MINUTES of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 18thJuly 2017 in Great Whittington Village Hall

(Subject to Parish Council approval)

PRESENT:Councillor S GregoryChairman

Councillor E J Tiffin

Councillor A Williamson

Councillor C Edy

Councillor K Laing

Also present:Mrs M Senior – Clerk


1282.CO-OPTION OF A COUNCILLOR. It was proposed by Cllr S Gregory, seconded by Cllr C Edy and AGREED to co-opt Jessie Tiffin back on to the Council.

1283.MINUTES of the meeting held on16thMay 2017having been circulated were taken as read and confirmed as a true record.

1284.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr K Laing declared a personal interest in the planning application relating to Badgers End.


a)WEIGHT LIMIT. Minute 1276 refers. Cllr S Gregory is to follow this up with NCC

b)MID TYNE TRUST. Cllr S Gregory is to follow this up with Alex Kerr.

c)QUARRYING. NCC had stopped quarrying in the area on 24 May and served a planning contravention notice. All equipment had been removed from the site.


17/01222/FUL / The Whiggs, U8162 Great Whittington junction to Roses Bower junction, Great Whittington. / Proposed internal alterations, refurbishment and single storey extensions to the south and east elevations
17/01231/FUL / Great Whittington Telephone Exchange / Proposed change of use Sui Generis to C3 dwelling house (holiday accommodation) including single storey extension and small dormer window. GRANTED
17/01475/FUL / Click Em In Farm, Matfen / Construction of grain store building. GRANTED
16/04801/FUL / Leadgates, Great Whittington / Proposed construction of a garden room extension. WITHDRAWN
17/01811/FUL / Badgers End, 6 School Close, Great Whittington / Proposed single storey extension to form family/dining room and conservatory to rear
17/02136/LBC / The Temperance, Great Whittington / Replacement of existing single glazed timber windows to new double glazed timber windows.


Mrs A Senior / Clerical services / 140.00 / 140.00 / 010656
H M Revenue and Customs / PAYE / 35.00 / 35.00 / 010657
Mrs A Senior / Expenses / 43.13 / 43.13 / 010658
Groundworks UK / Neighbourhood Plan / 1350.00 / 1350.00 / 21.06.17

1288.NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The 6 week consultation period had been completed and no major issues had been raised. NCC had submitted their comments and these were being reviewed by Jo-Anne Garrick who believed some to be incorrect. Jo-Anne Garrick is to liaise with David English, NCC to see what progress can be made. The outcome will be reviewed and a final plan prepared. Further funding had been received from Groundworks UK to pay for Jo-Anne Garrick’s work. A further £6000 is available, if needed. A further consultation/public meeting could be arranged to engage further with the parish. The Parish Council is to look at the development scenarios within the next two weeks. Cllr K Laing will deal with the infill sites as John Roberts declared a personal interest as one of the sites is adjacent to his property. Information on this should be sent to Cllr K Laing. The final report will need to be agreed by the Parish Council and a health check will be undertaken by an independent planning consultant. NCC will then carry out a 6 week consultation period and arrange the referendum.

1289.GREAT WHITTINGTON VILLAGE HALL. Coffee mornings continue in the Village Hall and are well attended. Further work had been completed; toilets at the rear removed and turned into a storage area. A BBQ had been held and was well attended.

1290.CORRESPONDENCE. All correspondence received since the Maymeeting had been listed on the agenda and was duly noted.

1291.NORTHUMBERLAND FIRE AND RESCUE PLAN. Formal consultation for the Fire and Rescue Plan 2017- 2021 commenced on 10th July and concludes on 1st September.

1292.NORTHUMBERLAND LOCAL PLAN CORE STRATEGY. Northumberland County Council has withdrawn the Northumberland Local Plan: Core Strategy Pre submission draft plan and proposed modifications documents from submission.

1293BOOK BANKS IN NORTHUMBERLAND. Book bank facilities are being re-instated at the sites in Corbridge Village car park and Wentworth car park in Hexham.

1294GREEN DOG WALKERS RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP CAMPAIGN. NCC is to launch a new campaign to promote responsible dog ownership in Northumberland. Information about the campaign can be found at

1295.BADGERS END. Tony Baker had contacted the Parish Council regarding the access to the new development. He had met with his architect and the village hall committee to show amended plans of the site showing access from the south side. Concerns had been expressed over the volume of traffic accessing the north side. Traffic calming measures (rumble strips) would be installed through the site. A small strip would need to be taken from the bottom of the Village Hall garden. Cllr S Gregory had spoken to Highways and he is to arrange a meeting with Tony Baker to discuss further.


a)ROAD SIGNS. County Councillor Mrs V Jones advised that there were insufficient funds in her 2016/17 budget for the additional road signs. NCC was having problems with the layby and are looking to install priority signs on the bridge instead. This will be funded from this year’s allocation.

b)LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2018/19. Priorities are being requested from Parish Councils for the year 2018/19.

c)LOCAL AREA COUNCILS are now dealing with planning and Parish Council’s comments are being taken into consideration.

d)CORBRIDGE SCHOOLS CONSULTATIONS. Consultations are being carried out on Corbridge Middle School becoming part of a Multi Academy Trust and QEHS on becoming a secondary school.


Copies of all information items are available from the Clerk on request.

  • LCR Magazine – Summer 2017
  • NALC – weekly eNews
  • Community Action Northumberland – News – Spring Issue

1298.TREE SURVEY. A tree survey will be arranged for all trees on the village green. A quote will be obtained from All About Trees. A plan will be obtained of all areas of village green in Great Whittington.

1299.DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th September 2017at 19:30 in Great Whittington Village Hall.
