Shakespeare Fortnight 15th – 26th May 2017

We are delighted to announce our second Shakespeare Fortnight. During these two weeks, all pupils, from EYFS – Year 6, will learn about the life and works of William Shakespeare.

As part of the celebrations, KS2 pupils will visit the Globe Theatre and engage in a workshop on a Shakespeare play. To celebrate all of the pupil’s new learning, we will enjoy a Shakespearian day on 26th May. Pupils and staff are invited to dress as a character from a Shakespeare play. We would also like as many pupils as possible to make and wear a Shakespearian Ruff (collar) to school.

Further details on all of this will be circulated shortly.

Year 6 SATS

Next week the children in Year 6 will sit their National Tests. The children and staff working with Year 6 have worked extremely hard all year and all the children are well prepared, having made progress over the year and applied themselves to achieving their personal bests. We are so proud of each and every one of the children and wish them the very best of luck and success next week. Parents of children in Year 6, there will be a free breakfast for the children in the dining hall every morning next week from 8am to ensure they can have a relaxed start to each day.

Wear Your Stars!

So many of our children have been earning stars for outstanding learning and winning the school Star Awards for every 10 stars earned. Please wear your stars with pride so that you can share with visitors and staff around the school all the wonderful things you have achieved. For children coming to the end of the Star Awards, there is a special Headteacher’s Award to be launched in the next few weeks.

Attendance and Reading Awards

Well done to 2Q and 6B who won the class attendance awards for the spring term. Your classes will be having a special activity in the next few weeks to celebrate your success! Keep up the great attendance!

Christopher from 4H was the lucky winner of our 100% attendance award. He has won a family ticket to go 10 pin bowling.

Faustina in 4R is the lucky winner of our Reading award. Faustina has won a kindle fire!

Family Bingo Prizes

The PTFG are organising a Family Bingo session on Friday 19th May and we need prizes! Have you still got unwanted Christmas presents laying around? Do you own or work for a business who could sponsor a prize? We would welcome prize contributions to the school office by Friday 12th May. Thank you for your support with this.

School Uniform Reminder

Please ensure your children have full school uniform. We ask parents to ensure children are wearing black school shoes and they should not have any labels or branding on them. Could girls and boys with hair long enough to tie up, please also tie their hair back either with a blue, black, grey or white hairband or alice band. Please can girls avoid wearing the very large bows in their hair. Boys should not be wearing tracksuit bottoms with branding. Our school uniform is something we are really proud of and we want children to represent our school appropriately. Don’t forget, you can purchase school uniform online and through the school office.


At school we have occasions when children are invited to bring money into school. It is not possible for us to take responsibility for the money unless it is brought to the school office in an envelope with your child’s name on it and what the money is for eg Joe Bloggs, Class 4Q, bagel. If money is needed for an activity after school, the same process needs to be followed. In the event that money goes missing or is stolen, we will try our best to help children find it again, but we cannot reimburse money that has not been presented to the school office. Thank you for your support with this.

Personal Belongings

At school we provide everything children will need for their average day at school. Please do not give children pencil cases, sets of colouring pens or playground equipment to bring into school. They do not need it and they get cross and upset if other children use them or they get lost. If children bring things in from home that are not needed we will ask them to take it home but if it comes back to school we will confiscate the item for two weeks.

Radishes and lettuce

The children (and adults) in gardening club were delighted on Wednesday when they found that lots of lovely radishes were ready to harvest. They picked a couple each and left the rest to grow even bigger. They also found lettuce and a tiny carrot!

Dates for your diaries

Monday 8th – Thursday 11th May – KS2 SATS

Friday 12th May – Year 5 trip to The Globe

Friday 12th May – Year 2 trip to St Paul’s church

Monday 15th May – Friday 26th May – Shakespeare Fortnight – a Celebration of Mr William Shakespeare!

Monday 15th May – Year 4 trip to The Globe

Tuesday 16th May – Year 3 trip to the Globe

Thursday 18th May – Year 6 trip to The Globe

Friday 19th May – Family Bingo night – PTFG event – 7pm-9pm

Friday 19th May – Safeguarding Workshops for children in Y5 and Y6

Friday 26th May - non-uniform Day – Bring something for the summer Fayre

Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – School closed for Half Term

Monday 5th June – School term begins at 8:20am

Thursday 8th June – School closed for polling day

Saturday 10th June – French Trip to Calais

Monday 12th June – Drama for All with N, R, Y1 and Y2

Thursday 15th June – New to Nursery Meeting – 9am

Thursday 15th June – New to reception Meeting – 6pm

Tuesday 20th June – Year 5 Debating Competition

Saturday 17th June – Summer Fayre – 12pm-3pm

Wednesday 21st June – No Pens Day Wednesday!

Thursday 22nd June – New to Reception Meeting – 9am

Thursday 22nd June – New to Nursery Meeting – 6pm

Friday 23rd June – Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – NSPCC Online Safety Workshop for parents – 1:30-2:30pm in Junior Hall

Friday 30th June – Christian Education Workshops for Year 6

Monday 3rd July – Friday 7th July – Work Week

Monday 10th July – Year 6 performance (day time performance, time to be confirmed)

Tuesday 11th July – Fun Day

Wednesday 12th July – Year 6 Performance at Chigwell School (evening performance, time to be confirmed)

Wednesday 12th July – Last day for Ladybirds Nursery

Friday 14th July – last day for Dragonflies Nursery

Wednesday 19th July – Parent drop in for Reports and end of year conversation with teachers

Thursday 20th July – last day of school – school closes at 1:30pm

Friday 21st July – INSET day

One senior leader is on duty each day for appointments so please do not hesitate to contact the office to make an appointment with one of the senior team if you need to.