Annual Reports

First Church of God

January 8, 2017


I cannot believe it is already 2017. It seems like the year has just flown by. The excitement that we feel about 2017 however, far outweighs that wonderment. It is as if God is ready to break through. It reminds me of the passage in Genesis 38 which talks of the birth of Perez. In Hebrew, the name Perez, roughly translates as to break forth. It seems that when Judah and Tamar gave birth to him that he broke forth into this world. I look for the time when God once again breaks forth not only in our congregation but also this community. As far as the future, we do not know what the future holds for us personally but we do know who holds the future and God also holds our hands.

My greatest gratitude and humbleness appreciation must first go to the Holders. Many times, I have felt that I am Solomon to his David. David in the scriptures laid the foundation for the temple by acquiring the resources and training the people in order for Solomon to build it. Bro. Holder has laid deep foundations in this church that God is now bringing forth.

This year of 2016 has been an eventful year for this congregation. We have had over 176 visitors to our services. The Holy Spirit has been present in our midst and evident. We always need his constant presence!

But 2016 has been an eventful year in Mine, Ami and Annie’s life as well. We moved into our new home on Rose St. which has enabled us to host several church fellowships as well as training and services. I also graduated with my Master’s in Divinity and have enjoyed some much needed rest from schooling. Ami has become our prayer minister and is really being used of God to minister to our ladies. And Annie is now being homeschooled and is growing into her teenage years.

I have continued this year to do those extra church related ministries as I officiated or assisted in seven funerals or memorial services: Jim Irving, (June), Tina Wilburth (September), Rev. Elmer Wolford (September), Alfred White, Sr (October), Meredith Reus (November), Jason Gibson (December), and Charles Fuller (December). I also had the privilege to precede over three weddings, Jim and Jennifer Taylor (January), Dustin and Kara Combee (June) and Joe and Kayleigh Strehle (November). I also had the honor of a baby dedication (Elayna Jo).

I also continued this year teaching Sunday School as well as beginning life groups weekly (Burgers and Bibles) as well as leadership training. I am looking forward to next year with the continuing of both of these. I also met monthly with our state leadership for training and fellowship in our monthly cluster as well as with a team of great coaches who continue to pour into me.

This has again been a good year for the finances of the church as we have finished under budget. We were able to pay off the property as well as several other items. The narthex was remodeled. Looking at the report of our Treasurer, we find that we have given a total of $128,970.81 and that means our giving averaged $2480.21 each week. When we divide our weekly giving by our average Sunday Morning attendance (93) we find that we have given at an average of $26.67 per person per week. This does not count all of the special projects the various persons have funded. This is tremendous and we give God ALL THE GLORY for it. Take a look at the averages for the last 15 years.

Year S. School M. Worship E. Worship W. Evening Giving/Person

2001 34 75 37 20 $27.46

2002 34 75 35 22 $25.18

2003 43 85 42 25 $26.98

2004 41 86 43 20 $26.49

2005 38 79 37 15 $26.04

2006 41 85 40 23 $29.68

2007 43 87 43 28 $28.18

2008 55 98 57 48 $26.49

2009 53 94 51 52 $29.72

2010 47 90 58 61 $33.37

2011 62 104 61 91 $34.30

2012 58 104 57 102 $32.67

2013 42 82 52 76 $39.62

2014 51 101 52 74 $30.21 2015 51 90 62 66 $34.57

2016 52 93 46 68 $26.67

Not one of us has any concept of what this New Year will bring. We may be in heaven before the year is over because Jesus has come back or we just went to be with him. We don’t have any idea what circumstances we might face, but this one fact is sure. We can go into the year 2017 with our hand safely holding on to the hand of God, for He is already in the New Year.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Irving, Pastor


It has been my honor and pleasure to serve on the Board of Trustees for the last 5 years and as its chair for the last 3 years. I would like to thank all those who have served alongside me on the board. We have been challenged in many ways to use the finances God has given us to keep our church and grounds looking good and functional.

I would like to report that the board of Trustees has been honored to serve the congregation for this last year. God has richly blessed by the support we have received from all of you that have been involved in the improvements all around our church. Many have given of their time and labor as well as their finances which allowed us to do what has been done to improve the appearance of our church. Things like replacing the carpet in the office with new carpet, replacing the carpet in narthexwith ceramic tile, painting the offices and narthex. We were also able to replace all the toilets in the restrooms with new high rise, low water use ones. The shrub beds around the church are almost complete with new boarders and river rock adding to the beauty of the outside area. We would like to thank all who have given so much so our church can look as good as it does.

We also realize that there is more to be done to bring our church to where all the work that is needed can be completed. Some of the projects that are on the table for next year are; 1st, and most important is the sewer system being tied onto the city system. Approximate cost $30,000. Replace the carpet in the Sunday school hall with tile (we already have the tile, thin set, grout needed) balance needed to install $500. Re-surface and re-line entire parking lot and widen entrance by 5 foot. Cost $3,200, bid in hand. Finish the rock in shrub beds at back of church. Approximate cost $275. Pressure wash and paint church, estimate being obtained.

