Welcome students and staff.

Today is Monday, February 11, 2013.

Please stand for the pledge to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.

·  Reminder for seniors and teachers…schedules for completing the FFAA TODAY 3RD AND 4TH PERIODS have been distributed. Please come to the DOG HOUSE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD.

·  Thank you Paul McCants, Jonathan Ryan, Austin Ray, Emma Wise, Alexis Romeyn and Spencer Netwal for your help at the father daughter dance Friday night at the Tavares civic center. These kids came to culinary after school on Friday and stayed until the end of the event at 8:45 volunteering their services. Kudos to them.


o  Monday- dress in your favorite college colors

o  Wednesday- dress up in your Career Choice and teachers talk to your home-base about where you went to college and your college experience

o  Friday – wear your favorite college shirt.


·  11TH Graders Who would like to dual enroll @ Lake Sumter State College this summer or next fall should see Mr Stevens in guidance to sign up for the Pert Test.

·  10th Graders Who would like to dual enroll @ Lake Sumter State College this summer or next fall should see Mrs Timson in guidance to sign up for the Pert Test.

·  The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery will be given at our school on April 10, 2013, from 1:30-4:30. All juniors and seniors who are interested will need to sign up with Mrs. Augustine no later than March 15.

·  A FAFSA Workshop is being offered for seniors on campus with a representative from the Department of Education on Tuesday, February 12, from 12-3 p.m. in the D.O.G. HOUSE. The workshop is designed for seniors with extenuating circumstances that are planning to attend a post secondary institution in the fall. Space is limited and you must get prior approval to attend . The deadline to register is February 8th. See Mrs. Croker in the Guidance Office for more information.

·  Seniors who have completed the FFAA and did not submit their social security number will need to provide Mrs. Croker with a copy of their social security card as soon as possible. This must be done prior to graduation in order to meet the Florida Bright Future Requirement. Any questions, see Mrs. Croker.

·  Deadline for need-based scholarships is March 1, 2013. For more information, see Mrs. Morgan in Guidance or go to www.unf.edu/admissions/scholarships/Freshman Scholarship.Home.aspx

Senior Scholarships

(Pick up forms on table in Guidance Office)

Scholarship Deadline

Academic Boosters/Matt Mullis Scholarships 4/16/13

American Legion Scholarship www.legion.org/needalift

Art Institute www.Artinstitues.edu

Best Buy Scholarship http://www.college-financial-aid-advice.com/bes-buy-scholarship.html 2/15/13

Big Sun (for student athletes) http://www.bigsunathletics.com June 21, 2013

Cooperative Living Organization (Housing opportunity for UF and Santa Fe Students)

Criterion Civic Club March 31, 2013

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (For Minority Students ) April 1, 2013

Ellanora McGinty Scholarship Trust March 22, 2013

Florida Credit Union March 22, 2013

Florida JCI Senate Scholarship www.fljcifoundation.org

Hughes Exterminating Scholarship May 15, 2013

Kentucky Fried Chicken Scholarship www.kfcsholars.org February 10, 2013

Lake Sumter State College https://lscc.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com February 28, 2013

Lake Square Presbyterian Church April 2, 2013

Lake Tech Center (Must be attending Lake Tech next year) May 10, 2013

Marcia Morgan Memorial Scholarship (For students attending UCF) March 15, 2013

Martin Charitable Trust March 29, 2013

McKinney Charitable Trust March 29, 2013

Frank Paulhamus Scholarship March 20, 2013

Johnson Scholarship Foundation (Children of UPS Employees Or retirees) April 15, 2013

Johnson Scholarship Foundation (Students with Disabilities) May 15, 2013

Opera Club of the Villages (For Music Majors) March 17, 2013

Scholarship Experts Various

Scott A. Strong Scholarship March 5, 2013

SECO (Must have SECO as your power company) March 29, 2013

Service Scholars (Students attending FSU)

Southern Scholarship Foundation (housing opportunity)

Spring Creek Alumni Scholarship (Must have attended this school) April 15, 2013

SunTrust College Scholarship Sweepstakes (www.offtocollege.info.com) May 10, 2013

Student Scholarships (Updated 11/14/12 – New Scholarships added) Various

U. of North Fla. Scholarships (Must attend UNF) Various

http://www.unf.edu/admissions/scholarships/Freshman Scholarship Home.aspx

U. of South Fla. Scholarships (Must attend USF) www.usfkosovesociety.org

William J. English (For Computer Science or Information Technology Field) February 15, 2013

Women’s Committee of Fine Arts (Performing) March 8, 2013

Women’s Committee of Fine Arts (Visual) March 8, 2013

·  Lake-Sumter State College scholarships are now available online. The deadline for applying is February 28. See guidance for information.


·  The next Senior lunch will be today in the Bulldog Café. Seniors must show their new cards. No to go orders.

·  Herff Jones will be back on campus Tuesday and Wednesday - to distribute graduation announcements and supplies. Caps and gowns will not be given out until the senior picnic in May.

·  Seniors who have not completed the FFAA should make an appointment with Mrs. Croker. Reminder to all seniors that the FAFSA is available and is required for all postsecondary programs including Bright Futures.




