755FCFC Meeting

June 18, 2015

Educational Service Center

Present: Aimee Roberts, Andrew Binegar, Connie Hardesty, Elaine Miller, Michelle Callahan, Michael Pelcic, Nick Tatman, Pam Hively, Teresa Juenger, Donna Solovey, RoxanSigmon, Deborah Wipert, Rachel Paisley, Nikki Shaner, Chris Norris, Brooke Wright , Hannah List, Teratia Welch, Glenna Huff, Jennifer Murphy, Shannon Bumgardner, Shannon Clark, Tami Davis, Tim Harris, Ty Ankrom, Robin Kish, Brad Lutz, and Marie Wilbanks

Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Andrew Binegar, Council Chairperson.

Introductions made by everyone attending.

Secretary’s Report- Elaine Miller presented report for people to review. She asked if there were any changes that needed to be made. Motion made to accept Secretary’s report by Tim Harris and seconded by Michelle Callahan. All ayes. Motion passed.

Special Guest: The group welcomed Chris Norris from WestfallSchool District Business Tech Program. Chris discussed the Pilot Program held at Westfall last year for printing and some graphic design. Last year it was one period a day. This year they hope to extend project to two periods a day. Kids are very involved in all aspects of the business. He showed samples of their printing projects. He stated they can do annual reports, directories, indoor banners, business cards, invitations, etc. FCFC is getting a quote from him to print the Community Resource Directories. 500 would be $500 and 1000 would be $900. Anyone wanting to order some can send Kim Martin an e-mail with the amount wanted. Each agency will have to pay for what they order. Both Ty Ankrom and Andrew

Binegar have visited the class and had wonderful reviews on this project.

Andrew Binegar also discussed the pocket size resource listing. He has those available and you can request them after the meeting at no charge.

Donna Solovey brought up the need to update the Community Resource Directory

prior to printing it. Andrew Binegar said that there is a process in place to review it through the United Way.

Committees :

Executive Committee

Executive committee met on June 5,2015. Present were Mike, Kim, and Shannon. They discussed the extra funds that were remaining from OCB and decided to compensate Kim for extra hours worked. They also renewed her contract for next year. Her total salary will be $28037 for the year. Kim has next year’s budget completed. Future meeting dates established for the year. Motion made to accept Executive Committee Report by Tim Harris and seconded by Aimee Roberts. All ayes. Motion carried.

Finance Committee

Shannon Clark explained that they were finishing out the year. There is a zero balance in all funds except Children’s Trust Fund. This money will have to be sent back. Donations can be carried over. Some funds are in the negative waiting reimbursement from the state.

Parent Advisory Committee

This committee meets the first Thursday of each month. They are in the process of finding out how to better structure the group. They are planning quarterly Parenting Education Forums beginning October 1, 2015 from 6-7:30 pm at the Educational Service Center. Alicia Townsend , a Teays Valley parent, will be sharing her personal journey. They also going to do a parent survey to see what is needed and what parents are looking for.


Donna Solovey is the new chairperson. She is in the process of reviewing the mailing list and asked that everyone present update their contact information.

The next meeting is Friday June 26, 2015 . This will be an organizational meeting for the purpose of collaboration and partnerships. Her comment was, “Do what we do better.”

Teen Task Force

Next meeting is July 14 at 2:30 pm at Board of Developmental Disabilities.They are currently working on next years’ goals.

Ohio Child Trust Fund

Kim is working on trying to make better use of these funds. She has checked with Fairfield County regarding this. There will be 3 curriculums (Active Parenting 1,2,3,4 , Active Parenting ages 5-12 and Active Parenting for Teens) presented twice yearly. They will be held at the Educational Service Center. Incredible Years will be offered again in March 2016 at the YMCA for ages 3-6 years. Flyers will be available for agencies to take.

Parent Education Cooperative

First meeting will be July7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Educational Service Center. They will discuss current parent programming available in the county and will place it on the quarterly calendar that will be distributed to agencies and schools. Currently four agencies were noted as having some type of parenting program. These were Elizabeth’s Hope, Children’s Services, Library, and Berger Hospital. This needs more collaboration.

Peer to Peer Mentoring

This program was held at Westfall this year and is now going to be moving to Teays Valley as well. Excellent program.

Pickaway Parenting Café

This lists resources and trainings available in the county. It provides a good link for families and agencies.


Juvenile Court –Rachelle Paisley is a substance abuse counselor and a social worker for the Juvenile Court System. The court system has noted two needs for our county. They are mentoring programs and a Parent Support Group for those children and their families having problems. In working with these juveniles, they asked what they see as their number one need. It was a Wellness Program. They have hired a young man to start a Wellness Group for this population. Donna Solovey asked the Juvenile Court representative to send statistics from their agency to FCFC members for use in a community health assessment.


This new mentoring program is set up to begin in the fall. OCU and Heritage Nazarene are partnering with FCFDC and Juvenile Court to recruit members. The YMCA is also interested in coming on board with this upcoming program. OCU has a work study for mentors in the fall available.


Andrew Binegar-discussed the acquisition of Everts Middle School for low income housing project. They received the approval and the project is two years in the making. It will hold 49 new units for senior citizens. There will be historic tax credits associated with the project. Summer lunch program is still going.

Golf outing next Friday –need sponsors.

Elaine Miller- discussed that the Health Department is looking for an Emergency Response Coordinator.

NickTatman- APS is working on a new grant to support seniors in Pickaway County.

Michelle Callahan- discussed summer activities. Flyer is available with times and information. The Library will be holding a Health Fair on July 30 from 5-7 p.m. Michelle also discussed that on July 13 there would be a large church group of 200 people that would be looking for projects to do. Contact Michelle if you know of any projects.

DonnaSolovey-stated that Friday in the Park is back. Library did the first one last week and there were 65 in attendance. She also reminded us of the free summer lunch program at the Corwin Building.

TyAnkrom- announced that the summer speech clinic would be held in July.

RoxanSigmon- Offered to help the Health Department with a talent search for the position they need. She also talked about the Summer Youth Employment program. She mentioned several hiring events including On Board Services at Dupont on July 14 and July 20. and the Nesco Job Fair on June 24 from 1-3p.m. There is also a job store on July 7 pertaining to staffing agencies.

Debbie Wipert - OMJ has increased the age they serve. It is up to 24 years of age now.

Aimee Roberts- states that they are finalizing this years’ grant.

Marie Wilbanks- mentioned that the EI play group is for birth to age 4 and is open to anyone. Family Fun Day will be on June 25 and will include a softball tournament.

Motion to Adjourn made by Connie Hardesty

Next Meeting: September 10, 2015