Bi-Monthly Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2018, Rose Hill

Precincts Represented: 17 of 42. A quorum was established by Recording Secretary Susan Zellman.

North –4; Central – 11 South –2;33 members and16 guests including Catherine Templeton’s staff) were present. (attendance sheets on file). Total attendance 49.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Sherri Zedd.

The Invocation was given by Jay Odom

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard Geraghty. The Republican Creed was recited.

Elected officials: Chairman Zedd recognized Beaufort County Treasurer Maria Walls;Sarah Kimball, representing Congressman Mark Sanford; Conway Ivy, President of the Beaufort Federation of Republican Men; John Dwyer, President of the Republicans of Sun City Hilton Head; Jim Beckert, Beaufort County Auditor; Karen Wyld, Chairman of the Jasper County Republican Party; and Paul Runko, Vice Chair of the Greater Bluffton Republican Club.

Minutes:The minutes of the November 2017 have been posted on the BCRP website. Upon a motion made by Jay Odom and a second by Richard Geraghty, the minutes were approved by a paddle vote.

Sherri Zedd introduced our speaker for the evening, Candidate for SC Governor, Catherine Templeton, former SC Secretary of Labor and former Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Environmental Control.

Speaker: Catherine Templetonspoke of her background experience in State Government with Governor Nikki Haley and her tough stance with labor, unions and the EPA. She also spoke of her experience as an attorney with fortune 500 companies nationwide and in SC. When she is Governor she expressed that she will work for term limits, anti corruption, better roads and better schools, among other issues. She said she feels South Carolina is worth fighting for and elaborated on the negative aspects of our current Governor.

A spirited and informative Q and A session followed.

Treasurer’s Report:Ted Gregg reported the cash balance at the beginning of 2017 of $18,190 and the end of 2017 as $31,800. Ted also presented the Budget for 2018 (attached). Barbara Nielsen motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report and budge (see attachment 2 below), seconded by Karla Huebert. All in favor by paddle vote.

Ted also announced that due to new commitments in other areas he will be unable to continue as Treasurer and is resigning as BCRP Treasurer as of the end of February. Ted said he will work with the new Treasurer in the transition and encouraged members to volunteer. Chairman Zedd thanked Ted for all his efforts over the past three years.

Membership: Kevin Hennelly announced he has reached 50% of his membership goal for 2018 and will continue to reach out via email, the website and personal contacts to increase membership for 2018, this very important campaign year. New members will receive name badges. Members from 2017 will receive a 2018 sticker to affix to their name badges upon renewal.

Paul Runko announced that on Sunday February 18 the Greater Bluffton Republican Club will honor Jim Riordan as Republican of the Year at a dinner at Moss Creek. The price is $60 per person. Information is available on

Conway Ivy, President of the Beaufort Federation of Republican Men, announced their resolution # 2018-01 opposing Bill HR 3931 (S 472) which would exempt nonprofits receiving public funds from FOIA requirement and only submitting quarterly reports. The Federation feels the bill reduces transparency of the use of public funds for non-profit organizations. They believe in the transparency of financial affairs. Following a discussion, Edie Rodgers motioned that the BCRP endorse this resolution, John Dwyer seconded. The motion passed by paddle vote. According to BFRM Vice Chair Jim Riordan, this resolution was submitted to all Republican Clubs in Beaufort County and also to the LowCountry Republican Delegation. (Resolution is attached.)

Our next meeting will be in Beaufort at the Quality Inn on Wednesday, March 21, 2018.

Jay Odom made a motion to adjourn, Pat Stanton seconded. All in favor by paddle vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Susan Zellman, SecretarySherri Zedd, Chairman

Date ______Date ______

Attachment 1:

Resolution opposing SC House & Senate Bills to exempt Nonprofit Corporations that receive Public funds from FOIA Requirements.

WHEREAS, identical bills have been introduced in the South Carolina House (3931 ) and Senate (472) that would exempt non-profit corporations under the South Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act that receive public funds from all the provisions of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") and replace it with quarterly financial reports to be provided to the granting public agency.

WHEREAS, The Beaufort Federation of Republican Men strongly support the policy of full transparency and accountability to the voters for the expenditure of public funds.

WHEREAS, Exclusion of all the non-profit corporations from all FOIA requirements greatly limits if not practically eliminates the public and private scrutiny and verification of how public funds are being expended by the organizations receiving these public funds,

WHEREAS, It is appropriate for granting agencies of public funds to require regular financial reports concerning how the receiving Nonprofit Corporation has expended these funds;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Beaufort Federation of Republican Men oppose House Bill 3931 and Senate Bill 472 and urge the sponsoring members (listed below) to withdraw the bills and that, should the bills come up for a vote, the members of both the House and Senate should vote against these bills containing the FOIA elimination provisions as they would greatly reduce transparency concerning the expenditure of public funds,

Beaufort Federation ofRepublican Men *

Resolution # 2018-01

January 17, 2018

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Should the required financial information received by granting agencies from Nonprofit Corporations that receive these public funds be non-existent or inadequate, consideration should be given to enacting the reporting provisions sited in the Bills without the exclusion of any and all provisions of the requirements under FOIA.

Attachment 2:

Budget / Estimate / Actual
2018 / 2019 / 2017
Membership Dues - Check / $7,100 / $7,100 / $6,627
Membership Dues - Web / 3,000 / 3,000 / 3,015
Total - Membership Dues / 10,100 / 10,100 / 9,642
Fundraising / TBD / TBD / 19,720
Donations for Snacks at Meetings / 200 / 200 / 192
Miscellaneous Revenue / 200 / 200 / 140
Donations - Campaign Materials / 3,000 / 0 / 0
Donations - No Sales Tax Advertisement / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Revenues / $13,500 / $10,500 / $29,694
Executive Meetings / 2,500 / 2,500 / 2,447
Admin and Office Supplies / 500 / 500 / 464
Fees - WEB, Banking & Misc / 200 / 200 / 136
New Member Drives & Renewals / 4,000 / 4,000 / 461
Publicity and advertising / 1,000 / 1,000 / 765
Hillsdale College Scholarship Fund / 500 / 500 / 500
Insurance / 500 / 500 / 476
County Convention / 0 / 1,500 / 1,385
Reorganization / 0 / 500 / 487
Bus to SC Republican Convention-net cost / 200 / 0 / 0
HQS Campaign Offices / 9,000 / 0 / 0
Campaign Materials / 3,000 / 0 / 0
Primary Watch Election Party / 200 / 0 / 0
Young Republicans / 250 / 250 / 0
Storage Facility / 1,000 / 1,000 / 957
Fundraising / TBD / TBD / 8,022
No Sales Tax Advertisement / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Expenses / $22,850 / $12,450 / $16,100
Net Change in Cash / ($9,350) / ($1,950) / $13,594
Cash at beginning of year / $31,784 / $22,434 / $18,190
Cash at end of year / $22,434 / $20,484 / $31,784