Volume X Issue III September 2008

Show Highlights: We had a great show this year. The Hart Parr Oliver Collectors Association National Summer Show brought visitors and exhibitors from around the U.S. and Canada. A total of 3475 visitors paid through the gate. While that’s not an attendance record, when combined with the increased number of exhibitors, we certainly had a record crowd on the grounds. We didn’t have any rain for the weekend, which gave attendance a boost.

There were many compliments from visitors and exhibitors. People were very impressed with the grounds, and with the organization of the show.

Thank You: It is impossible to thank everyone that contributed to the success of the show, because there are so many. Special thanks go to all the Association Directors and Advisors, as well as all exhibitors and volunteers.

For first-time volunteers at set-up/tear down, at the gate, on the shuttles, and at registration – thanks for getting involved. We really appreciate your willingness to help.

2008 Dues: Membership dues for 2008 are $10.00. Notices have been sent to members who have not yet paid their 2008 dues.

Monsanto Donation Received: Monsanto Local Field Agent Pat Haan presented a $3,000 donation from Monsanto to TSGPA. This very generous donation will be used to buy items that will improve visitor experiences and/or that will help the organization operate more efficiently.

Election of Officers: The Election of Directors and Officers was held at the August 24 General Meeting. Directors Tony Haan, Bob Young, Doug Miller, Joe Oliver & Peggy Bryant were re-elected. The following Officers were elected – President – Shane Kerkhove, Vice-President – Tony Haan, Secretary – Peggy Bryant, Treasurer – Jim Westfall.

2009 Feature: The featured tractors will be Allis Chalmers & Rumely. Fairbanks Morse gas engines will also be featured.

2008 Show Statistics: A comparison of the main display categories between 2007 and 2008 follows. Displays such as implements, chain saws, etc are not included in this table.

2007 / 2008
Tractors / 184 / 255
Gas Engines / 236 / 189
Garden Tractors / 55 / 63
Antique Cars / 24 / 20
Total Exhibitors / 213 / 310

There were 129 Oliver tractors displayed.

The Winners Are… There was stiff competition in the skillet toss, with more than 40 ladies trying for the trophies. The winners were Joni (4½” from the target), Phyllis (9 ¼”), and Jean (10”).

In the Cross Cut saw contest, Pat & TJ took first place with a time of 13.87 seconds. Joe & Seth came in second.

In the Tractor Skills contests, Ian Cunningham from North Judson won the Slow Race. Wendall Shallabarger from Pleasant Hill, Iowa won the Egg Race, the Pole and Cable contest, and the Barrel Roll. David Hull of West Lafayette won the Chain Race.

More than 60 youngsters participated in the Kiddie Tractor Pull.

Current Membership: As of 9/1/08, the Association has 182 adult members, 57 lifetime members and 20 junior members.

Christmas Parade: At the August 21 Directors meeting, the decision was made to not have a float in the annual Lafayette Christmas parade. The Association will reserve a place in the parade, so anyone who would like to participate may bring tractors, antique cars, or other machinery to the parade. We’re planning to pull one of the shuttle wagons for those who want to ride and wave.

2008 Financial Report: The Association’s 2008 financial report is attached to the newsletter for your review. We took in over $14,000 more than we spent for the year. This profit will be used to buy several items that we need, including an up to date computer system, more sitting benches, covers for both the shuttles, fans for the eating areas, and more tables and chairs. The Directors feel that it is important to have more of a financial cushion than we’ve had in the past, so we’re planning to invest about $5,000 in a Certificate of Deposit. That would be used as our emergency fund in case we had a really bad year where we were totally rained out. Even though we would have to pay a penalty for early withdrawal, it would be minimal.

Upcoming events: There are several upcoming events that you’ll want to mark on your calendars.

§  Christmas Party and auction – Saturday, December 6, 6:00 p.m. at Westfall’s – meat and drinks will be furnished.

§  Lafayette Christmas Parade – Sunday, December 7 - Details will be provided for participants.

§  29th Annual Show – July 24, 25, 26, 2009

2010 Show: The 2010 show will feature International tractors and engines, as we will host the IHC Chapter 7 meet. Some other Indiana Chapters may also join with Chapter 7 for a larger show. Steve Butram is involved with the Chapter 7 group, and will be working on plans for the 2010 show.

