Local Government Regulation 2012, Division4, Section 90

1. Property Details
Property Number
Address of Property
Suburb / State QLD / Postcode

1 of 22015/16 RatesDifferential General Rate Objection Form V1 01/07/2015

2. Introduction
Your rate notice shows the differential general rate category to which your property belongs. Section 90 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 provides that an owner may object to the categorisation of the land on the sole ground that, having regard to the criteria decided by the local government by which rateable land is categorised, the land should have been included in another rating category.
The notice of objection must:
  • Be given within 30 days after the date of issue of the rate notice, and
  • Be in the form approved by the local government, and
  • Nominate the rating category in which the owner claims the land should be included, and
  • Specify the facts.
Prior to making this objection, owners should refer to the Sunshine Coast Council Differential General Rates table, which includes both the general and specific criteria by which land is categorised contained in council’s 2015/16 Revenue Statement. Please note that section 89(2) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 provides that the making of an objection about the category of the land does not stop the levying and recovery of rates on the land.

1 of 22015/16 RatesDifferential General Rate Objection Form V1 01/07/2015

3. Please answer the questions at section 5. on page 2 then complete the declaration at section 7. on page 2
Upon receipt of the signed declarationand any supporting documentation council will review the Differential General Rate category and notify the owner of council’s decision. Please pay the net amount shown on your rate notice by the due date unless you receive written notification from council of a category adjustment.

1 of 22015/16 RatesDifferential General Rate Objection Form V1 01/07/2015

4. Information
Please note that adjustments will only be made within the current rate period.
Ongoing checks are made by authorised Council Officers to maintain the accuracy of council’s records.
5. Applicant Details
Name/s of owner/s
Current residential address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Current postal address - Write “As Above” if the same as your residential address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Are the above address details the same for each owner?
Mark the relevant box / Yes / No - Provide details at 6. below
Do you own any other properties in the SCRC area?
Markthe relevant box / No / Yes Provide details at 6. below
Home phone / Work phone
Name / Mobile
Email address
Name / Fax
Note; Council will update your record with the contact details you provide on this form

1 of 22015/16 RatesDifferential General Rate Objection Form V1 01/07/2015

6. Additional information
7. Declaration of applicant/s and date of birth
Differential General Rate category shown on your rate notice
Differential General Rate category requested
Please state why you think the category should be reviewed and provide facts to substantiate your request:
I/we request council to review the Differential General Rate category applied to the property detailed at section 1 of this form because:
I/we also declare that the above information is correct in all respects at the time of lodgement of this declaration. Should any of the details given in relation to this declaration change the applicant shall advise the Sunshine Coast Regional Council immediately.
Signature / Date of Birth / Signature
Signature / Date of Birth / Signature
Signature / Date of Birth / Signature
Date stamp

1 of 22015/16 RatesDifferential General Rate Objection Form V1 01/07/2015