SUN2000 (English version)
The Swedish Educational Terminology (SUN) is a system for educational classification. SUN was devised at the end of the 1960s and has since been in general use by companies and organisations, as well as by Statistics Sweden, in classifying the educational backgrounds of employees/the general population.
In 1998-99, the standard underwent a much-needed revision. This revision had two main purposes:
- To adapt the Swedish standard to the international standard for classification of education (ISCED 97)
- To create a more clearly organised and more user-friendly system for classifying education than SUN in its existing form.
In undertaking this revision, Statistics Sweden has worked closely with the SUN Board, on which a range of public authorities and other organisations are represented (the Swedish Employers’ Confederation, the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities, the Federation of Swedish County Councils, the National Agency for Higher Education, the National Agency for Education, the National Labour Market Board, the National Service Administration, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, the Confederation of Professional Employees and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation). A new standard, SUN 2000, was proposed and accepted by the SUN Board in September 1999. In October 1999, Statistics Sweden decided that SUN 2000 should apply as the national standard for educational classification from 1 July 2000 onwards.
In addition to the members of the SUN Board, many users of SUN have been involved in this revision. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who have taken part in the project with such commitment and all those who have contributed valuable comments in the course of the work.
Statistics Sweden, April 2000
Svante Öberg
Anna-Karin Olsson
General remarks on SUN...... 5
SUN 2000 ...... 6
Structure of the standard ...... 6
Overview of levels module...... 8
Overview of orientations module...... 10
Area of application ...... 20
Note. In this translation to English only the first 20 pages of the Swedish original publication(*) have been translated, which is enough to get a picture of SUN 2000.
(*) SUN 2000 Svensk utbildningsnomenklatur MIS 2000:1 (Swedish standard classification of education), ISSN 1402-0807, SCB Sweden. (99 pages)
General remarks on SUN
The Swedish Educational Terminology (SUN) is a standard for use in classifying individual educational programmes, but at the same time makes up a system for aggregating types of education into larger categories. SUN is used both in central registers of official statistics – e.g. Statistics Sweden’s register of the level of education of the population – and in special studies. The standard is also used by enterprises and organisations in registering the level of education of staff in their information systems for personnel administration.
SUN was designed in the late 1960s. For information on the structure of the standard up until 2000 (the ‘old SUN’) we refer to Annex 1. For more detailed information, see MIS 1996:1 Svensk educationsnomenklatur (SUN) Del 1. Systematisk version [Swedish Educational Terminology (SUN) Part 1. Systematic version] (Statistics Sweden 1996).
The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) is the system for classification of education used since the 1970s in international comparisons and international statistics. UNESCO is the organisation chiefly responsible for looking after and maintaining ISCED.
In the 1990s, ISCED underwent thorough revision. This revision has resulted in a new standard for classification, designated ISCED 97. ISCED 97 is now used in international statistics by UNESCO, the OECD and the EU. For information on the structure of the international standard, see Annex 2.
Revision of SUN
In 1998-1999, SUN also underwent much-needed revision. The main purpose of this revision was to carry out an adaptation to ISCED 97. This was considered desirable for two reasons: firstly, ISCED 97 had been adjusted to take into account developments in education in recent decades, and secondly, adapting SUN would make it easier to apply Sweden’s national statistics in international connections. One additional objective in undertaking the revision was to obtain a clearer and more manageable system for classifying Swedish education from the 1950s onwards.
The new version of SUN – SUN 2000 – applies as the Swedish national standard for classification of education from July 2000 onwards.
SUN 2000
Structure of the standard
SUN 2000 is composed of two modules: a levels module and an orientations module. Both are hierarchical in structure, which allows flexibility in applying them since it is not essential to use all positions in the hierarchy. The third digit in the levels module, for example, can be omitted if the first two digits provide sufficient information on the level of education to meet present purposes. Similarly, the fourth ‘digit’ in the orientations module can be omitted if the first three supply sufficient information on the orientation of the education.
Levels module Orientations module
Levels module
The first digit gives a broad indication of the level of education and corresponds to ‘level’ in ISCED 97.
