Q: Is this strictly a brand name acquisition?

A: Many parts of this acquisition are identified as brand name or equal parts. If a firm proposed a different product other than what is requested it shall be incumbent upon that firm to ensure seamless connectivity to other existing parts and functions of the current 911 system.

Q: What is the evaluation criteria?

A: This acquisition is a Request for Quotes, as such evaluation will be based on costs to Concho Valley Council of Governments and the 911 program.

Q: Will we be required to install equipment at all locations identified?

A: Yes

Q: Do all locations identified currently have 911 equipment?

A: Yes

In the Scope of Work:

Q: Item 2 – It would be more accurate to change this statement to read ““System shall interface with the required CAD program(s) such that a full data dump from Power911 to CAD is performed seamlessly without allowing a two way data dump transfer between the CAD and the Power911.” That statement would assure CVCOG there’s no problem that might occur when the CAD system(s) occasionally “hiccup” and attempts to dump data back into the VIPER system.

A: Power 911 equipment is branded by Intrado Communications Inc. The solicitation requires “Brand Name or Equal” equipment where required. As such, the Statement of Work would require CAD programs be fully compatible and seamless with Intrado equipment.

Q: Item 16 – “System shall include Evergreen Software Maintenance inclusive of software updates and software upgrades, which will be provided at no additional charge.”

Does this mean we are to include the Evergreen Software Maintenance items at no charge, or does it mean we include it with the price per location on the totals page? If the Software Evergreen is priced and purchased – all software upgrades will be provided at no charge. What is the term of the Software Evergreen Maintenance required? Should it be scheduled for two years, to run concurrent with the state’s next fiscal biennium? The current Software Evergreen Support agreement expires at the end of the current biennium.

A: The current “Evergreen Software Maintenance” program expiresxxxxxxx. After re-evaluating Concho Valley Council of Governments shall be interested in new licensing and maintenance agreements.

Q: On the “CVCOG Copy of Parts List” where respondents are to place individual component pricing, the total quantity and extend pricing totals; how should respondents include the numerous items that are included on the individual site pricing sheets that are missing. A detailed evaluation was taken of each existing systems and a complete engineering report listing all the necessary items needed for this project was provided the 911 Communications Director and her staff. It is not possible to properly configure the systems for CVCOG without all the components needed to install a fully functional system at each location. Should they be added to the “Primary” Quote Sheet and identified as necessary and by which location they will be necessary?

A: It is the responsibility of respondents to ensure all components, necessary to make the system operable are included in the quote. Should the respondents to the solicitation require any additional items necessary for the system to operate be included in the quote, that respondent should expand the spreadsheet to include those items. Concho Valley Council of Governments has identified the requirement.

Q: Also on the “CVCOG Copy of Parts List” schedule Line Item 38 is for INTRADO Project Management might need to have multiple responses. Would it be acceptable to enter a line item for the PM for the SA Communications Center, the Headquarters and then the Remote sites, as there are varying prices per location. The same situation occurs with the Installation charges for each location, there being one for the SA Communication Center, one for the Headquarters and then one for the Remote sites.

A: Concho Valley Council of Governments is willing evaluate responses that are broken out to support all locations. However, the Government will require a complete description of Project Management.

Q: I have submitted your “CVCOG Clause” document for review by our Legal Department. If there are any items they might possibly “redline” and suggest substitute or alternative verbiage, is it acceptable to include that in our RFP response? If there any areas of concern, would CVCOG be amendable to negotiating them to both parties satisfaction prior to the issuance of a contract? In the past, RFP responses that have included such “redlines” have been negotiated to both parties satisfaction prior to the signing of a contract.

Additionally, is there any reason for all the FAR and Federal procurement references and required compliance when there is no federal funding involved in this procurement? This project is funded in totality by the state of Texas E911 monthly fee of 50 cents on every wire line and wireless phone in service. It would seem that compliance with Texas statutory requirements would be more appropriate for this project

A: After discussions with persons administering the HGAC contract, it was determined the designers of those contracts developed clauses using State Procurement clauses and encouraged the use of additional clauses to protect individual entities/organizations. Procurement policy for Concho Valley Council of Governments authorizes and allows for the use of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in the procurement processes. Concho Valley Council of Governments takes no exception to negotiating the use of clauses however, reserves the right to final decision.