The Courageous Corps of Discovery 2

The Courageous Corp of Discovery

Brenda Johnson

Olympia Middle School

Summer 2005

Lewis and Clark on the Columbian River, from Collier's Weekly, May 12, 1906,

Uncle Sam in the Oregon Country – Exhibition Selections,

Frederic Remington Art Museum. Ogdensburg, NY. mtfph g0019

The purpose of this Web Quest is to learn more about the people who faced the unknown in order to help make the United States what it is today by exploring the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase from 1804-1806. Anyone interested in the Lewis and Clark Expedition will enjoy this Web Quest. Students will learn why this very important journey was made, who was involved in the expedition and a lot of interesting information learned by the crew of the expedition.

Overview/State Standards/Resources/Procedures/Evaluation

Overview Back to Navigation Bar
Objectives / Students will:
·  Gather information to learn about the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
·  Discover why courage is a necessary part of being an explorer.
·  Examine how different types of people can work together to achieve a common goal.
Recommended time frame / 6 lessons
Grade level / 7th
Curriculum fit / Social Science
Resources / ·  Courage Web Quest
·  CRISS Project/RAFT web site
·  United Streaming Video
·  Sacajawea Activity Page
Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar
Social Science:
GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations.
·  16.A. Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.
( I can use an historical source to describe past events and people and why they are important.)
GOAL 17: Understand world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an emphasis on the United States.
·  17.D. Understand the historical significance of geography. (I can tell why people moved to different places and regions.)
GOAL 18: Understand social systems, with an emphasis on the United States.
·  18.C. Understand how social systems form and develop over time.
(I can tell how people made choices to change society.)
Procedures Back to Navigation Bar
Before students can be successful, a basic understanding of using the computer will be necessary. They need to have knowledge of the keyboard and using the internet. Prior practice in writing RAFTs will be helpful.
Lesson One:
·  Students will complete Steps 1 & 2 of the Web Quest. They will be choosing the role they will assume for the Web Quest activity from a site which gives biographical information about the members of the Corp of Discovery. After this, students will write a description of their role on the 1st page of the journal.
·  Students will go to the second step of the Web Quest and complete the instructed activity. Answers to the questions will be written on paper and handed in as a ticket out of class.
·  journals
·  paper/pen or pencil
Lesson Two:
·  Students will complete Step 3 of the Web Quest. A journal entry is assigned for this lesson.
·  journals
·  colored pencils
Lesson Three:
·  Students will complete Step 4 of the Web Quest. This lesson will take 3 class periods.
·  After reading the story in today’s lesson, students will use the Role Definition Matrix (CRISS resource) to plan a RAFT. They may also use the list of suggested RAFT components if they need help choosing the 4 parts of the RAFT.
·  Writing may begin after the planning is completed. Writing and sharing will take place over the next 2 days.
·  Copies of CRISS Role Definition Matrix
·  Copies of RAFT list
·  paper/pen or pencil
·  art materials if needed
Lesson Four:
·  Students will view United Streaming Video/Sacajawea
(You can sign up for a 30 trial with United Streaming. See if your school district is willing to subscribe to this site. It is a great resource!)
Lesson Five:
·  Students will complete Step 5 of the Web Quest today. After reading the story about Sacajawea, students will complete the activity page. This assignment will be collected at the end of class.
·  Copies of PBS online Lesson 7 Student Activity Page: Sacajawea
·  pen or pencil
Lesson Six:
·  Students will complete Step 6 of the Web Quest today.
·  paper/pen or pencil
Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar

An Adventure of the American Mind

Illinois State University