6 / Postgraduate education5 / Post-secondary education, two years or longer
4 / Post-secondary education, less than two years
3 / Upper secondary education
2 / Primary and lower secondary education, 9 (or 10) years
1 / Primary and lower secondary education, less than 9 years
(0 / Pre-primary education)
The second digit indicates the theoretical duration of the educational programme in years. What is meant by theoretical duration is the length of time an educational programme is normally considered to take when studied full-time; thus, a course of higher education that normally requires three years of study (120 credits) is given a ‘3’ in second position. (Exception: Level 0-2, where no indication of duration is given.)
Using the first and second digits, it is possible to create suitable categories for statistical presentation, e.g. the same categories as in the category levels in the ‘old’ SUN (see Annex 1). However, if needed other categories can be presented. Moreover, this structure offers good possibilities for classifying the duration of educational programmes in accordance with ISCED 97.
The third digit describes the type of education. The primary distinctions drawn are between education with an occupational orientation and more general educational programmes, and between educational programmes that conclude with a certificate/degree and programmes that conclude without a certificate/degree[1].
For further information, see pp. 8-9.
Orientations module
The first two digits in the orientations module indicate the principle orientation and correspond to fields of education in ISCED 97.
The first digit indicates the content of the educational programme at the broadest level.
0 / General education1 / Teaching methods and teacher education
2 / Humanities and arts
3 / Social sciences, law, commerce, administration
4 / Natural sciences, mathematics and computing
5 / Engineering and manufacturing
6 / Agriculture and forestry, veterinary medicine
7 / Health care and nursing, social care
8 / Services
9 / Unknown
If we use the first two digits, we obtain the following categories:
01 / Broad, general education / 48 / Computing08 / Reading and writing skills for adults / 52 / Engineering and engineering industries
09 / Personal development / 54 / Materials and manufacturing
14 / Teaching methods and teacher education / 58 / Town planning and structural engineering
21 / Art and media / 62 / Agriculture, horticulture, forestry and fishery
22 / Humanities / 64 / Animal health
31 / Social and behavioural sciences / 72 / Health care and nursing
32 / Journalism and information / 76 / Social work and social care
34 / Business, commerce and administration / 81 / Personal services
38 / Law and jurisprudence / 84 / Transport services
42 / Biology and environmental sciences / 85 / Environmental protection
44 / Physics, chemistry and earth sciences / 86 / Security services
46 / Mathematics and other natural sciences / 99 / Unknown
The third digit in the orientation code indicates the subject orientation and is identical to the classification into ‘Fields of Education and Training’ developed by UNESCO, EUROSTAT and the OECD as a supplement to ISCED 97; this classification is given in Annex 2.
For further information, see pp. 10-19.
The fourth digit (or rather, the letter) in the orientation code can be used if there is a need for further specification. It brings us down to a more detailed classification of subjects and is also able, in some cases, to distinguish some vocationally oriented educational programmes more directly (nursing programmes, medical programmes, engineering programmes, etc.).
For further information, see pp. 10-19.
Overview of levels module (SUN 2000)
Level DurationSpecification
6Postgraduate64Doctoral programme640Doctoral programme
education62Licentiate programme620Licentiate programme
60Other/unspecified600Other/unspecified postgraduate programme
postgraduate programme
5Post-secondary 55Five years or longer557Vocationally oriented programme at university/college
education,556General programme at university/college
two years or longer555Vocationally oriented programme, not university/college
550Other/unspecified post-secondary programme
54Four years547Vocationally oriented programme at university/college
(at least four but not five years)546General programme at university/college
545Vocationally oriented programme, not university/college
540Other/unspecified post-secondary programme
53Three years537Vocationally oriented programme at university/college
(at least three but not four years)536General programme at university/college
535Vocationally oriented programme, not university/college
532At least 120 higher education credits, no degree
530Other/unspecified post-secondary programme
52Two years527Vocationally oriented programme at university/college (at least two but not three years) 526 General programme at university/college
525Vocationally oriented programme, not university/college
522At least 80 higher education credits, no degree
520Other/unspecified post-secondary programme
4Post-secondary41Less than two years417Vocationally oriented programme at university/college
education(at least one semester)415Vocationally oriented programme, not university/college
less than two years413Upper secondary supplementary programme
412At least 20 higher education credits in one subject
410Other/unspecified post-secondary programme
Level DurationSpecification
3Upper secondary33Three years337Vocationally oriented programme
education336Theoretical programme /prep. for higher studies
333Vocationally oriented programme, incomplete
332Theoretical prog. /prep. for higher studies, incomplete
330Other/unspecified upper secondary programme
32Two years327Vocationally oriented programme
(at least two but not three years)326Theoretical programme /prep. for higher studies
323Vocationally oriented programme, incomplete
322Theoretical prog./prep. for higher studies, incomplete
320Other/unspecified upper secondary programme
31Less than two years317Vocationally oriented programme
(at least one semester)316Theoretical programme /prep. for higher studies
313Vocationally oriented programme, incomplete
312Theoretical prog./prep. for higher studies, incomplete
310Other/unspecified upper secondary programme
2Primary and lower20Primary and lower206 Compulsory school education, years 7-9
secondary educationsecondary education204Lower secondary school education
9 (or 10) years9 (10) years200Other/unspec. primary and lower sec. education
1Primary and lower10Primary and lower106Elementary school education
secondary educationsecondary education102Compulsory school education, years 1-6
less than 9 yearsless than 9 years100Other/ unspec. primary and lower sec. education
0Pre-primary education00Pre-primary education002Pre-school class
The primary object of classification in the SUN system are the educational programmes themselves. When classifying the educational background of individual persons, the individual must in principle have completed an educational programme with a passing grade in order to receive the level code corresponding to that educational programme.
