr. Dashnaw from home.
- Road Plan
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve the road plan
for 2017.Ayes - 3Nays – 0
- Payment to companies that supply the product for black topping.
To get reimbursed payment from CHIP, the paper work needed to be submitted into the state by July 31, 2017. Mr. Dashnaw asked the board to approved these payments before the end of the month.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve paying the companies for the materials for back topping. Ayes – 3 Nays – 0
- When Highway Superintendent Deputy Dashnaw was asked to assist Highway Superintendent Deputy Merkley with paperwork for the highway department, Mr. Dashnaw didn’t realize that it would take more time than he had expected. He would like to be reimbursed for his time. Mr. Dashnaw asked for $20.00 per hour while he is assisting.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to pay Mr. Dashnaw $20.00 per hour while working for the highway department.
Aye – 3Nay - 0
Town Board Minutes / July 12, 2017 / Page 3- Approval of Transfers.
TO / General Fund / AMOUNT / FROM / ITEM / AMOUNT
13404.01 / Budget Officer / $1500.00 / 19904.01 / Contingency / $1500.00
14301.01 / Bookkeeper PS / $9,518.37 / 71101.01 / Parks Maint. PS / $6,318.37
71801.01 / Beach PS / $3,200.00
71104.01 / Parks & Campground CE / $10,000.00 / 19904.01 / Contingency / $10,000.00
71804.01 / Beach CE / 1,000.00 / 19904.01 / Contingency / $1,000.00
Total / $22,018.37 / $22,018.37
To / General Fund / Amount / From / Item / Amount
51101.03 / Maint of Roads PS / $10,000.00 / 51121.01 / Perm Improvements / $10,000.00
Total / $10,000.00 / $10,000.00
81204.09 / Sewage Collec CE / $4,000.00 / 81304.01 / Treatment/Disposal CE / $4,,000.00
Total / $4,000.00 / $4,000.00
Councilman McNeil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Putney to approve the budget
transfers for July 2017.Ayes – 3Nays – 0
11.Approval of Abstracts and Town Supervisor’s Report
a. General / $29,319.87b. Highway / $84,391.16
c. Water / $555.35
d. Sewer / $6,947.77
Total / $121,214.15
Councilman Putney made a motion seconded by CouncilmanPutney to approve abstracts and the
Town Supervisor Report.Ayes – 3Nays – 0
- Liaisons
- Campground
Supervisor Armstrong informed the board that the Lisbon Central School Teachers Association applied for a grant to bus summer school children in the afternoon to the beach for swimming lessons. They will provide a bag lunch to the children. This grant will pay for the bus, swimming lessons and bag lunch. If any other children need a ride to the beach for swimming lessons they are more than welcome to ride the bus. This grant cannot pay for a bus driver and monitor if needed, so the Town of Lisbon will be paying for the driver and monitor. A contract will be sent to the Town of Lisbon for approval. Mr. Nash will look over the contract.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve hiring a bus driver and, if needed, a monitor to drive a bus to the beech twice a day.
Ayes – 3Nays – 0
Town Board Minutes / July 12, 2017 / Page 4Con’t Liaisons - Campground
Supervisor Armstrong questioned why ATVs are not allowed on site if they are allowed on the highway, as they are insured and licensed. Campground Director stated that it was because of the speed that they can travel. Supervisor Armstrong stated that this would be investigated.
Campground Director stated that he had called the State Troopers to the campground a couple of times over the weekend. He also informed that there had been some vandalism at the campground.
- Recreation Committee
Councilman Putney inquired if the Recreation Coordinator could be split between two people, as it was too much for one person. He asked if the Town raised the wage and divided the duties of Recreation Coordinator between two people,
would thecommittee find another person to work with the present coordinator?
- Old Business
No old business to discuss
4. Con’t School Taxes
Discussion was held concerning the Town Clerk collecting school taxes for Lisbon Central School. The town board members will be asking for $4500.00 for the town clerk to collect school taxes. The school will provide the paper, toner, envelopes for return receipts and postage. The depositing of the money will be the school’s responsibility. The decision will be from the Lisbon School Board. The amount for the Town Clerk will be on a separate line for School Tax Collection at the rate of $3000.00. $1,000.00 will be in the Deputy Clerk’s budget line. $500.00 will stay with the town to pay for the Medicare and FICA on the payroll.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve charging the Lisbon School $4500.00 for tax collections. Ayes – 3 Nays - 0
14.New Business
A.Collins–Hammond Electric proposal.
Supervisor Armstrong presented to the board members a proposal from Collins-Hammond Electric for $5780.00 to hook up the electricity from the school to the building for the water pumps.
Councilman McNeil made a motion seconded by Councilman Putney to approve payment when the Town receives the invoice from Collins-Hammond for $5780.00 to hook up the electricity from the
school to the building for the water pumps.Ayes – 3Nays – 0
- Legislator David Forsythe
Legislator Forsythe informed the board members that the Town of Lisbon
compensation was lower this year. From $71047.00 in 2016 to $44904.002017.
- Shared Services Agreement between NYSDOT and the Town of Lisbon
Councilman Putney made a motion second by Councilman McNeil for the Shared Services Agreement between NYSDOT and the Town of Lisbon.
Ayes – 3Nays – 0
Town Board Minutes / July 12, 2017 / Page 5Comments
Supervisor Armstrong stated that the Supervisor Bookkeeper and Court Clerk Kari Blair had done a very good job of taking over these positions.
- Adjournment
CouncilmanMcNeil made a motion seconded by CouncilmanPutney to adjourn the meeting at 3:00 PM. Ayes – 4 Nays - 0
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna McBath,
Town Clerk