Psalm 66:1-5 (NKJV)

The Scripture passage from Our Daily Bread for January 11, 2009, the “devotions” Agnes had in heaven that day instead of here on earth.

1 Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth!

2 Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.

3 Say to God, “How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.

4 All the earth shall worship You and sing praises to You; They shall sing praises to Your name.” Selah

5 Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.

Sarah Agnes White

Praise to God for a Godly Mother!

Remembrance by Judith White

She was one of 10 born of a Godly mother – who sacrificed her own health to help another woman in child birth, contracted pneumonia and died. Agnes never forgot that. She has prayed everyday for her children and grandchildren. Agnes met her husband Jobie on the Renton-Bothell Stage lines and Jobie came to Christ in 1958 through her faithful prayers, preceding her to Glory in 1974. Her heart was broken when her youngest son lost his fight with cancer in 2005, but she knows she will see him again in heaven.

She talked to God about her children everyday of her life. She was a wonderful companion and friend to daughter Judy. 35 years they have been living together.

She was ready to go at the drop of a hat on a road trip to visit Christian Booksellers connected with Judy’s job. Often had her bags packed before Judy and loaded in the car.

Early years were at First Presbyterian in Renton, VBS, Sunday School. Her two oldest never missed a Sunday. Jobie Robert “Bob” gained his love for piano & organ at church. Encouraged to sit at the piano and do his lessons for some 11 years. A gifted musician that she was proud of and thanked God for. Through her kids, Agnes became involved at HighlandsCommunityChurch and on the night before it opened for the first time in 1958 at the 10th and K address – one could find her and her husband Jobie up on scaffolding painting the ceiling.

[Continued on back page]

A Memorial Service in Loving Memory of

Sarah Agnes McLellan White

March 17, 1908 – January 11, 2009

New Heights Christian Church

9:00 A.M., Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) Verse for January 10, 2009 from Our Daily Bread
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Call to Worship & Prayer / Pastor Dan Folden
Congregational Singing
Come, Now is the Time to Worship
Better is One Day
We Fall Down
What a Friend We have in Jesus
Blessed Assurance / Dixie Dreblow, vocal
Briana Dyrness, vocal
Megan Christiansen, voca & piano
Jim Johnson, flute
Damian Sanders, bass
Dan Buckett, guitar
Chris Waldon, drums
Obituary / Pastor Folden
A Glad Remembrance
“Happy Birthday” / Dave McMullen & Lee Thomas, singing
Personal Tributes / Brittany Thomas, friend & admirer
Joyce Folden, long time friend
Craig Dougherty, friend & elder
Open Microphone, congregation
Scripture Reading – Psalm 66:1-5 / Pastor Folden
To Forgive & Bless When You’d Rather Take Revenge
Romans 12:9-21 / Pastor Folden
Benediction / Pastor Folden
Reception / Fireside Room

Memorial Gift Suggestion – New Heights Christian Church Mission’s Fund

[Remembrance by Judith White - Continued from inside page]

Pioneer Girls and being a Pal to another girl. Taking care of her late brothers and sisters, doing for others. Giving of herself and her limited finances in later years as she listened to that still small voice and followed Christ’s leading in her life.

She babysat by the hours her grandkids Jeremy, Caitlin and Brennan – she gave and encouraged them. She mourned their loss of contact after the passing of their father! But never stopped praying for them. Wisdom and counsel gone forever.

Her second grandchild said, “Grandma, I hope you are still here for my (graduation)” Well, she was, but you didn’t tell her in 2005 and she grieved over it. Honor your father and mother. Exodus 20:12, Deut. 5:16, Eph.6:2-3.

Agnes & Jobie always took their children with them, Bob, Judy & Bill. We, Bob & I, have no memory of babysitters. We have fun/fond memories of trips together – of Dad and Mom wanting to cross the Columbia River on a flat bed barge more than once because we kids were quiet! Mother was the disciplinarian in our family and dad usually went along with it. Jobie was a softie.

She faithfully supported her family living in the area through tragedy and sickness being a servant.

Her last year she loved to listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee at noon. Her eyesight had failed her for her number one love which was reading. She loved to read long into the night. Her favorite TV programs were the old ones. It was the old hymns that lifted up the name of Christ that delighted her heart. Always saying the “older ones were the best”. She sang “Jesus Loves Me This I know” a few days before going to glory. She loved to hear Dr. Charles Stanley preach and had even attended his church in Atlanta with Judy.

Agnes made two trips to Australia – First one with Judy to visit precious friends the Finley’s in Melbourne. The second time with several from Highlands to again visit the Finley’s.

Thanksgiving 2005 – Brennan finally visited his grandmother. She commented on how tall he was. He is in his first year at Central. She told him before he left that she prays for him daily.

The World Wars and the Great Depression guided Agnes in her values and what was important. She learned to honor the Lord with her tithes and listened to the still small voice of the Lord when He impressed on her heart a need. She always paid her bills, never wanting to go into debt. Things were not important and she took care of what she had.

Her sense of values and what was important were passed on to her son Bob and daughter Judy.

After her youngest son’s passing away it became even more important the sense of family that the three of us shared. It was important that we always went to breakfast on Saturday morning in West Seattle at Be’s. She loved this time and we her children realized this and honored her in this way, although we got tired of the food. Just kidding!

Mother enjoyed the Highland Games each year held in Enumclaw where she would wear her clan colors and her McLellan hat.

She was an avid Mariner’s fan and thanks to her niece and nephew Faythe and Rob Arthur. She had her Mariner’s finger, mitt, hat and poster in her bedroom when season began. Her afternoons were spent laying on her bed and listening to the radio.

She believed and held dear the sanctity of life, prayer, and God’s way on moral issues. Her values were firmly rooted in the Word of God. In the last year of her life you felt her sense of “Eternity” and knowing that God was preparing a room for her, and He called when that room was ready for Agnes on January 11, 2009. As a Christian she was free from fear, anxiety and things. What was once important, no longer is. Just know dear Sarah “Agnes” that you were loved!

In loving memory

Sarah Agnes McLellan White

March 17, 1908 – January 11, 2009

“Agnesbelieved and held dear the sanctity of life, prayer, and God’s way on moral issues. Her values were firmly rooted in the Word of God.”

“She has prayed everyday for her children and grandchildren.”

“Jobie came to Christ in 1958 through her faithful prayers.”

“She talked to God about her children everyday of her life.”

“She listened to that still small voice and followed Christ’s leading in her life.”

“Agnes never stopped praying for them.”

“She told him before he left that she prays for him daily.”

“Just know, dear Sarah “Agnes,” that you were loved!”

Excerpts from Judith’s Remembrance.