Dear Parents/Guardians,

Hello, my name is Jessica Green. I am your child’s Algebra 1A teacher at Spruce Creek High School. I am very excited to be at Spruce Creek working with students to help them achieve their graduation goals. If you need to contact me, please do so through my district e-mail address: I will be updating with homework assignments and notes for class.

I will be utilizing twitter and Remind 101 to help your child be as successful in my class as possible. I encourage you to subscribe as well.

Remind 101: to join a remind 101 text one of the following codes to 81010.

Geometry @6cc010

Geometry Honors @f86311

Algebra 1A @gga6ka

Twitter: @missgreengator

Thank you for your time and patience.


Miss Jessica Green

Room B-O3; Math Department—Spruce Creek High School

Please sign and return this bottom portion by August 19th notifying me that you have located the school webpage where I will be posting agendas and lessons for the school year, and have read and agree to the terms stated in my syllabus.

I look forward to a successful school year with you and your child this year.

Parent name:______Phone:______

Parent Email: ______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Student Name:______Student Signature:______

Please indicate if you will be accessing Gradebook online. Yes No


Often appropriate PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies can be utilized effectively to enrich classroom instruction and accomplish identified objectives. If you give permission for your child to view such materials, you do not have to do anything. (NOTE: NO sections of “R” rated movies will ever be shown per Volusia County School Board policy.) If you do NOT wish to grant permission for your child to view any PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies identified by the teacher as effective in teaching the curriculum, please contact me via e-mail at or send a note in with your student.




TEACHER: Miss Jessica Green

COURSE: Algebra 1A


The purpose of this course is to develop the geometric relationships and deductive strategies that can be used to solve a variety of real world and mathematical problems.

*NO electronic devices other than calculators are allowed to be used in class! Use of these items during class time will result in a referral.


Only ask to use the restroom at the appropriate time. I follow the 10/10 restroom rule. You will not be permitted to use the restroom for the first 10 minutes of class, last 10 minutes of class, or during direct instruction due to classroom teaching and participation. During quiet classwork or learning team time, you may be allowed to use the restroom by asking permission. I allow 3 passes per nine weeks, unless I have a letter from a parent /guardian or a doctor’s note stating otherwise (health or personal issues). No more than one person at a time is allowed out of the classroom. Passes written to the vending machine will not be permitted.


Grades will follow the VCS Secondary Grading Guidelines and will have

the following breakdown:

Diagnostic assessments—0%

Formative assessments—40%

Summative assessments—60%

GRADING POLICY (continued)

According to VCS Secondary Grading Guidelines for each nine-week grading period, students shall have the opportunity to retake at least ONE summative assessment.Additional retakes shall be determined based upon individual student data.

·  Any reassessment must be completed prior to the next assessment. The requirements for the student to be able to retake a summative test will be, but not limited to the following:

1)  Teacher and student will determine how and when the work will be completed. It may consist of completing all missing formatives for a specific concept, completing the “Fix It Correction” form, and/or making necessary corrections to formatives. Intervention in the specific topic or benchmark should occur within 2 weeks (10 school days) of the original assessment.

2)  Ensure that all homework assignments are completed prior to re-taking the test. The teacher has the option to assign an “I” instead of the traditional letter grade if a retake falls after the 9 weeks has ended. The “I” is “working towards proficiency” and needs to be cleared within the 10 school days of the original assessment.

3)  Reassessments but be completed by the day prior to the next chapters reassessment.

Submission of Class work

All class work submitted to the teacher needs to be well written and presentable. If student does not show work, then partial points will be deducted from the assignment.


Recognizing the importance of education, we encourage you to attend school on a daily basis. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students who are absent on the day an assignment is due MUST submit their assignment on the next day they return to class. Students have the number of days excused plus one extra day to make up any missed work per the school’s policy. If the work is not turned in to the teacher by the end of the time frame, a ‘missing’ tag will be given in pinnacle for the assignment(s). All quizzes and tests must be made up within a week of missing that test/quiz, or it may be counted as zero credit. Make-up days and times for quizzes and tests must be arranged with the teacher as soon as the student returns to class. Please note that the above policy is intended for students that are absent from class.


Late work is defined by the student not turning in an assignment on the specified due date. Late work will only be collected until the summative assessment for that unit. The highest grade late work can receive is a 90%. If a student is having an issue understanding the concept of the given assignment, the student needs to come to tutoring before the date the assignment is due. Only then will the teacher allow a one-day extension for the student to complete the given assignment. This will be notated on the student assignment.

ONLY EXCEPTION: There are special student accommodations specified through the school. Even with a plan setup, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the following: Keep open communications with the teacher about said assignment, attend office hours consistently until assignment is completed, and complete the work in a timely manner.


Request for work needed ahead of time may only be made by a parent/guardian and only under the following circumstances; student will be absent five consecutive days due to an acceptable excused absence. Parents/guardians are asked to call the school between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. for delivery to the guidance desk, review the school’s website for my assignment postings, or contact me via e-mail.


Students should have plenty of time to reach their classes between bells. The Spruce Creek High School policy on being late to class is that each tardy is noted through Pinnacle; upon the second occurrence, contact is made with the parent/guardian, and upon the third occurrence, the tardy student is written up on a referral for discipline. Every tardy noted after the third (within a 9 weeks grading period) will also receive a discipline referral.


I will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before school starting at 650. Additional tutoring may be scheduled after school, but will be by appointment only. Visiting me during this time is strongly encouraged!


Most information will be accessed through my website. I may be contacted by email at . Email is the best method of contact if you have that capability. Please do not hesitate to contact me! Open communication is the key to your student’s success!

Course Break Down





Equations and Inequalities in one Variable

------End of First Quarter DIA 1------

Equations in Two Variables and Functions


Linear Functions


Building Linear Functions

Systems of Equations and Inequalities

------End of Third Quarter DIA 3------


Exponents and Real Numbers

Exponential Functions and Equations

Modeling with Exponential Functions

------End of Fourth Quarter DIA 4------

------End of Second Quarter ------