Below is a description of journals and magazines that teachers and students may find useful for background information and specialized research on anthropological topics.
American Archaeology, the quarterly publication of The Archaeological Conservancy, is a popular magazine devoted to the archaeology in the United States, with additional coverage of Canada and Latin America. The magazine features “research breakthroughs, persistent puzzles, and unique personalities.” For more information, visit or call (505) 266-1540.
American Indian Quarterly includes articles, review essays, and book reviews on historical and contemporary research (in areas of history, education, mythology, and economic and culture change) on American Indians. Contact: University of Nebraska Press, 1111 Lincoln Mall,Lincoln, Nebraska68588-0630, or call 1-800-755-1105;website:
Annual Review of Anthropology contains topical articles providing in-depth reviews of recent research. A wide range of areas in physical and cultural anthropology is covered including applied anthropology in this yearly publication. Write: Annual Reviews, Inc., 4139 El Camino Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4400, or call 1-800-523-8635 or 415-493-4400 ext l; fax: (415) 424-0910; email: ;
AnthroNotes, A National Museum of Natural History Publication for Educators, contains articles on current research in the field of anthropology, teaching activities, and new resources. Published twice a year, this 20-page publication is free-of-charge and available online at Write: Anthropology Outreach Office, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, NHB MRC 112, Washington, DC 20013-7012; email: .
Anthropology News is the official newspaper of the American Anthropological Association, distributed to its members. Published monthly, except during the summer months, it discusses “issues of vital importance” to the field of anthropology and promotes the interests and research of anthropologists across all subfields, as well as providing news of association business. Membership to the association is required at this time. Visit or write: American Anthropological Association, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600, Arlington, VA22201-3357; or call 703-528-1902.
Archaeology is a heavily illustrated journal written for the general public covering ancient cultures of the Old and New Worlds. The publication contains feature articles, current exhibitions, book and film reviews, and travel information. Write: Archaeology, Subscription Services, P.O. Box 549, Mt. Morris, IL 61054-7559; (877) 275-9782;
Calliope, World History for Young People,published by Cobblestone, contains thematic articles for each issue and teaching activities. Write: Cobblestone Publishing Inc., 30 Grove St., Suite C, Peterborough, NH03458, or call (800) 821-0115 or 603-924-7209. Website:
Cobblestone, The History Magazine for Young People, published by Cobblestone, occasionally includes issues on Native American themes. Write: Cobblestone Publishing Inc., 30 Grove St., Suite C, Peterborough, NH03458; or call(800) 821-0115 or 603-924-7209. Website:
Current Anthropology includes articles on recent research from all the subdisciplines of anthropology. The journal is sponsored by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.Write: Current Anthropology, University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL, 60637, or call (773) 753-3347;
Dig, published by Cobblestone Publishing in partnership with the Archaeological Institute of America, is amagazine for young people. Well-illustrated articles describe recent archaeological finds and explain archaeological techniques. The magazine also presents projects and games for its young readers. Write: Cobblestone Publishing, 30 Grove St., Suite C, Peterborough, NH03458. Call 1-800-821-0115 or (603)924-7209. Email:
Faces: The Magazine About People, published by Cobblestone Publishing Inc. with the cooperation of the AmericanMuseum of Natural History in New York, is geared to young people and covers a wide range of topics in cultural anthropology and archeology. Each issue focuses on a theme presented through articles and activities. Write: Cobblestone Publishing Inc., 30 Grove St., Suite C, Peterborough, NH 03458, or call 800- 821-0115 or (603) 924-7209. Web site:
National Geographic, the official journal of the National Geographic Society, often includes articles on anthropology and archeology. Yearly indexes can be of help to teachers and students in researching a wide variety of topics. Write: National Geographic Society, 17th and M Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036., or call (202) 857-7000. Web site:
Natural History magazine contains well-illustrated articles covering the natural sciences including animal behavior, ecology, and anthropology. Write: Natural History Magazine, 36 West 25th St., Fifth Floor, New York, NY10010; (212) 234-5252.
Near Eastern Archaeologymagazine is published by the AmericanSchool of Oriental Research. Write: Publications Office – ASOR, 656 Beacon St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 022152; (888) 847-8753; email: .
Science magazine is published weekly by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is also available online. The articles are highly technical with emphasis on the biological sciences but also include the latest research in anthropology. Write: Science/AAAS, 1200 New York Ave., Washington, DC20005; or call (202) 326-6550. Web site:
Scientific Americancontains somewhat technical and lengthy scholarly articles. This monthly journal is recommended particularly for upper high school students and teachers. Write: Scientific American, 415 Madison Ave., New York, NY10017, or call (212) 451-8200; This journal also is available as a digital subscription: email or call (800) 333-1199.
Teaching Anthropology: SACC Notes (TASN), the publication of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges, a section of the American Anthropological Association, is published biannually. TASN reports on activities of SACC, papers from SACC conferences, current issues in anthropology: Five Fields Updates, and information on new teaching resources. Non-members of SACC may subscribe to TASN for $17. Write to: AAA Membership Services, 2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600, Arlington, VA22201; (703) 528-1902, ex. 3005. Visit the SACC website at