Present: Cllrs K Payne (Chairman), N Wookey, C Stockdale, Cllr V Smith and A Palmberg (Clerk). Also present were 10 residents.

1. Apologies: Cllr T Graham. Cllr D Payne and Cllr M O’Halloran did not attend.

2. Approval of the Minutes held on Monday 14th March 2016.

The minutes were duly approved and signed.

3. Chairman’s Report

Since the Annual Parish Meeting in 2015 the defibrillator has been installed outside the Village Hall and is now available for use, although we hope that it will never be required!

We have met again with a representative from County Highways to talk about potholes, white lines and moving the 30mph signs further away from the village along the road to Wilby and towards Earls Barton. Parish Council is aware that members of the public get very frustrated at the length of time taken to get these things done but please don’t think Councillors do nothing about it - we also get extremely frustrated at delays but at the same time are very much aware that we can have very little control over outside bodies and the speed at which they work.

The signpost at the Earls Barton Road/North Street/Glebe Road junction has been replaced - thanks to Ernie Potter for his quick-thinking in retaining the old finger-posts. We are still awaiting confirmation from the Insurance Company that they will contribute to the replacement of the Streetlight.

The Village Design Statement overseen by Cllr Smith has passed its final hurdle and is now recognised as being a “material consideration” by WBC in relation to planning applications within the parish of Mears Ashby. This is available to download on the WBC website at

This link should be available on the Parish Council website shortly. We are very grateful to Cllr Smith and her team for the excellent job they have done in producing the VDS. Borough Councillors were very complimentary when it was discussed both at Committee and Council meetings.

The Affordable Housing Scheme proved to be a step too far for the Planning Committee in October last year and was refused permission.

Cllrs Smith and Wookey recently met with Stephen Mold, the Police and Crime Commissioner to discuss

You will no doubt have seen that this Council has increased its precept this year - this was done, to ensure we could continue to pay the grass cutting contract and maintain the tidy look of the village. We are continuing to monitor expenditure very closely although there are very few areas in which savings can be made - we have no choice but to pay our Clerk’s wages and expenses, meeting room hire, insurance premiums and audit costs. The only places in which savings might be made are in streetlighting and grass cutting, although I doubt that removing some of the streetlights, to save money would be very well received.

4. Vice Chairman’s Report

Cllr N Wookey suggested publishing details of the meeting in a different way to attract more parishioners.

Please see attached report

5. County Councillor Paul Bell

No report

6. Borough Councillors Clive Hallam and Jennie Bone

Borough Councillor Hallam advised the meeting that Sywell aircraft movements are monitored monthly and are well within target. There have no complaints to date. He assured the meeting that WBC are meeting statutory requirements.

There are ongoing concerns over localized fly tipping and this is now getting increased focus. Wellingborough Norse are however responding efficiently to help.

7. Police Report

No Report.

8. Mears Ashby Charities Reports and Charities

Report from Town Estates for 2016-2017 as written by Tony Watts

During the year, the trustees held three meetings. In February, it was necessary to appoint a new secretary/treasurer following the sad passing of Marian Barker who had carried out this role for more than twenty years. David Callis agreed to undertake these duties and was duly elected unanimously. Tony Watts agreed to continue as chairman which was also approved. It was agreed that a new trustee be appointed. Keith Barker was approached and agreed to serve. He was welcomed at our May meeting.

Financially, it was, as expected a “low income” year reflecting the current economic climate. Our portfolio of investments, valued at pounds 103,927 (at 31/12/16) yielded an income of pounds 1286.

Our expenses were pounds 750 including a 210 amount to cover the management fee for our investments. An outing was arranged to London enabling participants to choose how they spent their day, which included river trips, the Victoria and Albert museum, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s cathedral. The day was well supported, and greatly enjoyed by those who took part.