·  There will be a Bulldog Buddies meeting after school today. We will be discussing upcoming events. If you cannot make it, please stop by and see Ms. Vineyard.

·  Ms. Vineyard’s class is selling teddy bears and Hershey’s kisses in the cafeteria during both lunches today through February 13th. These will be delivered 4th period on Valentine’s Day.

·  Valentine’s Day Candy Grams are on sale. See a National Honor Society member to purchase yours.


·  Congratulations to the Varsity Lady Dogs softball team winning against Umatilla Friday night with a score of 6-5. The lady dogs play tonight at home against Leesburg, JV at 5 and Varsity at 7. Come out and support your lady bulldogs!!


Leesburg Regional Medical Center (LRMC) is committed to assisting the local community, and volunteers are one area in which we can all give back. Previously LRMC has only been able to accept teen volunteers over the summer, but our resources and need for more volunteers have finally allowed us to devise a program that will allow teens, and college attendees, to work year round to gain experience and credit toward any scholarships that recognize volunteer work.

The LRMC auxiliary would like the opportunity to talk to your students about volunteering year round at our hospital. If you have an appropriate venue and or opportunity that you feel we could participate in please contact the hospital auxiliary officer of the day at 323-5060, Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. Ask to leave a message for Helen Cottom or Judy Lewis-Ellison.

We hope to offer a variety of areas for the students to work in, including the floors (where if they are interested they could shadow CNAs and/or RNs), or if their interest is in X-Ray technician we would like to place them in that unit. We always need volunteers who just want to get experience or scholarship credit to work in our lobby area, discharging patients directing visitors to the appropriate area, and answering the telephone. Students can work on weekends, holidays, or days off school, or in the afternoon, after school is out. Our goal is to place the students where their interests are, including dietary, sterile processing, the gift and thrift shops. We are not allowed to place any volunteers in the OB or Pediatrics units. Students would be required to attend an orientation session, and receive two TB tests (through the hospital) before beginning their volunteer work.

Applications may be obtained through the hospital auxiliary officer of the day.

Word of the Day


Fresh Air Word of the Day:

You're probably familiar with today's celebrant, pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) but you may little suspect its connection with another lungy word, namely pulmonary. They both go back ultimately to Greek pneumon, "lung," which was an alteration of pleumon, which in turn became pulmonarius in Latin.

On This Day in History

1752 - The Pennsylvania Hospital opened as the very first hospital in America.

1808 - Judge Jesse Fell experimented by burning anthracite coal to keep his house warm. He successfully showed how clean the coal burned and how cheaply it could be used as a heating fuel.

1812 - The term "gerrymandering" had its beginning when the governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry, signed a redistricting law that favored his party.

1858 - A French girl, Bernadette Soubirous, claimed to have seen a vision of the Virgin Mary near Lourdes.

1878 - The first U.S. bicycle club, Boston Bicycle Club, was formed.

1929 - The Lateran Treaty was signed. Italy now recognized the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City.

1936 - Pumping began the process to build San Francisco's Treasure Island.

1937 - General Motors agreed to recognize the United Automobile Workers Union, which ended the current sit-down strike against them.

1940 - NBC radio presented "The Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street" for the first time.

1943 - General Dwight David Eisenhower was selected to command the allied armies in Europe. (Today in World War II History)

1945 - During World War II, the Yalta Agreement was signed by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin. (Today in World War II History)

1957 - The NHL Players Association was formed in New York City.

1958 - Ruth Carol Taylor was the first black woman to become a stewardess by making her initial flight.

1960 - Jack Paar walked off while live on the air on the "Tonight Show" with four minutes left. He did this in response to censors cutting out a joke from the show the night before.

1968 - The new 20,000 seat Madison Square Garden officially opened in New York. This was the fourth Garden.

1972 - McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. and Life magazine canceled plans to publish an autobiography of Howard Hughes. The work turned out to be fake.

1975 - Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to head a major party in Britain when she was elected leader of the Conservative Party.

1979 - Nine days after the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned to Iran (after 15 years in exile) power was seized by his followers.

1982 - ABC-TV’s presentation of "The Winds of War" concluded. The 18-hour miniseries cost $40 million to produce and was the most-watched television program in history at the time.

1982 - France nationalized five groups of major industries and 39 banks.

1984 - The tenth Space Shuttle mission returned to Earth safely.

1989 - Rev. Barbara C. Harris became the first woman to be consecrated as a bishop in the Episcopal Church.

1990 - Nelson Mandela was freed after 27 years in captivity.

1990 - In Tokyo, Japan, James "Buster" Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson in the tenth round to win the heavyweight championship.

1993 - Janet Reno was appointed to the position of attorney general by U.S. President Clinton. She was the first female to hold the position.

2000 - The space shuttle Endeavor took off. The mission was to gather information for the most detailed map of the earth ever made.

2000 - Great Britain suspended self-rule in Northern Ireland after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) failed to begin decommissioning (disarming) by a February deadline.

2002 - The six stars on NBC's "Friends" signed a deal for $24 million each for the ninth and final season of the series.

2006 - In Texas, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a quail hunt.

2009 - John Dingell of Michigan became the longest serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He had more than 53 years of service.