Market a sports drink

Welcome to the BK Sports and Entertainment Marketing Company! BK is devoted to serving the needs of its clients who include college, university, and professional sports teams, professional athletes, sporting events, and sports arenas plus major consumer corporations, as well as television networks and movie studios. As an intern for BK, you will have the opportunity to work on different clients projects. All of your work will be assigned and reviewed by your department supervisor (Mr. Poster.)


Your client is the RPP Beverage Company, the creator of a new sports/energy drink. The company is entering the “active thirst” market-beverages consumed by people who are either hot or active. The market has been dominated by Gatorade and other competing brands are PowerAde (Coca-Cola), AllSport (Pepsi), Monster, Rockstar, etc . Your client thinks it has a formula for a new sports/energy drink that is even better than Gatorade’s. Your client thinks that affiliation with a popular sport would help get this new product off the ground.


Your supervisor wants you to conduct an analysis of the current sports/energy drink market for your new client. You have also been asked to generate creative ideas with regard to the marketing mix for the new product. Product ideas should include designing the container and naming the product. Place suggestions involve deciding how to get the product into the hands of the consumer. Price recommendations should be based on the competitors pricing strategies. Promotion ideas should be creative. Consider sponsorship of a sports team or an endorsement by a professional athlete as part of the promotional mix.


Research the sports drink market and the major competitors. Find out how much is sold and who buys it. Research demographics (where they live) and geographics (age, gender, occupation) of your future customers. Determine the market share (percentage of total market) each competitor enjoys. Study each major competitors pricing, product, promotion, and place decisions. Find out which sports drinks are being endorsed by sports personalities, teams or leagues and whether they have special agreements. See if any of the competitors have Websites, and if they do, find out which is included. Secure samples of competitors advertising and promotions if possible. You want to see what the RPP Company needs to do to break into the sports/energy drink market.

Report (This is the section you need to complete!)

Prepare both a written report and a graphic report for the client. You may use a spreadsheet application or PowerPoint/Prezi. Also include samples of competitors advertising. Arrange your written report around the following headings:

Background on the sports drink market

o  The market and market trends

o  Customer analysis (demographics and geographics)

Analysis of major competitors

§  Product, place, price, and promotion decisions

Proposed target market for RPP

Marketing Mix decisions for RPP

§  Product (name, container), place, price and promotion (main theme, slogan, publicity, special promotions, advertising) decisions

Using computer presentation software (PowerPoint/Prezi), prepare a presentation of your ideas for the client that includes:

o  Key topics covered in your written report

o  Graphic Illustrations that are relevant to each slides topics

o  Minimum of 5 slides

o  Very little text

**You may work in groups of 1-3 for this project. Project is due on September 22nd and you will be giving your presentations to the class on this day. This project is worth 100 points. You will be graded on the following criteria:

·  Visual Aids (20 points)

·  Oral presentation (20 points)

·  Written Report (20 points)

·  Content/Length of presentation (20 points)

·  Creativity (20 points)

Standard covered:

Standard 4: Students understand the concepts and processes needed to obtain, develop, maintain, and improve a product or service mix in response to market opportunities.