Observing Student: Chelsea Payne Graduate Clinician: Allison Bacorn
Length of Session: 1.0 Hours Client Initial & Diagnosis: JT Articulation
Describe the treatment room conditions and seating arrangement:
She started off at the table sitting adjacent to him at the very beginning of the session. She then moved to the floor with him sitting across from him.
Describe the rapport between the clinician and the client and how it impacted upon the success of the session:
She does not seem like she wants to be in the therapy session, and in turn the client does not seem to enjoy the therapy session. The clinician seems snappy and I believe that she could have a softer tone and nicer language to the client to achieve better success.
What were the goals of the session?
L.L. will produce “th” sound in initial position of imitated words when presented with a verbal, visual prompt with 90% accuracy.
L.L. will produce “s” sound in imitated words when presented with a visual prompt with a 90% accuracy
List materials used and describe how they were used:
Paper & pencilàShe got him to write
auditory trainer
webber articulation cards—He would have to give a response to the card and work on his sounds
token tower—his reward for doing well
Describe the activities that were used during the sessions. Comment on their strengths and shortcomings:
Auditory bombardment for his word list, the fishing game to work on his target word list, after working hard on the fishing game, she allowed him to play basketball as a reward.
He seemed like he was bored with the activity because he had done it before and he even mentioned “I did this like a hundred times,” and the clinician replied that “he would have to do it one-hundred more times”
The client is also working on the alphabet. He has problems telling what each letter of the alphabet is, instead he makes the sound. He is expressive and not so much receptive.
What procedures did the clinician use to elicit the target behavior(s):
“Can you tell me this?”
“Tell me, “
“We don’t yell”
How did the clinician begin the session? Describe the transition greetings into the first activity.
When he got in the clinician asked him about his Spring Break, she allowed him to color and read him his target word list for auditory bombardment. They then moved to the floor to play the fishing game with his target words.
How did clinician introduce activities?
Auditory bombardment with the word list while client was coloring and then moved him to the floor to play the fishing game.
Describe how the clinician brought the session to an end.
She explained to him that he did well in today’s session and explained what he would be working on for next week’s session. She also allowed him to pick something out of the treasure box for his hard work.
What kind of feedback did the clinician give regarding the client’s performance? What changes (if any) would you make?
Allison has a very stern voice and I think that if she used a softer tone with her clients she might possibly have better success with the attitudes she receives within the therapy room.
Impressions: (Last 5 Hours)
What did you learn from the session?
Did the client appear to make progress toward the goal? Describe?
What (if anything) might you change about the session to benefit the client?
How did the client’s speech-language-hearing problem affect his/her ability to communicate?