Group Registration Form 2018

A group registration form is required annually for each recognised group.

Please complete and return this form to Folk Office by 2ndJanuary 2018.

Group Overview – please amend where necessary

Group Name
Group Type
Group Night
Group’s usual venue/address
Group’s usual meetingtime
Group Contact’s name

Group members–Please register the total number of children/ young people currently attending group for the purposes of you group reg calculation. We advise you request a small number of extra badges for children who may join during the year.

How many adult volunteerssupport your group who do not have Woodcraft membership?
How many children regularly attend your group?
How many children are males? / How many children are females? / How many children are non-binary?
How many children/young people are on the register for your group? (include all young people who are part of your group even those who attend less regularly)
How many of young people have a home language other than English?(include any children who speak English and another language at home, or are taught at school in another language (including Welsh & Gaelic))
Which language(s)?
How many young people are from an ethnic background other than ‘White British’? (Include children from any Black, Asian, minority ethnic or refugee background, and those of mixed ethnicity. ‘White British’ includes those who would define their nationality/ethnicity as Welsh or Scottish.
How many young people have a physical or sensory disability?
(This could include children with hearing, visual or mobility impairments)
How many young people have a learning disability, or some level of additional social, emotional or behavioural needs? (This could include people with autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD or dyslexia, as well as any young people who receive one-to-one support at school. Do not include those with a physical/sensory disability who have been counted above, even if they also have additional social, emotional or behavioural needs.)

Woodcraft Folk group website listing

We now require all groups to provide their contact details to be displayed on the public website Please confirm your details below:

Contact name:
Email address:


Thank you for your cooperation in completing and returning this information.

Youth Participation - Please share an example of how the opinions and voices of children and young people in your group have influenced programme activities or led to change? Feel free to use additional sheet if required.

Branch Structure

For your information:

"Groups are company voting members of the Woodcraft Folk and remain part of the Woodcraft Folk registered Charity in England & Wales (1148195) and in Scotland (SC039791) Company Limited by Guarantee (8133727).

First named individual, otherwise known as the "Group Contact" holds the vote for the group but may transfer this vote through proxy to another member. The Group Contact's address is available publicly at the Folk Office. The Group Contact is liable to pay £1 on behalf of the Group in the case of winding up of the Woodcraft Folk. Group Contact's must be individual members of the Woodcraft Folk"

During the coming year, please email to notify changes in group name, contact, adult members, etc or closure as it happens. This will enable us to keep up-to-date records.


Thank you for your cooperation in completing and returning this information.