Dear 5th grade parents and students:

It is time to begin rehearsal for Arrowhead choir and our newest music club, Recorder choir!Arrowhead choir is open to all 5th grade students who love singing and would like to improve their singing skills and experience new and challenging music.Recorder choir is open to all choir members who enjoy playing the Recorder and want to play more difficult music. These groups are select performance groups at Arrowhead, and will be representing our school in several performances throughout the school year. Someperformances include caroling at local nursing and retirement homes in December, and performing in the Broken Arrow Elementary District Choral Festival. If your child loves to sing, the Arrowhead choir is definitely for them!If your child loves to play the recorder, they should also consider being a part of Recorder choir. Please read this letter carefully as it gives many details to what is expected of a member of these clubs, and how to become a part of these wonderful ensemble’s.

Arrowhead Choir/Recorder Choir Expectations:

1.Attend all rehearsals: Choir practices are held on Wednesdays from 4:00 a.m. – 4:40 p.m.Recorder choir rehearsals are held after choir rehearsal from 4:45-5:15 p.m. These members are expected to be at every rehearsal, and be on time! However, if a child needs to be absent for any reason, please contact me before rehearsal to excuse your child.A member of these clubs cannot have more than three unexcused absences, or they will be released from the group.

2.Academic Performance: All members must have a “C” or better in their core subjects (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) in order to be a choir member in good standing. Failure to reach this goal will result in removal from the group.

3.Outstanding Behavior:Arrowhead choir members represent the “best” of our school. Therefore, I expect them to be able to meet all school behavior expectations in every class, lunch, and recess.

4.Music T-shirt: Each student will need to purchase an Arrowhead music t-shirt (same as last year), which will be approximately $8. For every performance they will wear this T-shirt with denim blue jeans and closed toe shoes. Please contact me ahead of time if you will need financial assistance.

Your student must have this permission slip signed and returned in order to be considered for choir/recorder choir.This permission slip must be returned before Thursday, September 10th. If they have met all of the expectations previously stated, AND this permission slip is returned they will be accepted. I will send home an “acceptance letter” on Thursday, September 10th for those students.

ONLY the ARROWHEAD CHOIR will be allowed inside the building during rehearsal days. Please make alternative accommodations for younger siblings since there will be no one to watch them at school.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact me at 259-4390, ext. 2136. I look forward to working with your child this year

Mrs. McCarver

Arrowhead Music

Please return the form below before Thursday, September 10th.


I understand that if my child ______becomes a member of either of these clubs, I will be responsible for their attendance at rehearsals & performances, and will purchase an Arrowhead music t-shirt for his or her performance attire.


Parent Signature Phone Number


E-mail Address Classroom Teacher

______My child is signing up for the Arrowhead choir ONLY

(Wednesday from 4:00-4:40 p.m.)

______My child is signing up for Choir AND Recorder Choir

(Wednesday from 4:00-5:15 p.m.)


Broken Arrow Public Schools is an equal opportunity educational institution