Organised by Income Equality Aotearoa New Zealand Inc

More equal societies work better for everyone

Brief notes of the Tauranga Area group CLOSING THE GAP MEETING, THURSDAY 21ST APRIL, 201

Present; Peter, Gary, Marlene, Julian, Sheelagh, Chris, Ron M., Brian, Gray

2). Minutes of meeting; 18th March 2016; Approved

3). Finances; no change

4). Strategies local body elections;

Discussion; Who should we try to influence, On a Bell Curve of population distribution, there will be about 15-20% closest to our philosophy, and about the same percentage at the opposite end. Communication experts suggest don’t try and change their views but concentrate on getting the middle 60-70% onside. To help with this, look at the opposite end opinions and develop research based counter arguments.

All to compile a list of the “anti’s” opinions and possible repudiations with research, to be forwarded to Peter by 29th April. All

Tauranga City Council; only a small number are on our side. A significant number are anti so concentrate on the supporters and their allies

A number of others including media are to be approached

(Note; Whittaker’s book; Things To do).

5). Recommended readings; Paul Mason, Post Capitalism; Guy Standing, The Procariat: The Dangerous Class

6). Developing political awareness by raising Closing the Gap- a number of people are to be approached

7.Approach to DHB not done

8.Sustainable Business network Linked to decile 1 school nothing yet

9.Press statements Peter requests any ideas for press statements to him please

10). CtG Board

- Julian has resigned due to work load. There are a number of others in the pipeline for the national board

11). Tax videos;

- under direction of the media person at, Otumoetai College, she and the students finished filming the 7 tax videos, during the holidays

- they are now editing and formatting

- suggestions on acknowledging the pupils achievements

Note; $300 already donated to College;

-  To have a combined function including;

-  Invite pupils, their parents, some staff and us.

-  Showing the film “The divide” which should be available in June

-  Show the Tax Videos

-  Have the students and a professional withdraw and critique this video

-  Rejoin to have a shared social time, with finger food provided by CtG committee and maybe a contribution from the school’s chef

-  To ensure there are tables and some seating so that people are mixed up.

-  Suggested critics; Robyn Malcolm, Ron M.’s daughter

-  Suggested time/date/place; a Friday before the school holidays that commence on July 8th, at a college audiovisual room.

-  Revisit at next meeting

-  Note; excellent movie critic is metacritic

12). Housing affordability and the Social Sector group; may not be worth attending

13). The film “The Divide” no further information Ron L looking after

14). Equality Network Hui;

- 3 documents being produced; record of the meeting( has gone to all), other notes of the evening by Marianne Elliot of Action Station, and Rashbrooke’s paper

- a plan for action will follow

- Max Rashbrooke is taking time out as the networker as has scholarship to write a book

= Rae Julian is taking over his role

15). Where to from here;

- as outlined in 4) above

- dialogue with Gareth Morgan; invite to meet with CtG later this year for us to hear his proposals/thinking and discover his raison d’etre

Note; Gareth’s World blog very worthwhile looking at.

16); ideas for starting groups in other cities;

- individual approaches to possible interested people, and invite to informal gathering/morning tea/breakfast/post work

- if positive response get each person to invite one other

17.Student interest in inequality. Being followed up

18. Engage staff at other colleges Being followed up

19. Poly Tech involvement Being followed up

Next meeting; 7.45 am, Highlands café Cameron rd, Thursday 12th May.
