Ms. Amanda Scout

English – Grade 7

New York State Learning Standards – English 7

v  Grade 7 Reading:

* Literacy Competencies:

Word Recognition

·  Use a variety of word recognition strategies, such as letter-sound correspondence, syllable patterns, decoding by analogy, word structure, use of syntactic (grammar) cues, and use of semantic (meaning) cues, to read unfamiliar words quickly and accurately

·  Use multiple sources of information, including context, to self-monitor and self-correct for word-reading accuracy

v  Grade 7 Writing:

* Grade-specific Performance Indicators:

Written Language Conventions

·  Use legible print or cursive handwriting, or word processing, as is appropriate to the writing context

·  Revise writing to improve organization, clarity, and coherence

·  Edit writing to adhere to the conventions of written English

v  Grade 7 Speaking:

* Literacy Competencies:


·  Participate actively and productively in group discussions

* Grade-specific Performance Indicators:

Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and


·  Ask questions to clarify information

Lesson Objectives

·  Students will continue to practice with mechanics/usage/grammar (MUG) skills in their MUG Shot notebooks.

·  Students will correct a sentence containing errors and discuss corrections with teacher and the whole class.

·  Students will also continue to practice with Commonly Confused Words on a worksheet – students will start it in class with the teacher and finish independently for homework.


§  SmartBoard – for MUG Shot & CCW examples (*see saved “SmartBoard Slides”)

§  Commonly Confused Words Practice #1 WS for students (*saved as “commonly confused words practice”)

§  Commonly Confused Words list

§  Pens/Pencils

§  MUG Shot Notebooks


1.  At the start of class the students will be given a MUG Shot (a sentence containing errors) on the SmartBoard.

2.  Students will have about 3 minutes or so to correct these errors after writing the sentence in their MUG Shot notebooks.

3.  The teacher will call on student volunteers to come up to the SmartBoard and correct the errors in the sentences – 1 correction per student volunteer.

4.  The students will record all corrections and once all are made, students will then rewrite the sentence again in its final correct form in their notebooks.

5.  The teacher will then show the MUG rules and definitions that apply to the sentence corrections and the students will write these in their notebooks as well.

6.  When all students are done writing, they’ll set their notebooks aside and write down the homework (written under the agenda on the chalkboard) into their planners.

7.  The teacher will then pass out a copy of the Commonly Confused Words Practice #1 WS to each student and have them take out their Commonly Confused Words lists.

8.  The teacher will then read the directions on the worksheet and go over examples 1-4 on the worksheet on the SmartBoard.

9.  The teacher will have student volunteers come and make corrections on the SmartBoard for these examples.

10.  The teacher will ask and answer any questions the students may have after each example.

11.  If there is time remaining, the teacher will give the students a chance to continue working on the worksheet independently.


·  The teacher will:

ü  Take the last 5 minutes or so to answer any other questions the students may have.

ü  Remind students to finish the worksheet for homework and that it will be collected tomorrow, then graded.

ü  Remind students of the quiz on Friday and that they need to study their MUG Shots and the Commonly Confused Words to prepare.


·  Students will be assessed on their participation during the MUG Shot sentence and Commonly Confused Words activities using the SmartBoard.

·  Students will be assessed through a short quiz that will be given at the end of the week covering all material for the week involving MUG Shots and Commonly Confused Words.

Name ______

Period ______Commonly Confused Words: Practice 1

Directions: Put a line through the error and write the correct word above the error.

1.  My gerbil got lose and chewed a whole in the shoe box.

2.  Their going to there grandmother’s house for they’re family reunion.

3.  We’re going too the game first, and than out two eat.

4.  Its not easy too crawl threw this narrow hole.

5.  I am vary excited about the concert.

6.  We learned about cause and affect relationships in English class.

7.  Its difficult to chose a favorite food.

8.  I did not no about the knew cell phone policy.

9.  Do you think the decision you made will effect there decision?

10.  James through the ball threw the whole in the fence.

11.  My tastes very when it comes too vegetables.

12.  Your always eating two fast.

13.  You’re true friends will except you for who you are.

14.  He must right an essay for homework.

15.  I am going too shampoo the dog and I have all of it’s grooming supplies.

16.  Were going two the movies on Saturday.

17.  I walked buy the knew teacher today.