Please continue to pray for the Board as they work diligently to use what God blesses us with for His Glory and Honor. The Boards prayer is that ALL will come to the reality that it takes ALL our tithes and offerings put together to allow the church to do what God has challenged us to do

Respectfully Submitted,

2016 Chairman Board of Trustees – George Van Hassel


Looking back over the past year, giving thanks for our Sunday School Teachers, Bible Study Leaders and different types of Life Sharing Groups. We have 2 Senior Adult Classes in which Garry Dolin and George Van Hassel, the Teachers of each, demonstrated dedication in preparation for teaching and sharing the Lessons for increased Spiritual growth andBible knowledge, there is always more to learn, no matter our age. Another class was taughtby Pastor James,for youngerAdults to assist them in growing and learning more about the Bible andhow to apply thelessons of living day by day as followers of Jesus Christ. We also had 2 Youth classes led by Rex Cook and Dustin Combee to instruct and lead them into knowledge of the Bible and share God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ and how to live day by day regardless of problems and pressures they face. We have one children's class in which Tonya Guzaliak has been teaching and demonstrates dedication and preparation to assist them in learning the teachings and stories of the Bible. For a few months at the beginning of 2016, we had a teacher for the younger children, Fonda. We owe a great big "Thank you" to all these teachers. We also have Kayleigh working with Children's Church. Her heart is into leading children.

We have many other Groups available- Ladies Bible Study, Men's Bible Study, various Life Groups for different ages and interests for personal and Church Growth. We have different areas for involvement and we give thanks for all these and the Leaders of them. The last 2 Quarters of theSunday School year our Children's teacher, Tonya and Pastor James tried a new curriculum, which they like. This was developed so parents and

their children could learn and share lessons together and improving their communication with each other.

For 2017, we look forward to the continuation of the Classes and Groups we have, with some additional goals which include but not limited:

Teacher for the younger children

Assistance with children and Youth Programs

Increased Sunday School attendance

Additional Life or Sharing Groups as needed for reaching more people in the Church

Bible Study Groups for Spiritual growth for differing levels of Christian maturity.

I give thanks for the different ministries of our Church and would like each of us to seek God's will and be obedient to God's Plan for our Ministry. After all, Jesus was all about teaching and guiding others to follow Him as God's only Son, the only way to salvation and eternal life with God.

Respectfully submitted

Johnnie Van Hassel, Director


This year was an awesome year for First Church of God Eustis Youth. Being my first year as official Youth Pastor I have grown and learned so much. Not only that, but have been able to minister to many youth and have been able to see many lives changed. It was a great year and God has definitely taken us through some things. But in the mist of it we've had a lot of fun and built some great relationships with one another.

January: We focused on the transition of me taking over as Youth Pastor.

February: I took over as Youth Pastor and began to adjust and experiment on methods to minister with incorporated themes for our services.

March-May: Focused on going through the bible and learning the basics of Christianity and what the entire Word is even about. We had some fun with small activities outside the church like our afternoon in the park trips or bowling and skating. We also were working on raising money for Summer Camp through our Fish Dinners.

June: This was an awesome month because it was the month we got to go to Summer Camp. We took around 20 youth and had an incredible time. Had some older teenagers commit to starting leadership.

July-October: Saw a little decrease in number of youth in our group. Mostly due to the time of the year, but also I believe God was trying to chisel down our numbers to youth who were actually serious about following Jesus. Started going through the book of Matthew and showing Jesus' life and his teachings to us and to show us what it means to be a Christian and how to live. These months we also started up our Home Services and those have been great.

November: This month we started our Fish Dinners back up again. We also had SYC which is a big deal for our group. Had lots of fun and saw lots of lives changed. Also, we had some change in leadership.

December: Ending the year off with an awesome month filled with messages of the reason for the season and some fun parties. We added some new leadership to our group. Also, we had a super fun Lock-In New Year’s Eve.

This is all that has gone on in our youth group this year. It's been a great transition and starting place for where I believe God wants us go. I thank everyone who has helped in a physical, financial, or spiritual way. You are a big part of this youth group. We are super excited for this next year. Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bro. Dustin Combee, Youth Pastor


The year 2016 has been a very challenging, yet rewarding year for our Children's Ministry. Below are some if the events that took place in 2016 regarding our Children.

-February 14th Mrs. Tonya's class Valentines Day Party
-Feb 14th Youth & Children Park & Hearts
-February 26th Children's Drive In Movie
-March 20th Youth & Children Movie Day
-March 26th Children's Easter
-August 1-7 VBS and Day Camp
-October 31st Halloween Party
-November 24-25 Kids Lock In
-December 18th Tonyas class Children's Christmas Party
-December 18th Children's Christmas

This year my goals are to to seek a teaching area fully dedicated to our children (ages 5-7 & 8-11), to recruite willing volunteers to work in our nursery program and help teach our kids on Sunday Morning and Wednesday nights with an upper and lower elementary class. We have also been hard at work on preparing the nursery to be a safe and enjoyable area for our younger children and babies (ages 0- 5 years). To begin with excellence we need to continue to build a strong and sturdy foundation on which our kids can lean on. We've experienced a time of waiting and trusting God in many areas to do something big and I believe that he has been preparing us for this time. A time to flourish in our Children's ministry and strive to do it with excellence, not only for our church but to ultimately advance Gods kingdom.

Respectfully submitted,

Kayleigh Whitesides


The Church Council attempted to meet once each month this year to plan and promote the ministry of the church and to give guidance to various activities. This next year we will begin meeting weekly for prayer and planning.


JANUARY: On January 3rd, we held our Annual Business Meeting and Carry-In Dinner and on January 8the WCG held its Roast Beef/Baked Chicken Dinner. On January 9th we had our annual All Ministries council. The Eustis Gospel Sing was held in our building on January 15 and Dane Bailey was here for a concert and auction on January 31.