Spring Valley Elementary

PDS Campus Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

October 9, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 3:39 p.m.

In attendance at the meeting were:

AlainHumphrey, Kindergarten Teacher

MarlaJaynes - First Grade Teacher

Audrey Swoveland - Second Grade Teacher

Susan Mathis - Third Grade Teacher

Erica Serrato - Fourth Grade Teacher

Kathleen Minshew - Instructional Technology Specialist

Christy Watley - Assistant Principal

Jay Fischer - Principal

Rachel Hisle – Parent/Community Representative

Debbie Perry -Curriculum and Instruction, MISD

Paula Gardner - Baylor Site Coordinator

Dr. Barbara Purdum-Cassidy - Baylor Content Faculty

Dr. Leanne Howell - Baylor University Liaison

  1. Steering Committee Goals:

Mr. Fischer reviewed the five goals for the PDS at Spring Valley Elementary developed by Dr. Howell and Mr. Fischer. The goals were based on the nine Professional Development Schools essentials. The goals were focused on Candidate Development, Teacher and Faculty Development, Professional Development and Practice, K – 4 Student Achievement, and Community Awareness. Dr. Cassidy shared that action research studies have increased inquiry on part of the interns and has encouraged interns to present action research results to the faculty and staff at Spring Valley Elementary. She offered opportunities for additional action research training if requested. Debbie Perry stated she is working with the math partnership and will be presenting at the AMTE conference. Dr. Howell welcomed any of the committee members who have comments or suggestions regarding the goals to share those with her.

  1. Technology IRB Series:

Paula Gardner shared that Kathleen Minshew, Instructional Technology Specialist, has begun a weekly professional development series for the teaching associates focused on best practices using instructional technology. She has presented two seminars focused on SAMR and TPACK, the ISTE Standards, and Creativity and Innovation. Paula is recording each professional development session and these videos will be uploaded to iTunes University so others may benefit from the series. Dr. Howell shared that before the series began, the TAs completed two pre-series surveys and will complete a post-series survey which will help in determining the improvement in the TAs’ self-efficacy in using instructional technology in their teaching. She also shared that TAs have completed an exit ticket to give feedback after each session. Susan Fletcher, Director of Instructional Technology, Mary Lou Glaesmann, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Brent Merritt, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Krys Goree, Director of the Office of Professional Practice, Christy Watley, Jay Fischer, and Jordan Oliver, Baylor intern, all attended the series seminar on October 9.

The data that has been and will be collected throughout the year with regards to the professional development technology series will be used in research that is evaluating the self-efficacy of teaching associates in the use of instructional technology. Dr. Howell shared that a research proposal has been submitted and approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard, Baylor University.

  1. Overview of Program for Remainder of the Semester:

There are 18 TAs in Spring Valley Elementary classrooms during the fall semester. Twelve of those TAs will be moving into their internship year in the spring. The other six TAs will be assigned to different campuses in the spring to complete their math content semester. TA assignments will be made in December for the spring.

  1. Professional Development Opportunities:
  2. TAIR Conference – Dr. Howell shared that the TAs will not be on campus on Oct. 21 as they will be attending the annual TAIR conference at Baylor University. Mr. Fischer encouraged teachers interested in attending the conference to contact him for additional information.
  3. NAPDS – Dr. Howell shared that a proposal is being submitted for consideration to the National Association of Professional Development Schools for the national conference held in March in Atlanta, Georgia. The presentation will focus on the research being conducted involving the teaching associates. Additionally, a conference proposal will focus on the process for becoming a professional development site.
  1. Vision of Steering Committee:

Formal observations of the TAs will begin Monday, October 13, with Dr. Howell and Paula Gardner observing the TAs during a 45 minute lesson. Dr. Cassidy will continue to be visible in the classrooms to show support of the clinical instructors and TAs.

The next meeting will be held on November 18 at 3:30 in the PDS room.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10.