Additionally, we committed to contribute to the printing expenses of the forthcoming Mears Ashby history study, and the repainting of the telephone kiosk in North Street. These two projects will amount to between 200 and 300 pounds.

Concerning future plans, it is expected that financial support will be required if The Parish Council are able to find a suitable site for a children’s’ play area. The trust will be pleased to review appropriate funding as and when this project goes forward. There are some thoughts on the possibility of replacing signposts replicating the old-style sign as at the junction of Glebe Road and North Street.

The trust is currently able to use existing reserves to support either of these relatively expensive projects.

Sarah Kinloch Charity

See attached report

Poor’s Close Charity

The Chairman advised the meeting that when she stepped down, papers were passed onto Rev. Beet. Mr Keith Barker has since been approached and asked to be treasurer.

9. Village Hall Reports & Accounts as written by Paul Dunphy


The 2016 EOY accounts look healthier with an Excess income of £1485.20 compared to 2015 which was £14.29.

Reasons for this are apportioned to the approx 24.9% increase in revenue; this can be linked to 2015 delay of the Parish council payments and Wanderers Table Tennis.

Whilst Parties seem to have reduced the Day bookings are now shown as a separate entity, thus are comparable.

Additional revenue from elections has also helped strengthen revenue for 2016.

The decision has been taken to strip the Street lighting charges, as this is never invoiced separately. The Expenditure for 2016 has reduced by approx 7.8%. Since the smart meter has been installed it is now easier to monitor utility spend, and 2015 saw several occasions that lighting and heating had been left on overnight. This is now being monitored closer, with a reduction in electricity standing at 56.5% approx.

Performing Rights has also shown an increase, this includes 2017 payment, due to their invoicing dates

Water rates were increased in 2016 due to a flood in the main hall, however this will reduce by 35% for 2017.

Whilst the expenses have reduced there have been a number of repairs to the roof, electrical works and kitchen appliance upkeep that is causing a drain on funds.

It is anticipated that there will be works to the flooring and to the water heaters in the coming months. However, as it stands this should be able to be absorbed with the return of NCT and Igloo books as additional revenue streams.

May I take this opportunity to thank James Bellamy for the swift Auditing of the accounts.

John Napier Treasurer 4 March 2017

Please see attached accounts.

10. Mears Ashby Society Report & Accounts

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Friday March 24th March 2017 at the Village Hall

Present:Michael Chamberlain - Chairman

John Kelly - Treasurer

Tim Graham - Membership Secretary

Rosina Thornton

Anna Palmberg

Monika Spademan - Secretary

1:Apologies: No apologies from the Committee

Approximately 45 members were in attendance

Sid Brown’s apologies were mentioned as he was unwell! Sid Brown is a loyal supporter of the MAS and has, in the past, been very generous with contributions!

2:Membership Committee

The Chairman welcomed Tim Graham onto the Committee and congratulated him on the progress already made in updating and reorganising the members’ data base. Barrie Macey was thanked for helping to distribute reminders and collect the annual subscriptions. At the time of writing, the subscriptions have significantly increased which is encouraging as it is a sign that the villagers are keen to maintain standards and are grateful for the work that is being achieved.

3: Minutes of AGM 11th March 2016

Matters arising:

There were no significant matters arising apart from the Village Well, which since the last AGM, has been cleared of debris and will be stocked with a few more fish in the Spring.

The minutes were approved and signed.

4: Chairman’s Report for 2016

Mike Chamberlain reported another productive year for the Society.

Garden Weekend: It was suggested that a Village Open Garden Day be held in June 2018. This was well received and will be work in progress until a date is confirmed.

Flag Pole: The second larger village flag pole has been erected successfully opposite the Griffins Head.

History of Mears Ashby: The Mears Ashby History booklet has been printed and the MAS have contributed £135 to the printing cost. This has been distributed to every household and has been well received. The Chairman wished to thank the Committee for the hard work in organising and distributing the booklet.

