Bio105 Chapter 5: Cancer / DNA Synthesis, Mitosis, & Meiosis, pp 109-139

1 alleles;2 anaphase;3 anchorage dependence;4 angiogenesis; 5 antioxidants;6 asexual reproduction;

7 autosomes;8 benign;9 biopsy;10 cancer;11capillaries;12 carcinogens;13 cell cycle;14 cell division;

15 cell plate;16 cellulose;17 cell wall;18 centrioles;19 centromeres;20checkpoints;21 chemotherapy;

22 chromosomes;23 circulatory system;24 complementary base pairs;25 contact inhibition;26 crossing over;

27 cytokinesis; 28diploid;29 DNA polymerase;30 DNA replication;…

1different versions of the same gene

2 mitosis’ 3rd phase: sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles as the centromeres split

3 process by which cells require contact with an underlayer of cells in order to grow

4creation or rerouting of new blood vessels, elicited often by cancerous cells

5 certain vitamins & other substances that protect from free radicals’ damaging effects

6 production of exact copies of cellular organisms not requiring genetic input form 2 parents

7 nonsex chromosomes

8 tumor that is not cancerous

9 surgical removal of cells, tissue, or fluid that will be analyzed to determine if it’s cancerous

10disease in which a single cell replicates although it should not

11 smallest blood vessels connecting arteries to veins and allowing exchange of materials across their walls

12 substances which are correlated to an increased risk of cancer

13 life cycle of the cell, composed of interphase and mitosis/meiosis

14process in which a cell makes copies of itself

15 double layer of new cell membrane appearing in the middle of dividing plant cells to separate their cytoplasm

16 fibrous plant carbohydrate essential to building cell wall and the cell plate

17 inflexible structure surrounding the plant cells’ plasma membrane

18 structures located next to the nucleus that migrate to cellular poles and form microtubules in animal cells

19 region near the middle of replicated chromosomes that attaches the sister chromosomes to each other

20 specific points in the cell cycle in which cells stop processes to check conditions for favorable division

21use of injected chemicals to selectively kill dividing cells in cancer treatments

22 structures of DNA wrapped around histone proteins

23 blood vessels that transport the blood and the heart which pumps blood

24 nucleotides that bind with each other exclusively; adenine to thymine & cytosine to guanine

25property of normal cells that prevents them from dividing when they encounter the boundary of other cells

26gene for gene exchange between members of homologous pairs of chromosomes

27 “cellular movement”, or the separation of cytosol into 2 newly formed daughter cells

28cell containing 2 sets of chromosomes (2 n)

29enzyme that helps bind incoming nucleotides to complementary bases in the synthesis of the “daughter strand”

30process by which the double-stranded DNA is copied in a semi-conservative manner

31free radicals;32 gene 33 growth factors; 34 haploid;35 homologous pairs;36 immortal;37 interphase;

38 karyotype;39 laparoscope;40 linked genes;41 lymphatic system;42 lymph nodes;43 malignant;

44 metaphase;45 metastasis;46 microtubules;47 mitosis; 48 monosomy;49 multiple-hit model;50 mutation;

51 nondisjunction;52 nuclear envelope;53 oncogenes;54 prophase;55 proto-oncogenes;56 radiation therapy;

57 random alignment;58 receptor;59 remission ;60 risk factors;61 sex chromosomes;62 sexual reproduction…

31 chemicals that remove electrons from other molecules due to their own unshared electrons

32 DNA carrying instructions for building all the proteins that cells require

33 proteins that stimulate cells to divide

34 cell containing only 1 member of each homologous pair of chromosomes (1 n)

35 pairs of nonsex chromosomes carrying the same genes (but ? different versions) aligned along their lengths

36 cells that to not obey normal life-span limits (They won’t die as normal cells do.)

37 a phase of the cell cycle in which the cell performs its typical functions & production of necessary proteins

38 highly magnified photograph of chromosome arranged in pairs

39 surgical instrument equipped with a small light & scalpel-like device used in biopsies

40 genes on the same chromosome that often move together to a gamete

41system of vessels and nodes that returns fluid and protein to the blood

42 structures that filter the lost fluids, or lymph

43 tumor that is cancerous, whether it is invasive or metastatic

44 mitosis’ 2nd phase: replicated chromosome align across the cell’s middle single file via kinetochore fibers

45 process by which malignant tumor cells break away and start new cancers at distant locations

46 protein structures radiating from centrosomes to form part of the mitotic spindle

47 movement of chromosome into new cells

48 absence of 1 chromosome, resulting from nondisjunction

49 process of cancer development implying a requirement for multiple mutations for caner to develop & progress

50 a change in the sequence of DNA

51failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis

52membrane surrounding the nucleus

53 genes that are capable of causing cancer

54 mitosis’ 1st step: replicated chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope dissolves & centrioles move to poles

55 genes encoding proteins that regulate normal cell cycle processes

56use of high-energy particles to injure or destroy cells by damaging their DNA in cancer treatments

57 the undetermined alignment of homologues with respect to ma or pa origin during metaphase I

58protein that binds to growth factors or other cell signaling molecules to elicit a prescribed response

59period in which cancer patients no longer suffer the negative impacts of cancer

60 certain exposures and behaviors that increase a person’s risk of obtaining a disease

61 gender-causing chromosomes; X and Y

62 duplication of organism requiring genetic information from 2 parents

63 sister chromatids;64 somatic cells; 65 telomerase;66 telophase; 67 trisomy; 68 tumor; 69 tumor suppressors

63 copied chromosomes, each only 1 copy of the DNA

64 non-gamete cells of the body

65 enzyme that helps prevent the degradation of chromosomes

66 mitosis’ 4th phase: nuclear envelopes reform around newly produced daughter nuclei

67 presence of an extra chromosome, resulting from nondisjunction

68 unregulated cell division leading to a pileup of cells that form a lump

69 class of genes carrying instructions for producing proteins that suppress or stop cell division in unfavorable


Words that got left out of the word bank but are still important to know:

70 meiosis = form of cell division occurring only in specialized cells within the sex organs

71 gonads = sex organs

72 gametes = sex cells (egg/ovum or sperm)

73 zygote = fertilized cell (union of sperm & egg cells) containing 2 sets of chromosomes