Overview of orientations module (SUN 2000)
Main orientationSubject orientationSpecification
0General education
01Broad, general 010Broad, general aBroad, general programme, general orientation
educationprogrammebBroad, general programme, social science/
humanities orientation
cBroad, general programme, natural science orientation
xBroad, general programme, other orientation
08Reading and writing080Reading and writingzReading and writing skills for adults
skills for adultsskills for adults
09Personal090Personal development zPersonal development
1Teaching methods and teacher education
14Teaching methods140Teaching methods and teacherzTeaching methods and teacher education, general programme
and teacher educationeducation, general programme
142Teaching methodszTeaching methods
143Teacher education for pre-schoolaTeacher education, pre-school orientation
and after-school activitiesbTeacher education, after-school activities orientation
xOther teacher education for pre-school/after-school activities
144Teacher education foraTeacher education, lower compulsory school classes, general
lower compulsory school classessubject orientation
bTeacher education, lower compulsory school classes,
mathematics/general science
cTeacher education, lower compulsory school classes,
Swedish/general studies
xOther teacher education for lower compulsory school classes
145Subject teacher educationaSubject teacher education, mathematics/computers/nat. science
bSubject teacher education, history/social sciences/economics
cSubject teacher education, languages
dSubject teacher education, mathematics/ computers/nat. science –
history/soc. sciences/economics
eSubject teacher education, maths/computers/nat. science – langs.
fSubject teacher education, hist./soc. sciences/economics – langs.
gSubject teacher education, maths/computers/nat. science –
practical and artistic subjects
hSubject teacher education, hist./soc. sciences/economics –
practical and artistic subjects
i Subject teacher education, langs. – practical and artistic subjects
xOther subject teacher education
146Teacher education in vocational/aTeacher education, industrial and skilled trades
practical and artistic subjectsbTeacher education, commerce and administration
cTeacher education, hotels and restaurants
dTeacher education, food and bakery
eTeacher education, use of natural resources
fTeacher education, health and caring
gTeacher education, media production
hTeacher education, music
iTeacher education, art and design
jTeacher education, dance and theatre
kTeacher education, wood and metal work, textile craft
lTeacher education, physical education and health
mTeacher education, home economics
xTeacher educ. in other vocational/practical and artistic subjects
Main orientationSubject orientationSpecification
149Teaching methods and teacher educ.,aRemedial teaching education
other/unspecified programmebHome language/mother tongue teacher education
cSchool management education
xOther programme in teaching methods and teacher education
2Humanities and art
21Art and media210Art and media, general programmez Art and media, general programme
211Art and designaArt and design programme
bHistory and theory of art
xOther programme in art and design
212Music, dance and dramaaMusic
bDance, theatre and drama
cHistory and theory of music, dance, film and theatre
xOther programme in music, dance and drama
213Media productionaMedia production, general programme
bFilm, radio and TV production
cPrinting technology and bookbinding
dIllustration, advertising, graphic design and photography
xOther programme in media production
214DesignaFashion design
bInterior design
cIndustrial and product design
xOther programme in design
215Arts and craftszArts and crafts
219Art and media, other/unspec.zArt and media, other/unspecified programme
22Humanities220Humanities, general orientationzHumanities, general orientation
221ReligionaBachelor of Divinity programme/equivalent
bPastoral, missionary and parish welfare worker programmes
xOther programme in religion
222Foreign languagesaGeneral linguistics and general language programmes
gSwedish as a foreign language
xOther programme in foreign languages
223Swedish andaSwedish/Nordic languages
comparative literaturebOther mother tongues, sign language
cComparative literature, history of literature
xOther programme in Swedish and comparative literature
225History andaHistory