Bulb Planting: Over 3000 bulbs were planted in and around the village during the autumn, concentrating mainly on the entrances to the village. The Chairman wanted to thank the Committee, in particular, Pem Green, Nigel and Rosina Thornton and Monika Spademan who work tirelessly planting the bulbs and already there is an amazing display of daffodils. It was suggested that as an extra incentive, villagers would be given the opportunity to plant bulbs on their own verges next Autumn. These will be supplied by the MAS.

Village Telephone Box: This has been purchased by the MAPC for a £1. Members were asked for suggestions as to what could be done with the telephone box to make it a focal point in the village. North Street Garden: Several loads of bark chippings, compliments of Emmanuel Valavanis , have been spread on the garden in the Autumn and Spring. We are grateful to Michael Chamberlain and Monika Spademan for this work.

The Society would also like to report that since the death of Keith Brown, there has a question mark over the future of the North Street garden. The Chairman was happy to report that following contact with Isobel Daly, there are no plans to alter the status quo of the gardens in the immediate future.

Village Litter Pick: It should be noted that the litter pick is due to be held on the 8th April.

Special mention of appreciation and gratitude: The Chairman would like it minuted, that the Committee is most grateful for all the support and help the following village residents have so willingly given during the year.

Ernest Potter (for his many skills), Britton’s Nursery (plants) Perky Plant (plants), John Kelly (Treasurer), Joanne Jeffery (auditor), David Callis (general gardening maintenance), the MAS Committee, Ute and Tim Graham (organising the Litter Picks), the Mears Ashby Ladies (for all the food contributions during the year and especially for this evening), Monika Spademan (maintaining the North Street Garden, organising the raffle hampers and her secretarial skills), and the MAS members for their continuing support.

5:Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the period 1st January to 31st December 2016

On the expenditure side, MAS has spent £150 on bulbs, £114 on repairs to the planter at the junction of Glebe Road and North Street, £156 on flags and another flagpole. Sundry expenses of £100 which also included, hall hire and contribution to the raffle. The new subscription year started on 1st January and as of the date of the AGM we have received £558. We are most grateful to Joanne Jeffery for checking the accounts and reconciling them with the bank statements. She received a £30 honorarium. John Kelly was thanked for delivering the report.

6: Programme for the year 2017

The Bulb planting will be repeated in the Autumn. Ongoing maintenance to North Street Garden, Gravel Lane and filling the planters.

7: Open Forum (Comments and Ideas)

Comments and ideas have already been mentioned earlier in the Chairman’s Report which included, the village telephone box, villager’s bulb planting incentive, potential open garden day in 2018. The members were also made aware of the fact that Rosina Thornton will now be the point of contact for any changes and updates to the Welcome Booklet. The parking problem in the village was raised and yellow lines have been suggested. Anna Palmberg in her capacity of PC Clerk will investigate this.

Also, the possible replacement of the post with the finger sign on the North Street/Glebe Road roundabout to the original style, is also being investigated by the Parish Council.

8: Any Other Business:

The Chairman again thanked the ladies for the excellent buffet provided at the AGM and Social and announced that the raffle raised £203, a most generous effort.

Michael Chamberlain thanked the committee and members for attending and for their ongoing support. The meeting closed at 8.10pm. Date of the next meeting TBA.

11. Neighbourhood Watch

No report available

12. Parish Council Accounts (Please see attached)

13. Open Forum

There were no comments from the public.

13. Chairman’s Closing Statement

The Chairman thanked the residents for attending the meeting and expressed disappointment at the lack of County Council and Borough Council representation. She also thanked the Parish Council for the continuous work they do in enhancing aspects of the Parish.

Date of next Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 15th March 2018 in the Village Hall, Vicarage Lane, Mears Ashby.

There being no further business, the meeting finished at 8:05pm.





Please note, this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published.

Copies of all council papers are available at:

Please note that these minutes are in draft format until formally approved and signed by the Chairman.