Office of Research Services and Administration

University of Oregon


Update: May 2011

The following information should be used as the basis for preparing grant budgets. For more complete information on developing grant budgets, please visit the ORSA website and click on the Pre-Award tab on the home page.

Faculty & Staff - Wage & Salary Increase: 2.5%

The COLA rate is based on consumer price change averages from 2005 through the first half of 2010; Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index - Portland Area (


Fringe Benefits or OPE (Other Personnel Expense)

These are average, or composite, fringe benefit (OPE) rates

Employee Category (9 & 12 month Employees) Rate

Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base up to $30,000) / 70%
Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base up to $30,001 to 40,000) / 65%
Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base up to $40,001 to 50,000) / 55%
Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base up to $50,001 to 60,000) / 50%
Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base up to $60,001 to 70,000) / 47%
Faculty / Staff (full-time salary base over $70,001) / 45%
9 month Appt - Summer Rate / 24%
Student Wages (graduate and undergraduate – not GTF) / 5%
Graduate Teach / Research Fellow / 1.4%**
**plus insurance and fees, below

Percentages above are composite, or average, OPE percentages by salary level, based on UO Office of Budget and Resource Management OPE Worksheet (12/10). To calculate OPE for salary situations not listed above (temporary, retired, stipends, etc.) please visit – select “OPE WORKSHEET” and click the “Select OPE” tab at the bottom of the workbook.

Student Wages (per hour)

Effective 1/2009 through 12/2010

Student Assistant 1 / $8.40 - $10.00/hr
Student Assistant 2 / $9.50 - $11.00/hr
Student Assistant 3 / $10.50 - $12.50/hr
Student Assistant 4 / $12.00 - $14.00/hr
Student Assistant 5* / >$14.00/hr
*as approved by Employment Manager

These are general guidelines for student jobs on the University of Oregon campus. Individual departments may have specific wage schedules for their operations. Students must be paid at least minimum wage and any wage rate over $14 must be approved in advance by the Employment Manager in Human Resources. Additional information is available at:

2011-2012 GTF SALARIES: (3% annual increase)


Minimum GTF Monthly Salary at .49 FTE for AY: 1,310 1,479 1,562

For reference, the annual wage at 1.0 FTE would be: 24,060 27,168 28,692

The minimum allowable appointment is .20 FTE for a full quarter. The maximum allowable appointment is .49 FTE. These rates apply to Teaching, Research and Administrative GTF positions. GTF salaries are budgeted according to the FTE percentage of the appointment up to the maximum of .49 FTE.

Academic and administrative units reserve the right to pay at a higher level, so long as salary equity by level of appointment for GTFs is maintained in the department, program, or administrative unit. Higher annual wages and level of FTE must be listed by the unit for each position in the budget.

Additional reference information is available at:

2011-12 GTF INSURANCE: (5% annual increase)

Cost per Term for 2011-12: $1,305

(This is a new, weighted average for health insurance budgeting, based on plan rates and

participation for Fall, Winter, and Spring terms.)

GTF Full Year coverage: $4,779

(Weighted average)

For proposal budgets that include GTF appointments during summer,

please include summer insurance.

2011-12 GTF FEES: (5% annual increase)

University contributions to non-instructional student body fees for GTFs appointed at .20 FTE and above are set as follows:

University contribution per Term: $303

University contribution per AY (3 terms) $909

GTFs pay their own mandatory fees in summer.

2010-2011 GTF TUITION: (7% annual increase)*

Resident Grad Students: $4,323 per term / $12,971 (3 terms)

(for all in-state GTF appointments and for in-state graduate trainees)

Non-resident Graduate Students: $6,4520 per term / $19,356 (3 terms)

(for out-of-state graduate trainees on training grants or fellowships)

For proposal budgets that include summer GTF appointments, please include summer tuition.

*This is a 2011-12 budget estimate. Note that tuition amounts do vary by school/college (an in some cases graduate program). In order to budget appropriately, please utilize the Tuition Code Identification Table for specific tuition rates per term. The Table is located at:


University of Oregon – Business Affairs Travel Website

Related Per Diem Rates:



Pre-determined rates through 6/30/2011; Agreement dated 5/19/08


Research: On Campus / 42%
Research: Off Campus / 26%
Instruction: On Campus / 53%
Instruction: Off Campus / 26%
Other Sponsored Activity: On Campus / 29%
Other Sponsored Activity: Off Campus / 23.8%
State of Oregon Agencies (state funds) / 26%

For rate description definitions see:

State of Oregon Federal flow-through funds receive the save F&A rate as direct federal funding. State of Oregon state funds receive a reduced F&A rate of 26%.

If the Grant Sponsor has published F&A (indirect) rates less than the UO's federally negotiated rate, upload a copy of the sponsor's published rates as it appears in their guidelines to your EPCS record and apply the sponsor's rate in your budget.

If the Grant Sponsor does not have a published policy on the F&A restriction, UO’s negotiated F&A rate must be applied.

When the Grant Sponsor caps the F&A rate and they do not specify how the rate is to be applied, UO policy is to charge the capped rate to the project’s total direct costs rather than modified total direct costs (MTDC).

F&A Waivers or reductions must be approved by the UO Vice President for Research prior to submission to the sponsoring agency. Please provide documentation of F&A waiver to ORSA for the award file.