cConservation, culture administration and museology
xOther programme in history and archaeology
226Philosophy and logiczPhilosophy and logic
229Humanities,zHumanities, other/unspecified orientation
other/unspec. orientation
Main orientationSubject orientationSpecification
3Social sciences, law, commerce, administration
31Social and310Social and behavioural aBehavioural science, general programme
behavioural sciencessciences, general orientationbSocial sciences, general programme
xOther broad programme in social and behavioural sciences
311PsychologyaPsychology programme
bPsychology programme, incl. internship
cPsychotherapy programme
xOther programme in psychology
312Sociology, ethnologyaSociology
and human geographybSocial anthropology and ethnology
cHuman geography, social and economic geography
xOther programme in sociology, ethnology and human geography
313Political sciencezPolitical science
314Economics and zEconomics and economic history
economic history
319Social and behavioural sciences,zSocial and behavioural sciences, other/
other/unspec. orientationunspecified orientation
32Journalism and 320Journalism and information,zJournalism and information, general programme
informationgeneral programme
321Journalism andaJournalism
media studiesbMedia and communications studies
xOther programme in journalism and media studies
322Library andaLibrarianship/library and information science
documentation science bDocumentation and information science
xOther programme in library and documentation science
329Journalism and information,zJournalism and information, other/unspec. education
other/unspec. programme
34Business,340Business, commerceaEconomics and business studies/business
commerce,and administration,bCommerce and administrationadministration general programme x Other broad programme in business, commerce and administration
341Purchasing, sales and distributionzPurchasing, sales and distribution
343Banking, insurance and financezBanking, insurance and finance
344Accounting and taxationzAccounting and taxation
345Management and administrationaLeadership, organisation and management
cPersonnel administration
xOther programme in management and administration
346Clerical and secretarial servicesaMedical secretary programme x Other programme in clerical and secretarial services
347Work-place related programmezWork-place related programme
349Business, commerce andzBusiness, commerce and administration,
administration, other/unspec. other/unspec. programme
Main orientationSubject orientationSpecification
38Law and380Law and jurisprudenceaLaw programme (Bachelor of Laws/equivalent)
jurisprudencebLaw programme incl. legal internship
xOther programme in law and jurisprudence
4Natural sciences, mathematics and computing
42Biology and420Biology and environmental sciences,zBiology and environmental sciences, general programme
environmentalgeneral programme sciences
421Biology and biochemistryaBiology
bBiochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, nutrition
xOther programme in biology and biochemistry
422Environmental scienceszEnvironmental sciences
429Biology and environmental sciences,zBiology and environmental sciences, other/unspec. prog.
other/unspec. programme
44Physics, chemistry440Physics, chemistry and earth sciences,zPhysics, chemistry and earth sciences, general programme
and earth sciencesgeneral programme
441 Physics z Physics
443Earth sciences and physical geographyzEarth sciences and physical geography
449Physics, chemistry and earth sciences,zPhysics, chemistry and earth sciences,
other/unspec. programmeother/unspec. programme
46Mathematics460Mathematics and natural sciences,zMathematics and natural sciences, general programme
and othergeneral programme
natural sciences
462 Statistics z Statistics
469Mathematics and natural sciences,zMathematics/natural sciences, other/unspec. programme
other/unspec. programme
48Computing480Computing, general programmezComputing, general programme
481Computer science and aApplied systems science and software engineering
applied systems science bComputer science
xOther programme in computer science and applied systems science
482Computer usezComputer use
489Computing, other/unspec. programmezComputing, other/unspecified programme
Main orientationSubject orientationSpecification
5Engineering and manufacturing
52Engineering and 520Engineering and engineeringaUniversity eng. prog.: gen. engineering and eng. physics