Clubs and Activities at Evans Elementary School
We are proud to offer a variety of after-school clubs for our students. Please look over this list of our Fall and All Year club offerings for the 2016 - 2017 school year. Please note that the clubs on this list are for FALL and FULL YEAR only. Another list will be sent home later indicating winter, and spring clubs. Students are encouraged to consider all after-school commitments and must agree that once they have joined a club, they will attend regularly.
There is an annual clubs & activity fee of $80.00 for any student who wishes to participate in one or more clubs and activities listed below. Students who qualify for the free federal lunch program are exempt from the participation fee. For children who qualify for reduced lunch the fee is $32.00. However, DO NOT SEND ANY PAYMENT AT THIS TIME!!
Students will be notified of the exact location and date in which the club will be held by the club sponsor
Note that students may select only one club for a given day of the week. Club descriptions are attached and this form will be accessible on our website.
Fall Clubs (October – January) / Grade Levels / Meeting DayJump Rope, Juggling, and Games Club / 3 & 4 / Wednesday
P.E. Club / 4 / Tuesday
P.E. Club / 5 / Monday
Flag Football / 4 / Monday
Creative Chefs / 3, 4 & 5 / Tuesday
Flag Football / 3 / Tuesday
Chorus / 4 & 5 / Wednesday
All Year (October-June) / Grade Levels / Meeting Day
100 Mile Club / 3, 4 & 5 / Wednesday
BOKS / All Grades / Monday and Thursday
Studio Art Club / 5 / Tuesday
School Spirit Art Club / 4 and 5 / Wednesday
In addition to the clubs above, fifth grade students may participate in Student Council and Safety Patrol. Teachers will send home information with those students selected/invited to participate. There are no fees for these service clubs. Homework Club will also be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Student participation in these clubs is based on teacher recommendation. There is also no fee for these service clubs.
***Please Note: Parents will be asked to sign-up for each club separately using a link on our school website. The link will be available the week of September 19th as clubs will begin the last week of September. Once your child officially joins a club you will receive all information directly from the club sponsor in hard copy form including all forms regarding payment.
Club Descriptions:
All Year Clubs (October-June)
Studio Art Club
This is a fifth grade club that is offered all year. Art Club provides the opportunity to study artists and art styles and use many different materials and methods not possible in a larger class setting. As in the past, the club is open to fifth graders only and it is possible they may have to submit an original work of art and a paragraph expressing their interest to the club directly to Mrs. Barber depending on the number of interested students. The number of students in the club will depend on the available space in the art room. The club will be held on Tuesdays.
School Spirit Art Club
This is a fourth and fifth grade club offered all year. The school spirit art club provides an opportunity for students to help design and set-up various school “spirit” displays throughout the school. We will work together to create the background for the school plays, setup for the book fairs and other various school activities. The club will be held on Wednesdays and will be sponsored by Mrs. Barber.
Building on Kids Success! This is a very popular before-school club. Students have the opportunity to wake up their minds and bodies by taking part in activities and games. Club starts at 7:30 in the morning and ends at 8:15am when students begin to travel to their classrooms prepared for the day. BOKs is open to ALL grades and will be held on Monday and Thursday mornings. The club is sponsored by Mr. Browne.
100 Mile Club
Calling all third, fourth, and fifth grade runners! Do you enjoy Recess Runners? If so, we figured we turn it up a notch and go for 100 miles! Students will be introduced to stretches and warm-up routines in addition to logging extra miles towards the magic 100. Students will receive tokens for their extra miles much like they do during recess runners. In addition, students who sign up for the 100 Mile Club here at Evans will also be enrolled in the national 100 Mile Club ( Students will be rewarded at major milestones such as 25, 50, and 75 miles through this club. In addition, it is our hope and goal that the club will train towards our very own Evans School Trail 5k in the Black Run Preserve next Spring. The club will be held on Wednesdays and is sponsored by Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Rothamel.
Fall Clubs (October-January)
Chorus-4th and 5th grade
Chorus is a fourth and fifth grade club that offers fun group performance opportunities for the young singer. Students experience a meaningful and memorable program as they prepare for the Evans Holiday concert in December. Students learn public speaking skills, rehearsal and relaxation techniques that can be used throughout life, and gain experience performing in front of an audience- all in the secure setting here at Evans. The club meets on Wednesdays and is sponsored by Mrs. D’Errico.
Physical Education Club
During this club students will be involved in various Physical Education activities. Some will be teacher chosen andmany activities will be chosen by the students themselves. Students will have the opportunity to compete, cooperate, and have fun while getting their 60 minutes of exercise for the day. This club is sponsored by Mr. Browne and will be held on Mondays for fifth graders and Tuesday for fourth graders.
Creative Chefs
This club is for third, fourth and fifth grade students in the Fall. Students will learn to make after-school snacks with healthy ingredients! The snacks will require peeling, chopping (plastic knives), spreading and mixing. However, no cooking will be involved. Students will make and eat their snacks and then make a recipe book as their culminating project. The club will be held on Tuesdays and is sponsored by Mrs. Kowalski and Mrs. Bollard.
Jump Rope, Juggling and Games Club- Grades 3 & 4
Students will have an opportunity to further their skills with jump roping, juggling while also having an opportunity to play “old school” games such as jacks, four square, hopscotch, etc. The club will be held on Wednesday and is sponsored by Mr. Browne.
Flag Football- Grades 3 & 4
Students will be placed on teams and provided the rules and equipment needed to play and enjoy Flag Football. Because recess in not long enough! 4th Grade Flag Football will be held on Mondays and is sponsored by Mr. Jordan. 3rd Grade Flag Football will be held on Tuesdays and is sponsored by Mr. DiBlasi.