Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Music 111 W12D1


-  Schubert and the Early Romantic Lied

•  tons of romantic composers

-  all test rules and break them

-  strophic same song different lyrics

-  through-composed

•  all new no repeats

-  modified strophic

•  in between the two

•  song cycles

-  many songs put together songs, poems, and themes

•  original albums

•  The Lied

-  German Art song

•  artistic text that can mean many things

•  collaboration

•  not a song for voice

•  piano equal to singer

-  German text

-  voice and poem

-  Franz Schubert

-  Robert Schumann

-  Hugo Wolf

-  Fanny Meldelssonhn Hensel

-  Clara schumann

-  Johannes Brahms

-  Schubert

•  Vienna born

•  early music prowess

•  socially shy

•  gifted songwriter

•  home and salon concerts

•  regional fame

•  death at 31 from syphilis

•  likes small groups of players

•  classical and romantic traits

•  600+ songs

•  harmonic and lyrical piano

•  Piano establishes atmosphere

•  ElfKing

-  Four characters: Narrator, Father, Son, Elfking

-  child dies in the story

-  very dark

•  minor key

-  singer holds a serious face

•  except when elf king sings

•  themes in the song cycles

-  very thoughtful and artistic

-  Chopin

•  modern concert grand piano

•  dedicates everything to piano

•  compositions for piano

•  Steinway

•  home use of the piano

-  mechanical action hammer hitting string

•  before couldn't hit the string to fast

-  technical improvements

-  Short Lyric piano piece

•  Schubert, Chopin, Hensel, Schumann

-  Chopin and Piano Music

•  1810-1849

•  composer and pianist

•  composer and painist

•  career in Paris

•  early death at 39

-  Ch 32 not needed for exam

-  European traditions came to America

•  blended with Native music and culture

-  Foster and Early “Popular” song

-  High Arts

-  19th center no clear split between classical and popular

•  blended to traditions on his parlor songs “folk songs”

•  designed for amateur performance or parlors

-  Steven Forster

•  born outside of Pittsburg

•  composed for Christy Minstrels

•  first to live as professional song writer

•  died a penniless alcoholic

•  many folk songs