Meeting Summary

May 13, 2009

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Colorado Economic Recovery Accountability Board

Meeting Summary

May 13, 2009

ColoradoHistoryMuseum 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Boettcher Auditorium


May 13, 2009


1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Boettcher Auditorium


  1. Board Members:

Don Elliman (chair), André Pettigrew,State Treasurer Cary Kennedy, Taryn Edwards, Sandy Gutierrez (by phone) Tony Hernandez, Secretary of State Bernie Buescher, Reeves Brown, Admiral Richard Truly,Bob Gibson, Senator Moe Keller, Ray Baker

  1. Guests:

Sueann Ambron, Rachel Erbert, Jim Duncan, Corky Kyle, David McDermott, Steven Palmer, Lane Feingold, Kathryn Burrgert, Erik Cummings Phil Doty, Marcia Morgan, Andy white, Bennie Milliner, Renny Fagan, Mary Welch, Kathy Hale, Matt Tyburski, Vilma Hassert, Gary Elley, Burke Fort, Pam Stockburger, Karen Wick, Jamie Grim, Amy Humble, Beale Tejada, Monte Combe, Jenny Flanagan, Molly Beyer, Tim Gallagher, Pat McGuckin, Matt Wasserman, Melanie Keere, Dan Lubar

  1. Governor’s Office/OEDIT Staff, other State Agencies:

Lt. Governor Barbara O’Brien, Craig Welling,Mark Cavanaugh,Kyle Miller, Chris Smith, Myung Oak Kim, Molly Bolin, Linda Gallegos


  1. General Update from the Governor’s office

Don Elliman called the meeting to order and introduced Mark Cavanaugh of the Governor’s Office.

1. Mark Cavanaugh provided an update on federal guidelines and state projects.
Legislation has been introduced in Congress that would allow states to use existing stimulus funding for administrative costs.
The GAO (Government Accountability Office) is beginning their second round of meetings withindividual departments.They have indicated that their emphasis will be on local programs and projects. Specifically they will be looking at CDOT projects.
There is a start of a job creation methodology. Approximately every $92,000 of spend from the Recovery Actequates to one job. This includes turnover and part-time jobs. The State will have to report on how many jobs are created and retained.
The State is expected to receive approximately $50 million for the State’s Energy Program. The plan must be approved by the US Dept. of Energy.
CDOT has met their obligation goal (50 % of allocation of transportation dollars within 120 days) ahead of schedule.
The Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting along with the Joint Budget Committee have made the decision to set aside $70 million of the flexible state stabilization dollars along with a reserve of approximately $50million to help balance FY09 and FY10. The entire amount of stabilization dollars is $760 million. The bulk of that will be going towards Higher Education and K-12.

Meeting Summary

May 13, 2009

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2. Craig Welling, Deputy Legal Counsel for the Governor spoke about SB297.
This bill allows for a limited waiver of procurement statutes for Recovery Act dollars. This will allow the executive director of an agency to apply in exceptional circumstances(such as a deadline) for a limited waiver. The application for a waiver has to be approved by the agency executive director, the executive director of DPA and the Attorney General. Additionally it must do so without compromising the transparency and accountability aspects of the Recovery Act. The application for the waiver as well as the approval would be made available to the public.

3. Kyle Miller from the Governor’s Office discussed Tracking.
The Governor’s office is working with OMB (Office of Management and Budget) regarding reporting requirements. They are also looking at the federal guidelines as they become available. State agencies will be responsible for their plans, and the Recovery management team will ensure that those plans are in place.

Treasurer Kennedy recommended the creation of a monthly progress report on all stimulus funds that have been released throughout the state.

  1. Presentation by Lieutenant Governor Barbara O’Brien on “Race to the Top”

“Race to the Top” is a stand- alone competition for any state,and is linked to stimulus funds. The Lt. Governor’s office is headingColorado’s efforts in this competition. $4.35 billion dollars have been set aside to fund those states (approximately 8-10) that will be selected in this competition. More information on this can be found at the Lieutenant Governor’s website at:

  1. Presentation by State Treasurer Kennedy on Bonding Issues

Newly passed HB 1346 enables local governments to take advantage of new financing provisions on the Recovery Act.

Treasurer Kennedy provided handouts on bond provisions that can be found at

  1. Review of Bucket List

It is a comprehensive list of what we know about the funding streams that could apply to the state. It will provides departments contacts. It will also show where information is available and where the information is yet to come. This list can be found at

  1. Review of “ARRA- What it Means for Colorado”
    This corresponds with the bucket list. It can also be found at The purpose of this report is to provide a place where information regarding the Act is clearly defined for the public.

Meeting Summary

May 13, 2009

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F.Website Update

Chris Smith showed a PowerPoint presentation on the website. Changes to the homepage include a simplification of banners and images. New tabs include “Spurring Innovation, “Strengthening Communities” and “Creating Jobs”.

Board meeting handouts can be found under Accountability Board tab and then Meeting Information. Handouts will be on the website prior to each Board meeting.

The “Projects” tab now includes- New Energy Economy, and Education- “Race to the Top”.

The FAQ section is constantly evolving and can be found under the “Resources” tab.

André Pettigrew suggested tracking the number of state outreach events related to the stimulus funds.

Reeves Brown asked about a method of showing on the website the number of jobs created to date resulting from the stimulus funds.

G.Public Input/Questions

What is the process that the Board uses to engage with state agencies regarding the stimulus funds?
Don Elliman responded that the CERAB staff has asked each agency to submit a plan for the distribution of the funds. The plan addresses a list of 22 questions created by staff. Those plans and the progress of those plans are reviewed by staff.
Are the existing projects eligible for the Recovery bonds?
Treasure Kennedy responded that they were eligible for refinancing under the new guidelines.
Is there a vision for a consolidated view, on a daily basis, of all the projects underway at a state level?
Mark Cavanaugh responded that OMB (Office of Management and Budget) will be handing down information for a system designed to assist in gathering information. In the meantime, the individual agencies, particularly CDOT and GEO, will have specific project data.
Taryn Edwards stated that private industry is currently compiling their own data, in collaboration with the Denver Metro Chamber and Association of General Contractors. They will coordinate with the CERABstaff regarding their findings.
Will the Grant Coordinator only be working for the State in helping the State apply for grants at a federal level?
Don Elliman responded that the Grant Coordinator will be a resource for anyone in the state, to inquire about grant opportunities. The other part of the position will be to identify competitive opportunity funding areas and ensure that someone is assigned in those areas that will be a resource for people interested in obtaining those grants.
H.Next Meeting
The next meeting date will be posted on the website as soon as it has been determined.
The Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting will talk about the Stabilization Fund.
Tracking will be discussed.
There will be an updated Bucket List.
The Governor’s Office of Information Technology will make a presentation.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned.