Personal + Corporate Vision Building

Find a quiet place. Allow yourself about 30-minutes for the entire exercise.

Close your eyes, and think for a moment of a favorite place, a place where you are free, and happy. Stay with that image for a moment and when you are quiet, open your eyes and begin to answer the following....

Imagine achieving a result in your life that you deeply desire

For example, imagine that you are living where you most wish to live, or that you have the relationships that you most wish to have.

(Ignore how “possible” or “impossible” this vision seems.) Imagine yourself accepting, into your life, the full manifestation of this result you most want.

Describe in writing or pictures the experience you have imagined, using the present tense, as if it is happening right now. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What words would you use to describe it? Continue until a complete picture of what you want is filled in.

Write or draw it here:

If you could be exactly the kind of person you wanted, what would your qualities be?

What material things would you like to own?

What is your ideal living environment?

What is your desire for health, fitness, anything to do with your body?

What types of relationships would you like to have with family, friends, others?

What is your ideal profession or vocation? What impact would you like your efforts to have and on whom?

What would you like to create in the arena of individual learning, travel, reading or other activities?

What is your vision for the community or society you live in?

Could you continue to do these things and feel fulfilled if you continued upon this path for the next 300-years? What would you change if it isn’t quite right?

Summarize this entire vision in a few sentences from your compilation above.


What would you personally like to see in your organization become; for its own sake?

What kind of customers does it have? Who are they?

What is your organization’s reputation?

What contribution to society does your organization make?

What products or services does your organization produce?

What values does your organization embody?

What is the mission your organization must fulfill in order to complete its task on earth?

What is your organization’s reputation?

What does its physical environment look like?

How do people work together?

What does your company culture look like?

What kind of awards and reviews does your organization have?

Could your organization continue to do operate and feel fulfilled if you continued upon this path for the next 30-100-years? What would you change if it isn’t quite right?

Summarize this entire vision in a few sentences from your compilation above.

