Terms For The Request and Supply of Special

Police Services Under Section 25 Police Act 1996

I (Name of Event Organiser)duly authorised by and acting on behalf of (name of organisation) hereby request the provision of Special Police Services (SPS) by the Chief Constable of Kent Police upon the following terms and conditions:

  1. The Chief Constable of Kent Police will provide to (name of organisation) SPS under Section 25 of the Police Act 1996. In determining the level of SPS to be provided for the event, the Parties shall have regard to public safety. Such police personnel shall be deployed by the Chief Constable within the area at or near the location of the Event.
  1. The Event Organiser will pay the charges for SPS at the rates determined from time to time by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Kent (PCC).
  1. The amount of time each relevant member of Kent Police staff is to be deployed at the Event shall include the following:

i) Travelling from home Place of Duty to the Police Briefing Pont and/or where the event takes place

ii) Briefing instructions

iii) Pre-event public control

iv) The event itself and public dispersal

v) De-briefing

vi) Travel to home Place of Duty.

  1. The number, rank/grade of officers and staff supplied by Kent Police at any event, and the time for which they are deployed, will be as determined appropriate by the Chief Constable (or authorised representative) having regard to any information or intelligence, any representations from the Event Organiser and, any other appropriate matters relative to the Event.
  1. VAT will be added to all charges made under this agreement where applicable. Payment is to be made to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent (PCC) in advance of the provision of the SPS and, if payment is via cheque, in sufficient time for the payment to be cleared by the bank clearing system before the provision of the SPS.
  1. Should the PCC agree to any other payment arrangements, payment will be made on the date specified by the PCC. If the payment is not made by the date specified the PCC will charge daily interest at the rate of 3% above the lending rate of the PCC Bankers from the date of the invoice until the date of settlement. The PCC reserves the right to commence proceedings for the recovery of any debt outstanding including unpaid interest after the expiry of the agreed payment date.
  1. If the request for SPS in respect of any event is cancelled then provided at least 15 clear working days written notice of cancellation is given by the Event Organiser to Kent Police no charge will be made. If less than 15 clear working days’ notice is given then the Event Organiser will be liable for 100% of the agreed costs. Where the Event is abandoned after commencement, the Event Organiser will be obliged to pay the agreed costs as if the Event had concluded.
  1. The Chief Constable may, on occasions where SPS are not provided, deploy any officer(s) inside the event location for the purpose of intelligence gathering. The Event Organiser will not be charged for the deployment of these officer(s) and will not charge Kent Police any admission fee, etc., unless previously agreed by both Parties. Any officer deployed inside the event location in these circumstances will be under no obligation to the Event Organiser whatsoever to assume responsibility for any situation that may arise during the course of the Event, irrespective of whether or not it would seem the most appropriate course of action
  1. All reasonable steps will be taken by the Chief Constable to provide the level of SPS requested. The Event Organiser accepts that in instances of operational emergency the Chief Constable or his representative may direct officers to other duties without incurring any liability whatsoever for any cancellation or amendment to planned deployments, or any other consequences flowing from the redeployment of officers or staff.
  1. The Event Organiser agrees that it is solely responsible for public safety at the Event and that it will take all appropriate steps to ensure public safety and compliance with the terms of any Safety Certificate or other relevant licence granted in relation to the Event.

Signed for and on behalf of Event Organiser




Signed for and on behalf of Kent Police








Kent Police has determined that the following level of Special Police Services are to be provided at the above-mentioned event:

[set out deployment]

Being duly authorised to do so by the Event Organiser, I hereby request, and agree that the Event Organiser will pay for, the said Special Police Services. The request for and supply of the said SPS shall be on the terms set out in the agreement to which this form is Schedule 1.

Signed for and on behalf of Event Organiser


