Proceedings of the Board of Education

Community Unit School District No. 5

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 19, 2016

The Board of Education met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 in the Jr. High Computer Lab. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Brunnworth. Present at roll call were Brunnworth, Rademacher, Rimar, Remer, Skertich and Swenson. Also present were Superintendent Murphy, Principal Schuricht, Principal Baumberger, Secretary Bruch, Jeff Rabida, John Hanafin, Amy Moulton, Lee Ann Skertich, Marcia Schulte, Gale Bloemker, Adam Schulte and a Mt. Olive Police Officer.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Rademacher to adopt the agenda and approve the Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of December 16, 2015 and the Minutes from the Truth in Taxation Hearing of December 16, 2015. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Brunnworth to approve the bills as presented. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Financial Report for December 2015:

Mr. Murphy reported that we are half way through the fiscal year. The Education Fund balance is $303,402.81. We have received the final property tax payment. The balance will change next month because we will be transferring $110,000 from the Building Fund to cover janitorial salaries and $215,000 from the Tort Fund to cover salaries. Currently the Building Fund balance is $532,657.74 and the Tort Fund is $297,291.27. The Bond and Interest Fund balance is $6,137.01. Transportation Fund balance is $86,131.58. The district has received our first of four categorical payments from the state. The IMRF Fund balance is $97,279.35. Working Cash Fund balance is $47,077.60. Life Safety balance is $17,174.11. Total of all funds is $1,387,151.50 with the Operating Funds balance at $969,269.73.

Budget Report for December 2015:

The State’s budget is sitting with $36 billion in expenses and only $31 billion in revenue. March could bring difficult times if the budget does not get straightened out. Currently the district’s revenues are at 60% and expenses are at 52%. Revenues vs. expenses by fund are:

Education Fund 50% - 49%

O&M Fund 100% - 52%

Tort Fund 97% - 16%

Transportation Fund 64% - 32%

IMRF Fund 95% - 47%

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Skertich to approve the Financial Report and Budget Report for December 2015. All ayes. Motion carried.

Recognition, comments, and correspondence from employees and public:

Joshua Dwyer, Policy Director of One Chance Illinois, requested information on January 11, 2016 regarding the gifted and talented programs in the Mt. Olive School District. The district responded on January 11, 2016.

Unfinished Business:

Nothing to report.

New Business:

The board discussed transportation for 2016-2017. Mr. Murphy provided the board with figures if the district leased or purchased their own fleet of busses. He explained that we spent approximately $365,000 last year with First Student. He projects the expense to be $202,922 if we lease 4 busses, a spare bus, and a handicapped bus. The board requested he get bids from other bus companies.

Motion by Rimar, seconded by Swenson to accept the resignation of Nicole Logan as Jr. High Girls Basketball coach for the 2016-2017 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Remer to adopt a resolution for the County School Facilities Sales Tax Potential Revenue with changes. The resolution is to share with the public how the district plans to spend the money from this tax. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Brunnworth, seconded by Rademacher to accept an extended electrical contract from Nordic that would run from 02/2016 through 02/2019 with an “all in” price of $0.5586/kwh. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Principals’ Reports:

Mr. Baumberger reported that the Grade School is preparing for the PARCC exams. Scheduling has been a little bit of an issue, but the Grade School is currently looking at dates in the beginning of March. The Jr. High boys’ basketball is wrapping up their season. The 8th grade team recently participated in the Sorento tournament and came home with a second place finish. The 7th grade team will begin regionals on January 25th. The 8th grade team will begin their regional on January 30th. Mr. Baumberger wished both teams good luck! The Jr. High recently held its 8th grade night festivities. Mr. Baumberger thanked everyone involved and thanked the fans for their support. Jr. High girls’ volleyball have been very competitive in their play. The Pre-K program hosted a game night for their students and families. The game night is designed to keep parents active in their student’s lives. Mr. Baumberger thanked the pre-K department for hosting this activity.

Mr. Schuricht reported that on January 27th at 6:00 in the computer lab, the seniors and their parents are invited to attend a FAFSA completion meeting. A representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will be here to help parents and students apply for financial aid for college. Mr. Schuricht thanked Mrs. Kozsdiy for setting this up. The Student Council will be sponsoring a Pennies for Patients Drive to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They will be collecting as much money as possible and the class with the most money will receive a pizza party. The shop students were instrumental in widening the door in the back of the shop class. The State is requiring our students to take a science test sometime this school year. This test will be taken by the biology students. PARCC testing is scheduled for the end of April. Mrs. Haenel held Spring Play auditions. The play is titled “You’re Driving me Crazy”. In sports, the girls won their game Saturday at the Macoupin County Tournament. The boys lost, then won their next game. The girls finished 3rd in the Wesclin Tournament over Christmas break and also clinched the PSC Championship. The last home game is February 3rd against Brussels. Mt. Olive will be hosting the girls’ regional. Senior night for the boys is February 5th. Wrestling regionals are February 6th at Belleville Althoff. The Valentines Dance is February 13th. Jill Niehaus received 1st Team All Area Volleyball recognition and also she received Honorable Mention All-State recognition.

Superintendent’s Report:

Mr. Murphy thanked the VFW for donating a flag to the district. Mr. Murphy supplied the board with a sequence of dismissal list for the teachers. There have been two meetings regarding the 1 Cent Sales Tax. Mt. Olive had good representation at the meetings. The 1 Cent Sales Tax will be on the March 15th ballot. There was a community wide meeting last week regarding this tax. Tomorrow is the county level meeting and next Wednesday will be a meeting at city hall. Mr. Murphy thanked the people who are attending these meetings. Mr. Murphy informed the board that the General State Aid and Transportation reports for the 2013-2014 school year will be audited by the state. Also the Title I and Early Childhood grants for the 2014 - 2015 school year will be audited.

Motion by Swenson, seconded by Remer to enter into Closed Session at 8:03 p.m. for the following purposes as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.): A. Discussion of the appointment, employment and dismissal of employees of the public body and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives and B.) Student Discipline. Roll call: 6 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Rademacher, seconded by Skertich to return to open meeting at 9:21 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.

There was no action coming out of closed session.

Motion by Skertich, seconded by Rimar to adjourn at 9:22 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.

The next regular Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17th 2016 in the Jr. High Computer Lab.


President Secretary