Quarter 2 Project – Reading Ms. Varraso

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The young adult, break-out novel, The Fault in Our Stars, has many parallels to the play Romeo and Juliet. Both texts portray teenagers who are in love and must face death and unlucky fate at a very young age.

Complete ONE of the choice projects below (worth 100 points).

DUE: project must be completed by Friday, November 22, 2013.

Directions: Choose one project from the following choices. Your project should be thorough, complete, creative if applicable, and it needs to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the novel. All of these choices are independent projects.

Alternative Ending:

For this choice you need to write an alternative ending for the novel. Your alternative ending should be written in the same format as The Fault in Our Stars. In other words, you should write your alternative ending from the viewpoint of Hazel with dialogue between multiple characters. You can choose to start your alternative ending at any point in the novel, but your new ending should be at least two pages typed. You will be graded on how well your ending fits within the structure of the novel, as well as the items mentioned in the rubric.

Instagram or Tumblr profile page including 20 images

For this project you need to create an Instagram or Tumblr page for one of the characters from the novel and post 20 pictures that summarize the important moments or activities of the novel. You may either present your profile on a poster for viewing in the classroom or on the actual website (give Ms. Varraso the user name and password for the site).

Your creation should look authentic. You also need to include a one page explanation of all your choices (typed or handwritten, double-spaced).

Movie Soundtrack:

For this project you need to choose 8 songs that you would include in a soundtrack for a movie production of the novel. You need to provide the lyrics to the songs (edit them for inappropriate language), and you need to write a paragraph for each song that explains how the song relates to the novel and which scene in the film the song would most likely be played.

Artifact Collection:

For this project you need to create an artifact collection from the novel. You need to collect 8 items that you feel are essential to the plot, main characters, conflict, symbols, or themes of the novel. You need to arrange your collection in a box or container of some kind and write an explanation of the importance of each item (one paragraph for each item). You will be graded on how well your project relates to the novel, the creativity of your choices, and your explanations for your choices.

Graphic novel or comic book

For this project you need to create a graphic novel or comic book that covers each chapter in the novel. Your comic book should have a total of 25 pictures (one for each chapter in the book) with a caption, words, or dialogue for each picture. Make sure to pick an important moment in each chapter and include any dialogue that might be spoken in that scene. This project should include color.

Project Rubric

1 / 2 / 3 / Comments / Score
Requirements /25 / The project did not meet any of the requirements listed on the assignment sheet / The project met some of the requirements listed on the assignment sheet / The project met all of the requirements listed on the assignment sheet
Accuracy /25 / The project did not accurately reflect the novel / The project made some mistakes regarding elements of the novel / The project depicted elements of the novel in a thoughtful, accurate way
Creativity /25 / The project seemed uninspired / The project demonstrated some creativity / The project was completed with critical thinking and personal refelction
Effort/Presentation /25 / The project seemed to have required very little effort / The project seemed to have required come effort / The project seemed to have required a lot of effort