TSGPA Website: Visit the TSGPA website at www.tsgpai.org for information about the association and the show. We’ll try to get some of the pictures from this year’s show out on the site in the next few months. Thanks again to Dave’s Computer World in Brookston for hosting the website for us at no charge.

Suggestions Please: As always, we need your input on how to improve the show and the association. Let us know what you think! Talk to one of your Directors about how you think we can do better.

Future Shows: Are you a member of a specific antique tractor, equipment or gas engine collectors group that is looking for a partner club to host a meet? Considering how well this year’s HPOCA National Summer Show went, we might consider doing this type of show again. Please contact one of the Directors listed below if you have contacts and ideas.

President’s Comments: Once more I would like to thank everyone who contributed so much in such a short time during the show (not to leave anyone out). I would also like to thank Peggy & Jim for all they have done and continue to do. Also, I would like to thank Dick Westerhouse for spearheading this chance to host the Hart Parr Oliver Collectors Association National Summer Show. The large attendance brought in some very much welcome income so the club can upgrade and renew some things that are necessary to put on such a great show. Hopefully, everything will continue to grow in the years to come.

Everyone, start on your Allis Chalmers projects for next year – it is never too early. Hope to see everyone at the Christmas party for food and fun.


Memberships / 2,218.00
Christmas Party Auction / 2,609.50
Food Booth Commissions / 2,275.00
Flea Market / 1,246.50
Monsanto donation / 3,000.00
Tate & Lyle donation / 1,000.00
Mike Muller donation / 750.00
Americus Quilting Club donation / 100.00
Joe Anthrop donation –milk can sales / 95.00
Brass Coin donations / 278.00
Shuttle donations / 277.94
Misc. donations / 279.00
Sale of blacksmith items / 459.00
Sale of Show Plaques / 24.00
Hats and Shirts Sales / 675.00
Sale of Buttons from Show / 214.00
Sale of Straw from Show / 392.00
Sale of ad space in gate book / 1,625.00
Sale of wheat / 3,216.23

Sale of ice

/ 607.00
Sale of Lumber from Show / 55.00

Oliver Gang Tent re-imbursement

/ 2,131.01

Parks Dept. damage deposit refund

/ 100.00

2008 Gate Gross Receipts

subtotal 21,587.00
less start up amount 4,000.00
Total 17,587.00 / 17,587.00
Gross Total Income / 41,214.17


Office Supplies / 756.30
Rental of Show Grounds / 600.00
Insurance / 1,880.25
Postage Stamps / 598.39
Christmas Party / 284.64
Christmas Parade Float / 619.83
Show Buttons and Ribbons / 768.50
Show Plaques / 839.77
Shirts / 1,030.00
Dumpster / 475.00
Post Office Box Rental / 26.00
Accounting Service / 375.00
Ice / 564.00

Expenses (continued)

Signs / 232.00
Registration start up money / 150.00
Printing of Gate Books / 1,172.96
Band / 600.00
Rental of portable restrooms / 727.92
Rental of generators / 1.094,87
Rental of tents / 3,932.36
Rental of traffic signs / 31.50
Bean Supper (2006 & 2007) / 331.16
Trash Bags & restroom supplies / 408.48
Church Service / 50.00
Rental of storage space / 300.00
Web site design / 222.10
Exhibitor Prize (pedal tractor) / 200.00
Pizza for clean-up crew / 217.00
Marking paint & striping machine / 279.69

Steam kettle

/ 107.00

Parks Dept. damage deposit

/ 100.00

Stage steps

/ 92.96

Bottled gas for Inspired Fire

/ 13.90

Grounds repair

/ 350.00

Propane for gas engines

/ 73.21

Hauling steam engines & shuttle

/ 788.00

Stone for drive to bottoms

/ 572.11


Tipp.Twp. Fire Dept 2,500.00

Heritage United Methodist 300.00

Boy Scout Troop 335 100.00

Total Contributions

/ 2,900.00


TV 18 1,335.00

Flyers 358.12

WKOA Radio 250.00

WKHY Radio 252.00

WASK Radio 100.00

Farm Collector Directory 177.40

Farm Collector Magazine 150.00

Gas Engine Magazine 150.00

Total for Ads

/ 2,790.52

Total Expenses

/ $ 26701.45

Net Income

/ $14,512.72 (gain)

Current Balance in Account (as of 8/31/08): $30,737.35