Study Guide

State Military Skills Meet



1. What do the letters JROTC stand for?

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (pronounced “core” not corpse).

2. Name the two U.S. Senators from the state of New Mexico.

Tom Udall and Martin Henrich

3. What is the length of term for a U.S. Senator?

Six years

4. What is the length of term for a U.S. Representative?

Two Years

5. To be President of the United States, what is the youngest age you can be?


6. What position is responsible for everything a unit does or fails to do?

The Commander

7. Who oversees the Battalion Staff and ensures they get their work accomplished?

Battalion XO

8. What Staff Position is responsible for Records and Administration?


9. What Staff Position is responsible for Intelligence and Security?


10. What Staff Position is responsible for Operations and Training?


11. What Staff Position is responsible for Logistics and Supplies?



12. What do the 13 stripes on the U.S. Flag represent?

13 original colonies

13. Name the 13 original colonies.

Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland

14. What is the name of our National Anthem?

Star Spangled Banner

15. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Francis Scott Key

16. When did he write the Star Spangled Banner?

During the War of 1812

17. Who fought during the War of 1812?

The U.S. and the British

18. When did Congress pass the act making the Star Spangled Banner the official U.S. Anthem?


19. What is the date of the airliner attack on the twin towers in New York City?

September 11, 2001

20. What is the date that Navy SEAL Team Six killed Osama Bin Laden, the terrorist that planned the attack on the twin towers?

May 2, 2011

First Aid

21. What are the ABCs of First Aid?

Clear the Airway

Restore Breathing

Restore Circulation

22. What are the four lifesaving steps?

Stop the bleeding

Start the breathing

Protect the wound

Treat for shock

23. What does CPR stand for?

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

24. When performing CPR, how often are the compressions?

At least 15 compressions every 10 seconds

25. What is the best way to stop the flow of blood?

Direct pressure

26. What do the letters RICE stand for?






27. What is the purpose of military drill?

To move units from one place to another in an orderly manner

To teach discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to orders

To increase confidence of cadets through exercise of command by the giving of proper commands and the control of drilling cadets

28. Who wrote the first book on drill?

Baron Von Steuben

29. What are the two parts of a command?

Preparatory Command and the Command of Execution

30. From what position do you give a command?

The position of Attention

31. What does the word Cadence mean?

The uniform and rhythmic flow of words

The following are for Color Guard ONLY

32. What is the most notable symbol of our nation?

The United States Flag

33. What is considered the birth date of the U.S. Flag?

June 14th, 1777

34. Who is credited with sewing the first U.S. Flag?

Betsey Ross

35. The part of the flag with the stars and stripes is called what?

The Union

36. When you are done folding the U.S. Flag properly what should it look like?

It should look like a triangle with only the blue field and white stars showing

37. What are the three types of flags and their sizes?

Post 10’ by 19’, Garrison 20’ by 38’, Storm 5’ by 9.5’

38. When do you salute the U.S. Flag?

6 paces before and 6 paces after

When “Hail to the Chief”, “To the Colors”, or the “National Anthem” is being played

39. When should the U.S. Flag be raised/lowered?

Sunrise to sunset

40. When is the only time the U.S. Flag should be flown upside down?

In emergency or distress

41. In general, where is the U.S. Flag always carried or positioned?

On the right, the place of honor

42. What is the correct order of military flags?

Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard except in time of war when the Coast Guard Flag will precede the Air Force Flag