Canadian and World Politics


Body 12-15 page (max 20 pages) paper12 Font

Double spacedCover page

Minimum 5 literary sourcesArial/ New Times Roman

APA Citation FormatMinimum 30 footnotes

FootnotedAnnotated Bibliography

Choose one of the following topics in consultation with instructor:

  1. Evaluate one major ideology
  2. Explain its existence today with a Canadian focus
  1. Discuss and evaluate the past, present, and future of any significant Canadian Foreign Policy Position of the 20th Century
  1. Evaluate the past, present, and future role of any international governing body such as the United Nations, or World Trade Organization, or International Monetary Fund as global governing bodies.
  1. One of the topics provided on the suggested list

Unacceptable sources:

No internet

No encyclopedia

No newspapers

Due Date: To be announced.

Major Research Topics


Mr. Woo


Amnesty International



Prime Ministers and Presidents

The Work of The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald


Capital Punishment


Canadian & U.S. Government Structure

Gun Control

U.S. as a Dictatorship


Crimes Against Humanity

Resistance Movements


Different World Government Systems

FLQ - October Crisis

Government in Disney World

Military coup d'etat in Chile

U.S. Use of Its Military as a Political Tool

War Against Drugs

Same Sex Marriage



Cuban Missile Crisis

France's Ban of Religious Symbols in Schools

Native Oppression

Globalization v. Terrorism

Electoral Reform

October Crisis (FLQ)

Sovereignty in Quebec

Watergate Scandal

Assassinations of US Presidents

Same Sex Marriage

Causes & Means of Solving Conflict

Evolution of Politics in the US

US Political Intervention

Political Assassinations (non-US Presidents)


North Korea Threat

Revolutions are Inevitable

Death Penalty

Human Rights

Affirmative Action

Health Care Privatization

Americanization of Canada

European Union

Quebec Separation

Business Conglomerates

Same Sex Marriage

Chechnya Separation

War in Iraq

Defederalization of the United States

Palestine-Israeli Conflict

Women's Rights

Why Governments Fail

Electoral Systems

World Wide Governments

Cyprus Border

Separation of Church&State

Drugs Laws & Enforcement

Kyoto Protocol

US Backed Assassinations & Coups

Constitutional Requirements to Hold Office

Canadian Military

Children's Rights

Youth Gangs

Police Brutality


Human Rights

Rwandan Genocide


Religion in Politics

War in Iraq (AGAINST)

Health Care

Joint Task Force 2


Gun Control


War in Iraq (FOR)

Hate Crimes



Conspiracy Theories

Electoral Systems (FPTP)

Affirmative Action

Same Sex Marriage

Clinton Impeachment

Political Undertones in Literature

Quebec Separatism

Aboriginal Sovereignty

Watergate Scandal

Transgender Rights

Israel and Palestine

Sponsorship Scandal

FLQ Crisis

Health Care


Slavery Reparations

Abortion (Against)

Same Sex Marriage

Evolution of Human Rights


Criteria / Level 1(50-59%) / Level 2 (60-69%) / Level 3 (70-79%) / Level 4 (80-100%)
Knowledge / Demonstrates poor knowledge of terms and concepts / Demonstrates fair knowledge of terms and concepts / Demonstrates good knowledge of terms and concepts / Demonstrates excellent knowledge of terms and concepts
Inquiry and Understanding / Demonstrates poor inquiry and research of topic
Shows poor understanding of concepts and their relationships / Demonstrates fair inquiry and research of topic
Shows fair understanding of concepts and their relationships / Demonstrates good inquiry and research of topic
Shows good understanding of concepts and their relationships / Demonstrates excellent inquiry and research of topic
Shows excellent understanding of concepts and their relationships
Communication / Body of essay poorly organized and shows poor logical order of argument
Meets a few of paper requirements.
The transitions between ideas are unclear or non-existent. / Body of essay fairly organized and shows fair logical order of argument
Meets some of paper requirements.
Some transitions work well; but connections between other ideas are fuzzy. / Good organization of body of essay and shows good logical order of argument
Meets most of paper requirements.
Transitions clearly show how ideas are connected, but there is little variety. / Body of essay excellent organization and shows excellent logical order of argument
Meets all of paper requirements.
A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected.
Application / Draws poor arguments and conclusions
Poorly speculates on the consequences of concepts and conclusions / Draws fair arguments and conclusions
Fairly speculates on the consequences of concepts and conclusions / Draws good arguments and conclusions
Good speculation on the consequences of concepts and conclusions / Draws excellent arguments &conclusions
Excellent speculation on the consequences of concepts and conclusions

Canadian and World Politics