1 December 2012

Cuballing Tavern

Alton St Cuballing

  1. MEETING OPENED @ 12:30pm
  1. PRESENT: C Eales, J McKenzie, J Early, A McKenzie,J Gray, L Page, B Mumby, A Clark,
    K McKenzie, S Hogemeer.
  1. APOLOGIESK Gow, Bremner Family, R Taylor.

Minutes of the AGM held on December 2011 accepted as a true and correct record, as noted above.

MovedK McKenzie 2nd J Early

5.PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Presented by Chris Eales
So we meet again to wrap up 2012 and begin 2013 (and I have only just managed to get the sequence right for 2012).

What a great year we have enjoyed. We are like a great wine or cheese, getting better with age.

We have seen lots of great steps forward in the development of our facilities and our members, from the opening of the first stages of the grounds ( undercover arena and the cross country course which were opened by Tuck Waldron) to many new members joining the ranks, bringing with them fresh outlooks and skills as well as new friendships and collaborations.

Our activities have ranged from training days and clinics to educational sessions and competitions. Our profile in the equestrian community spreading as the place to be seen and competing, socialising and just being seen. A big thanks must go to all of the discipline and clinic coordinators for once again helping our members to realise their dreams and sharing those opportunities with the equestrian community.

Of course we were not without those destructive little elves trying to throw spanners in the works - a hive of bees on the xcountry course comes to mind) however, meeting adversity head on, those little elves got shown the door and we go again from strength to strength.

Many thanks to the committee who have worked very hard to rise up to the challenge of running our fantastic facility, one that we are still not familiar with yet.

Again this year many of our members have followed their dreams to success in the competition arena whilst others have furthered their officiating roles and others have enjoyed the camaraderie of belonging to a group of like-minded people. Congratulations everyone on your successes and may they continue into the future.

Welcome everyone to the end of the 2012 year and the beginning of the next chapter in the story that is DREA.

President’s report accepted as tabled

MovedK McKenzie, J McKenzie

6.FINANCIAL REPORTS – Presented byJacqui Early

J Early to ask Commonwealth Bank about auditing books.

Dryandra Regional Equestrian Association

Treasurer’s Report – AGM 1 December 2012

Please find attached financial report to 30 November 2012.

This year we transferred $11,275 to the joint Grounds Management Account held with NPRC. Breakdown as follows:



2012 (to 6/7/2012)$1350


This leaves a balance of $5070 still to be transferred for the remainder of the year.

The joint Grounds Account has paid for the purchase of the motorbike and arena rake, electricity, manure removal, contents & building insurance, slashing etc.

Please note that the Committee approved a budget of $20,000 for cross country course expenses from retained surplus from previous years. These expenses are currently sitting in the ODE Expense account which means there is currently a loss showing for the ODE. If you add this $20,000 back into the ODE account together with outstanding Healthway funding of $725, the event would have made a surplus of $18,110.52. However, normal XC expenses for an event would be approximately $8,000 which would mean the event would have made a surplus of approximately $10,000.

The show jumping championships have will break even once funding from EWA of $1500 is received. This event had unexpected expenses due to issues with watering the arena.

We also paid the $30,000 contribution to grounds development to the Shire of Cuballing this year which is why a loss is showing in the P&L account.

Major expenditure includes:

Contribution to Shire of Cuballing / $30,000.00
Dressage Arena / $4,280.00
Round Yard / $2,310.00
Cross Country course development / $20,000.00
Canteen / 13.65
Dressage training days / 465.50
Dressage Championships / 6,799.82
Event Club Income / 2,820.00
Interest Earned / 2,780.70
Memberships / 3,210.00
Dryandra ODE Income / 35,390.90
Dressage Clinics / 15,257.01
Adult Riders / 395.00
Eventing Clinics / 13,626.32
Reining/Trevor Jennings clinics / 5,585.00
Merchandise / 675.00
Show Jump Championships / 11,109.84
Income from previous year's activities / 1,605.00
Grants / 2,298.07
Ground Fee & yard fees still to transfer / 5,070.00
TOTAL INCOME / 107,101.81
Bank Charges / 59.65
Capital Expenses / 4,390.00
Dressage Training Days / 390.00
Dressage Championships / 5217.06
Equipment / 800.00
Event Club Expenses / 2,500.00
Float / 450.00
Insurances / 843.75
Miscellaneous / 43.50
Dryandra ODE Expenses / 38,005.38
Dressage Clinic Expenses / 14,911.80
Adult Riders / 65.00
Eventing Clinics / 10,811.70
Reining/Trevor Jennings clinics / 4,629.05
Relocation/Grounds development / 31,733.29
Water/Electricity / 375.94
General Administration / 222.95
Show Jumping Championships / 12,789.49
EFA Affiliation 2012 / 400.00
Sponsorship Expenses / 3,692.04
Previous year expenses / 463.85
TOTAL EXPENSES / 132,794.45
LOSS / -25,692.64
CHEQUE ACCOUNT / $1,588.04
ON LINE SAVER / $67,848.15
TOTAL CASH AT HAND (30/11/2012) / $69,436.19

Financial report accepted as tabled

MovedJ Early 2nd K McKenzie

7.ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS – All positions declared vacant - Chaired by Bree Mumby

Position / Nomination / Moved / Seconded / Accepted/Declined
President / Chris Eales
Nominated by J McKenzie / K McKenzie / J McKenzie / Accepted
Vice President / Kim McKenzie
Nominated by self / J Early / C Eales / Accepted
Honorary Secretary / Allison McKenzie
Nominated by K McKenzie
No further nominations / J Gray / J McKenzie / Declined
Position vacant
Assistant Secretary / No nominations / Position vacant
Honorary Treasurer / Jacqui Early
Nominated by McKenzie
S Hogermeer to shadow for succession. / K McKenzie / S Hogermeer / Accepted
Committee Members / L Page, R Taylor, J. McKenzie, A Clark / Accepted

7.1Other positions:

ODE Co-ordinators - J McKenzie, JEarly.

Dressage Event Co-ordinator -L Page.

Show Jump Event Co-ordinators - R Taylor, J Langford

Clinic Coordinator– J Gray

Sponsorship/Grant Application Coordinator/s -Left vacant,

Adult riders Co-ordinators – A McKenzie, A Clark.

Cuballing Shire Ground Committee – J Early, C Eales.

XC Co-ordinator – K McKenzie

Website – L Page

Facebook – B Mumby


  • 2013 membership fees- Moved to stay the same as 2012.
  • 2013 Calendar- J Gray to put the calendar together.


1st - Tegan Lush 61.538%
2nd –Leigh White 59.586%
3rd – Louise Eastwood 57.889%
Associate Senior:
1st - Joy Gray – 71.637%
2nd - Linda Page – 67.488%
3rd - Chris Eales – 67.442%
4th - Tegan Lush – 64.886% (Parkiarrup Puzzle)
5th - Louise Eastwood – 63.151 (Eucalypt Way)
Associate Junior:
1st – Katrina Reynolds – 69.091%
2nd – Chelsea Langford – 65.114%
3rd – Emily Early – 61.446%
4th – Courtney Perkins – 55.568%


NEXT MEETING – 7pm 18th December 2012.

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